Meadowlark Messenger
August 11, 2023

Wishing you the Happiest of Holidays!
Lark Community,
Happy December! All of us at PHE want to take a moment to share our gratitude for being part of our amazing school community. This time of year is perfect for reflecting on the incredible growth, achievements, and memories we’ve created together during the first semester!
Our students have been shining in so many ways. This month especially, we’ve seen students in 4th and 5th grades studying diligently for the upcoming spelling bee, showcasing their determination and enthusiasm for learning. In writing, students have been crafting engaging narratives from new perspectives, In reading, they’ve been honing their skills by writing thoughtful retells and summaries, deepening their understanding of texts and strengthening their ability to communicate ideas. As we wrap up the month, we look forward to celebrating Computer Science Week- with new and engaging opportunities to code!
This semester has also been a time for fostering connections and community from volunteering in our classrooms, attending field trips and amazing spirit nights to our annual Winter Wonderland, it’s been wonderful to see so many of you! Such a joyful community for students to learn and thrive. Also a tremendous thank you to all of our PTO members who spend countless hours to support not only in amazing events, but in everything we need in the day to day work of educating our Meadowlarks.
Wishing all of you the Merriest of Holidays!
Stephanie Auday
12/10 - 2nd Grade Math Club
12/10 - Join in some Spirit Week Fun-Wear a Festive or Ugly Sweater Today!
12/10-- 4th & 5th Grade Choir Concert, 6:30p
12/11 - Spelling Bee, 7:15a
12/11 - Yearbook Club, 2:35p
12/13 - Join in the Spirit Week Fun- Wear Cozy P.J's !
12/13 -No Place for Hate Club, 2:35p
12/17 - PTO General Meeting, 6:00p
12/18 - Spelling Bee, 7:15a
12/18 - 2nd Grade Math Club
12/18 - Battle of the Book, 2:35pm
12/18 - NEHS, 2:35pm
12/19 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Colorado History
11/19 - Mile High Karate Club, 2:35pm
11/19 - 4th & 5th Grade Choir, 2:35pm
12/20 - No Students
12/23-1/6 - