Weekly Update 9--23-24
Happy Sunday Families,
We are really getting into our routines and procedures and had another great week full of fun and learning. Due to the early release this week, we did not have our lockdown drill as scheduled. We will aim to have our drill soon. Remember this drill is not designed to scare our students but to prepare them in case of an emergency. Our staff have been reviewing the drill with students so they are prepared. Spend time talking with your child at home about the importance of the drill.
Thank you to all the families that came out to our PTO meeting on Thursday night. If you were not able to attend please be on the look out for our next meeting. Fall Festival will be on Friday, October 25. Over the next few weeks, we will be sending out information on how you can help. Also, if you ordered your child SPIRIT WEAR it was delivered to them on Thursday, September 19th.
Students new to NC public schools and Kindergarteners are required to have a NC Health Assessment completed in the last 12 months. If one is not on file by September 24, the student will not be able to attend school on September 25.
We had lots of Leadership Applications turned in for jobs for the first nine weeks. Job announcements will be posted on September 30 and our Leaders will start to work on October 1st. Please talk with your child at home and remind them if they did not get a job this nine weeks they can apply again. We have a limited number of positions.
Please check out the bottom of this newsletter for important dates!
Please take the time to read the information below regarding PBIS. This year we will be utilizing Leader In Me to promote positive behavior. Each month students will have a goal (DOJO Points) to reach in order to attend a PBIS celebration. We will be start tracking DOJO points October 1st.
Be An Attendance Leader
We will be tracking our attendance daily. Each classroom will post their daily attendance outside of their classroom and we will post a school wide attendance percentage outside of the office. We have a reward system for the class that has the highest attendance rate for the month. The class with the highest rate at the end of the month will get to spin the prize wheel for a classroom celebration. Students will also be tracking their daily attendance in their Leadership Binders. We want our students here at PES to learn in order to be successful this school year. We will kick off our attendance challenge on October 1st. We appreciate your support!
Habit # 1 Be Proactive
Check out the video clip from the Disney Movie Encanto and see if you can determine how the characters are being proactive.
Please make plans to join Mrs. Duprey for "Snacks With The Counselor"on Thursday, October 3rd. This will be a great way to learn more about what she does at schools (individual sessions, small groups, and classroom lessons). This will also give you the opportunity to ask questions and discuss other topics that you are interested in.
You can pick either a morning OR afternoon session. RSVP by September 25th! If you have any questions, please let me know.
Over the next several weeks our 5th grade students will be participating in D.A.R.E. This program is being taught by our SRO. D.A.R.E. lessons help give students ideas for positive alternatives to drug use. It provides accurate information about drugs, alcohol, bullying, stress, and internet safety.
Constitution Week September 17-23
This week students in grades 3-5 learned about Constitution Week. Mrs. Karen Gray with the Daughters of the American Revolution donated supplies for our students in these grade levels to help support learning. We look forward to our students learning more about the Constitution this year.
A Night At The Movies-Curriculum Night
We are in need of donations for CURRICULUM NIGHT! Curriculum Night will give our PES families a chance to learn about your child's educational programs and expectations for the year while trunk or treating. It will be fun for the whole family. Come dressed as your favorite MOVIE CHARACTER and enter to win a family movie night basket.
Lunch Schedule
11:00-11:30 Pre-K
11:05-11:35 3rd Grade
11:15-11:45 1st Grade
11:25-11:55 2nd Grade
11:50-12:20 5th Grade
12:00-12:30 Kindergarten
12:15-12:45 4th Grade
Important Dates
Sept. 23- Progress Reports
Sept. 24- MTSS/PLC
Sept. 25- Fire Drill
Sept. 27-LoM nominations due
Sept. 30- Announce Leadership Jobs
Sept. 30- PBIS Count Due
Sept.30-Oct.4- Custodian Appreciation Week
Oct. 1- IRP letters go home to parents
Oct. 3- Snacks With The Counselor
Oct. 8- 5th Grade Field Trip Parking Lot Pathways
Oct. 2- Custodian Appreciation Day
Oct. 4- Leader In Me Breakfast
Oct. 4- 30th Day Data Collection NC ELI
Oct. 4- PBIS Celebration
Oct. 7-11- NCCI#1
Oct. 7-11- Fire Prevention Week
Oct. 14-17- Fire Truck Visit
Oct. 7- SIT/Staff Meeting (Lighthouse Team Meeting)
Oct. 14- School Picture Day
Oct. 18- ERPD- Club Day
Oct. 18- End of 1st Quarter
Oct. 21- Required Workday
Oct. 22- MTSS/PLC
Oct. 22-31 Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 24- Report Cards
Oct. 25- PES Fall Festival
Oct. 28- Leader In Me Nominations Due
Oct. 29- Curriculum Night "A Night At The Movies Trunk-or-Treat
Oct. 31- Trunk-or-Treat sponsored by Pollocksville Fire Department
Oct. 31- Character Parade
Oct. 31- PBIS Count Due