Grades 6-12
April 2020 Science Newsletter
Jenny Nord
Email: jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: ccsoh.us/science
Location: 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: 380-997-0466
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusCitySchools/
Covid-19 Update
Study Island: to be used for Middle School only. This video gives guidance on how to create an assignment in Study Island.
Edmentum Courseware: to be used for High School. This video helps you set up your lessons in the platform with directions for Troubleshooting.
CCS Secondary Curriculum Online Help Site: Here you will find the District's Virtual Learning Plan and many resources to help you with your online instruction.
O.D.E. Information on Education and Covid 19: http://education.ohio.gov/Media/Ed-Connection/March-30-2020/Governor-Mike-DeWine-announces-extension-of-school
Article: This Is Emergency Remote Teaching, Not Just Online Teaching: https://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2020/03/30/this-is-emergency-remote-teaching-not-just.html?cmp=eml-enl-eu-news2-rm&M=59233310&U=2965919&UUID=0541a71cda6a2fc95249741de92e4ee6
DTE2: Design Thinking Enrichment Experiment
Opportunities Abound!
Because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, some opportunities have been removed. Please check with each individual program to ascertain if they are continuing.
Ohio Teacher of the Year Nomination: The Ohio Teacher of the Year program annually identifies exceptional teachers and celebrates their effective, inspiring work both inside and outside of the classroom. It also offers educators opportunities for professional growth and gives teachers a voice as leaders and advocates for public education. The nomination period for the 2021 Ohio Teacher of the Year is Feb. 14 through April 3.
Nominees must be licensed, full-time Ohio educators with a minimum of five years of teaching experience and must be teaching in state-approved public schools, community schools or career technical centers. They also must work directly with students at least 50 percent of the time, have received no previous Ohio Teacher of the Year recognition and plan to continue in active teaching status.
ESC of Central Ohio Go Deep Conference: The ESC of Central Ohio is working with researchers from Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education to develop a June 2020 two-day conference exploring ways to deepen student engagement, encourage learners to think critically and creatively, and make learning and thinking visible. The conference program will include plenaries (large, conference style presentations by Project Zero researchers), some larger workshops facilitated by Project Zero researchers, and many smaller workshops facilitated by educators using PZ ideas and frameworks in their own classrooms and educational settings. These PZ ideas will include Visible Thinking, Cultures of Thinking, Agency by Design, and Teaching for Understanding. Educators may also present on other educational approaches including project-based learning.
Also if you are from an i3 grant district (Columbus City, Reynoldsburg, Hamilton Local, Whitehall, Licking Heights, Groveport Madison, Southwestern), you can attend the conference at no cost. Simply put i3 in the PO box when registering and the grant will cover the cost of your registration. https://www.escco.org/GoDeepConference.aspx
High School Teachers Interested in Teaching Materials Science: An ASM Materials Education Foundation Materials Experience
- WHO ATTENDS? Middle, high school teachers with an interest in science, engineering and industrial/career/tech education
- WHY ATTEND? Hands-on activities and real-world applications you can incorporate into your classroom and curriculum
- WHAT WILL I LEARN? Engage with NGSS science and engineering practices using simple, fun and low-cost experiments/demos
- WHAT WILL IT COST ME? NOTHING! ASM Materials Camp®- Teachers are free to attend ($1,200 value)
- HOW WILL MY STUDENTS BENEFIT? Help your students discover promising career opportunities in science and engineering
- WHAT’S INCLUDED? 4 CEUs (40 hours), demo materials and meals *Two graduate credits available at participant’s expense
More Info: https://www.asmfoundation.org/
Register: https://www.asmfoundation.org/teachers/camp-schedule/
Franklin Park Conservatory Teen Corps: Are your students 15–18 years old with an interest in GARDENING FOOD and NATURE? They can be a part of the Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens fun summer training program! TEEN CORPS PARTICIPANTS RECEIVE 8 WEEKS PAID TRAINING at Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. They LEARN ABOUT Gardening • Plant Care • Growing Edibles Cooking • Farmers’ Markets • and much more. Please see flyer below. HURRY...applications are early this month.
