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Dolphin News You Can Use
Volume 25: Jan. 6th - Jan. 10th
Principal's Message
Hello Dickinson Families!
Happy New Year! We are so excited to welcome our students back to school on Wednesday, January 8th as we begin a new semester together. I hope your holiday season was filled with joy, rest, and special moments with loved ones.
As we return to our routines, we look forward to continuing our journey of learning, growth, and success. Our staff family are eager to dive into the new year with fresh energy and dedication to your child’s education.
I am excited to learn which grade level wins for answering the most questions over the break!
Thank you for your ongoing partnership and support. Let’s make 2025 a fantastic year!
Warm Regards,
Channon Almendarez
New Information
At Dickinson we believe goal setting is an important part of helping students grow academically, socially, and emotionally. By setting clear, achievable goals, students learn to focus on their strengths, work through challenges, and take ownership of their learning.
This process builds confidence, encourages perseverance, and helps students develop lifelong skills for success. We appreciate your support in reinforcing the importance of goal setting at home and celebrating your child’s progress along the way.
Together, we can empower our students to reach their full potential!
Important Updates to Lamar CISD Student Code of Conduct and Handbook
Dear Lamar CISD Parents/Guardians,
We are committed to maintaining a safe and conducive learning environment for all our students. To support this commitment, we have made several important updates to the Lamar CISD Student Code of Conduct, Elementary and Secondary Student Handbooks. These changes are effective immediately and aim to address the appropriate use of technology within our schools.
Please review the PDF at the link below to see the updated Code of Conduct with the changes.
Updates to Lamar CISD Student Code of Conduct and Handbook
For detailed information, please visit the updated documents at https://www.lcisd.org/students-parents/.
How to Handle Disappointing Report Cards and Turn Them Into Opportunities
The holidays are over, and school will start soon for most students. This past December, some kids might have brought home a disappointing report card that left their parents experiencing frustration, anger, fear, guilt, and even shame. At Love and Logic, we do not think that disappointing grades mean bad parents, a bad kid, or a bad future for that kid. Instead, they represent an opportunity for us to express our unconditional love, provide wise guidance, and use our Love and Logic skills. When these opportunities arise, remember the following: Hand it back. “Handing it back” means expressing empathy while reminding yourself that your child’s report card is not your report card. This might sound like, “Oh, I can’t imagine how disappointing this must be for you. I love you.” Listen and remember that just a bit of loving silence is golden. When we talk too much, we end up owning the problem. When we empathize, listen, and provide a pat on the back or a hug, we are less likely to make the problem worse. Allow your child to think about the issue for a day or two before beginning another discussion. Ask, “What do you think you are going to do?” This question is not just a question. It’s also a clear statement of your belief in your child’s ability to cope and to find solutions. It also communicates, “Your grades are your grades. I’m here to help but I can’t do this for you.” Offer some options for solving the problem. “Some kids decide to ________.” This is far more likely to enjoy eventual success than, “You should_________.” Focus on character over grades. Remember that we can’t make our kids into great students, but we can make our home great places to learn important values like honesty, love for others, grit, and delayed gratification. As your kids go back to school, resist the temptation to allow fears and frustrations about their grades to take over. Instead, place your emphasis on character. By doing so, you dramatically increase the odds that our child will enjoy life-long success. If your kids appear to be struggling academically, my book, From Bad Grades to a Great Life, will give you valuable insights and tools that can help you provide a solid foundation for their academic success. If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend. Our goal is to help as many families as possible.
Thanks for reading!
Friday, January 10th... Which house will win from the second nine weeks?
January Beanstack Reading Challenge
Nell Cross Beckerman Author Visit for 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades
Parents – we are excited to host author Nell Cross Beckerman on January 30, 2025, for our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. As part of her visit, Ms. Beckerman will autograph copies of her books. Please see the attached order form if you would like to purchase a book for your child. Order forms and payment are due to the front office by Thursday, January 9, 2025. Please make checks payable to Dickinson Elementary. Cash is not accepted.
Students who attend will receive house points for coming to this celebration.
Repeated Information
Dickinson Dress Code- Updated for 2024-2025 School Year
Change of Transportation
This year to ensure your child's safety all change of transportation notes must be sent to the front office or you can call by 2:00 to make a change. Teachers need to focus on instruction during the day so please do not send them any emails for a change. Please call the front office at 832-223-1400. There is a form below you can print and have for your file in case you want to send in a note. A handwritten note will be accepted as well. Thank you for your understanding!
Do you want to volunteer at Dickinson?
Annual Volunteer Background Checks Via Raptor
Want to volunteer? Plan to attend field trips? Assist with Holiday Parties?
Dickinson Elementary has an amazing reputation for partnering with our parents and community to serve our students in a multitude of ways. It's important to review and update the volunteer application regularly to ensure it meets current safety standards and legal requirements. This process helps to create a safe and supportive environment for both volunteers and the children they interact with.
If you completed this task last year, you received a message via e-mail like this sample:
Your ability to volunteer at Lamar Consolidated ISD will end on 6/30/2024. If you plan to volunteer after that date, please take this time to complete a volunteer application by selecting this link https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/NTk1OmVuLVVT.
Thank you,
District Volunteer Coordinator
For our new volunteers, please follow these steps to become a volunteer at Dickinson:
1.) Apply to volunteer by completing the volunteer application found https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/NTk1OmVuLVVT
2.) After you receive your volunteer clearance email, contact the campus or department you wish to support as a volunteer to receive information on next steps.
If you have any questions or would like more information about the district’s various volunteer opportunities, please contact:
Asia S. Duhon (Partners in Education Coordinator) at mailto:Asia.Duhon@LCISD.org OR 832-223-0383.
Technology Policy
Technology Devices
Personal Technology Lamar CISD believes that appropriate use of students’ technology devices enhances our students’ education. This includes but is not limited to: cell phones, smart phones, iPods, iPads, electronic tablets, and laptop computers. At Dickinson Elementary: All electronic devices stated above, including Smart Watches, must remain in the student's backpack turned off during the instructional day. Please review the code of conduct below regarding cell phone(electronic devices) policy. We have technology available for students to use while on campus. Thank you for reviewing this information with your child before school starts. We want to ensure that students are engaged in their learning and want to help minimize distractions.
Reference Section
Dickinson Elementary School is Group B.
2024-2025 Instructional Calendar
Safety Video
Our fence is completed. I am currently working with maintenance and operations to get some signage with hours and expectations during non-school hours.
Parent Standards of Conduct
Beanstack Reading Challenges - How-To for Families to Log Reading Minutes
Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
The culture of Dickinson Elementary includes a partnership with our community. Last year, our parents volunteered hundreds of hours to support our students and staff. We value our partnership as together we educate our dolphins. This year all volunteers are required to register as a volunteer. This includes PTO Board Members, work room volunteers, Watch Dog Dad volunteers, room parents, field day volunteers, library volunteers, and the list continues! Please visit this website to begin the process:
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the front office at 832-223-1400.
Thank you for giving the gift of time for the success of our campus! What you value, you give your time to! - Channon Almendarez
2024-2025 Dickinson Elementary PTO Board
- January 1st-31st: Be a Reading Machine Winter Beanstack Reading Challenge
- January 7th: Staff Professional Development / Student Holiday
- January 8th: Welcome Dolphins Back in 2025!
- January 20th: No School Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- January 30th: Author visit for 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students
- January 31st: Save the Date: Early Dismissal: Innovative School Day for all Students