Grant Line Buzz
August 16 - 23, 2024
A note from Mrs. Satkoski....
We monitor the weather closely for recess, but plan on going outside as much as possible. If the heat index is too high, we let teachers know to keep students inside. The building is often cool. If you want to send a sweatshirt or jacket with your child, feel free.
Our specials teachers monitor our lost and found. They hang up items on a rack and keep them in a specific special area classes for a week and then move on to the next special area. Be sure to remind your kiddos to check during special area for lost items. At the end of each quarter we will send out pictures to see if parents recognize any items. Items that are left on the rack at the end of each quarter are donated.
School Commitment for the Week
Our school commitment for the week is to follow cafeteria procedures.
1. Get all things I need prior to sitting down (lunch, utensils, napkin, condiments)
2. Raise hand if I need something.
3. Use inside voice with friends at my table.
4. Pick up after myself.
1st Grade Parent Night - August 21, 6 - 7 pm
PreK at Grant Line
We have some available spots for our Preschool program at Grant Line. If you or anyone else you know would be interested, please reach out to Mrs. Satkoski at msatkoski@nafcs.org or 812-542-5502. Students must be FOUR by August 1, 2024.
Counselor's Corner
Here at GLE we have a program called Mentor Mii. Mentor Mii pairs a safe adult from the community with students who may benefit from the support and encouragement of an adult in their life. Mentors visit the students here at GLE once a week for 30 minutes during the students lunch time. This program runs the whole school year. We are in need of mentors. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a mentor, please contact me at 812-542-5707.
Permission Forms:
Parent permission forms for safe and unsafe touches guidance lesson went home last week. If you haven't already please complete the form, sign it, and return it to the office asap. Thank you.
Everyone have a great weekend,
Lisa McCory, Counselor
Our Office Staff
Mrs. Marcy Satkoski
Administrative Intern:
Mrs. Kimberly LaMaster
Mrs. Lisa McCory
Mrs. Michelle Baker
Mrs. Marsha Hosking
Office Hours: 7:30 - 3:30 pm
If you need anything, don't hestitate to reach out!
Student Insurance - Optional
If your student needs insurance, here is the information. This is not required, only optional.
School Treats
Dear parents/guardians:
Food allergies, intolerances and other dietary-related medical conditions are a growing concern for our schools. Children who are affected can suffer a severe or even fatal reaction if they eat or come into contact with food that they are allergic to, and there are other children who can have life altering medical issues if they consume certain foods.
For the safety of these students, we are encouraging parents to celebrate birthdays and other occasions with non-food items such as stickers, pencils, themed erasers, or other trinkets, rather than food. If a special arrangement is made for a classroom party, any food that is sent in to share with students should be pre-packaged and contain an ingredient label AND must be approved beforehand.
Thank you in advance for making the class environment a safe and healthy place for the students. By working together, we can make a difference for our children!
Kind regards,
Sherry Stanfield, RN, BSN
Grant Line Elementary School Nurse
Upcoming Events
August 6 - September 24 - Life Skills with Our Place - 4th Grade Classes (each class is one day per week for 45 minutes)
August 21 - 1st Grade Parent Night - 6 - 7 pm in cafeteria - enter and exit through Gym doors.
August 30 - School Picture Day - Dress to Impress Spirit Day!
August 30 - All Pro Dads - 6:30 am in gym (enter gym doors)
September 2 - No school - Labor Day
September 12 - Early Release Day/Parent-Teacher Conferences
September 13 - No School; Teacher Professional Development Day
September 14 - PTO Ice Cream Social
September 16 - PTO Meeting - 6:30 pm in Library
September 27 - End of Quarter 1; Grant Line Spiritwear Day! Wear your best GLE colors or clothes.
September 28 - October 13 - No School - Fall Break
October 14 - Beginning of Quarter 2
October 25 - Fall Colors Spirit Day. Wear your best orange and black gear!
November 8 - Football Spirit Day. Wear your favorite football shirt or colors!
All Pro Dads
PTO News
Community News
Use this link to sign up for the camp! After you sign up, please let your teacher know of any dismissal changes.
Grant Line - https://forms.gle/oEApydKCVPbhanvw9