Interested in Materials Science? https://www.asmfoundation.org/ ASM Materials Camps® are held across North America. These are usually five-day camps. Typical schedule is 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (Monday-Thursday) and 8 a.m.-3 p.m. (Friday). Please note that applications for ASM Materials Camps®-Teachers and the Advanced and Materials Genome camps are separate. Applicants are admitted to the program on a first-come-first-served basis.
Registration: https://www.asmfoundation.org/who-we-impact/teachers/camp-calendar-application/
2020 Global Teacher Seminar: The Center for Latin American Studies is very excited to host the 2020 Global Teacher Seminar. This week-long event will take place on Monday, June 1-Friday, June 5 in 160 Enarson Classroom building. Please see the attached flier for more information. This event is open to all teachers, regardless of subject area. Application deadline: April 24, 2020. See flyer below. https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bPF6yAi8UqldrrT
Articles You Might Enjoy
Education Week:
Can Schools Teach Students to Innovate? https://tinyurl.com/wb82nqo
Collaboration: https://fs24.formsite.com/edweek/images/Spotlight-Collaboration-Sponsored.pdf
Critical Thinking: https://fs24.formsite.com/edweek/images/Spotlight-Critical-Thinking-2020-Sponsored.pdf
Differentiating Instruction Video: https://video.edweek.org/detail/video/5833607063001/differentiating-instruction-its-not-as-hard-as-you-think?autoStart=true&cmp=eml-enl-vid-p6
Making Science Relevant: https://tinyurl.com/wwmunjw
Future Teachers Are Unfamiliar with Basic Learning Science: https://tinyurl.com/rfr6wlu
Top Teachers Make Student Voice a High Priority: https://tinyurl.com/r5842np
Case for Teaching Growth Mindset: https://tinyurl.com/vlcbk5q
Developing a Growth Mindset in our Students: https://tinyurl.com/spryrms
What Is Personalized Learning: https://tinyurl.com/rqyfl3y
Deeper Learning: https://www.kqed.org/mindshift/53684/going-for-depth-how-schools-and-teachers-can-foster-meaningful-learning-experiences
How the Body and Brain Affect Adolescent Learning Paper: https://all4ed.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Science-of-Adolescent-Learning-How-Body-and-Brain-Development-Affect-Student-Learning.pdf
5 Ways to Make Learning More Meaningful: http://psychlearningcurve.org/learning-more-meaningful/
How to Motivate Students to Learn: https://www.edutopia.org/blog/golden-rules-for-engaging-students-nicolas-pino-james
Carolina Biologic: Material Science Teachers: Nanomaterial Melting Points article https://tinyurl.com/w8p9oee
Resources You Might Find Helpful
Carolina Biologic Activity:
Electron Configuration and Period Trends https://tinyurl.com/tyw2nu9
Natural Selection in 50 Minutes Activity https://tinyurl.com/ueasv76
The Chemistry Science of Popcorn https://tinyurl.com/tcdppvn
Sand Dune Erosion in a Box Top https://tinyurl.com/waupolg
Teaching Chemistry with Manipulatives https://tinyurl.com/qp592qy
How to Perform Serial Dilutions Infographic https://tinyurl.com/vxx6z34
The Basics of Graphs and Charts https://tinyurl.com/vo5o8jf
Ditch that Textbook:
50 e-learning Activities, Templates and Tutorials https://ditchthattextbook.com/elearning-activities/
10 Game Hooks https://ditchthattextbook.com/game-hooks/
Using Google Slides to Create Dynamic Notes https://ditchthattextbook.com/polaroid-notes/
Office of Teaching and Learning
Sandee Donald, Executive Director, Teaching and Learning
Alyse Clark, Director of Secondary Curriculum
Heather Allen, K-5 Coordinator, hallen704@columbus.k12.oh.us
Jennifer Nord, 6-12 Science Coordinator, jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Geri Granger, K-12 Spruce Run Coordinator, ggranger9556@columbus.k12.oh.us