RHJ Weekly Update
September 13 Update
Welcome to the end of another great week of learning! We have now officially had two full weeks of school. Routines are falling into place and the year has started with amazing positive energy. We are excited for what the 2024-25 school year will bring for our 440 RHJ Ravens.
Please see below for your weekly update.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns via email at gregory.cruickshank@eips.ca.
Greg, Glenda, and the RHJ Team
Upcoming Dates
- September 23: School Council AGM 6:00
- September 26: Terry Fox Run at RHJ (11:40-12:17)
- September 27: Orange Shirt Day at RHJ
- September 30: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (School Closed)
October 4: EIPS Professional Learning Day (No school for students)
October 11: Picture Retakes
October 18: Grade 8/9 Awards (10:30) Details to come later
- November 5 and 6: Parent/Teacher Interviews 3:30-7:30
- November 11-15: Fall Break
Terry Fox Run
RHJ is participating in the Terry Fox Run on Thursday, September 26th and we would love your support! Terry never quit on his dream of a world without cancer, and neither will we. Our goal is to hit $2000 in support of cancer research.
If you are able to support on behalf of our school, please click the link. Also, we are having a class challenge for top fundraisers so if you are supporting on behalf of a particular student, don't forget to indicate who the student is!
You can help us reach our goal of $2000 from RHJ by clicking the link. https://schools.terryfox.ca/71884
Dress like a Raven!
Our online store is now open and will close October 1st. Items ordered will be delivered 4-6 weeks from the store closing. Click the link to shop.
Food Restrictions
Do you have dietary considerations that we should know about? Fill out this form so we can do our best to plan for school events and treats.
Rudolph Hennig has joined with LunchBox to offer lunches for our students! Parents can order and pay online through the link below, and students pick up the lunches in the Raven's Nest Store in the first half of lunch.
LunchBox also bring some additional items to sell to students.
About Us
Welcome to the home of the Ravens! We support personal development and academic growth for all of our students.
Rudolph Hennig Junior High School honours Treaty 6 territory and welcomes students from Metis settlements and First Nations communities throughout Western Canada and the Northwest Territories. We strive to build a safe and caring environment where cultural practices and traditions are honoured and celebrated. We work closely with community Elders to bring the truth of Canada’s history to our students as we work towards shared reconciliation.
We hope your year with us will be an enjoyable, rewarding, and memorable experience. Rudolph Hennig’s staff are committed to ensuring all students achieve success.
Email: general.rhj@eips.ca
Website: www.rudolphhennig.ca/
Phone: 780-998-2216
Twitter: @RHJRavens
Principal @ RHJ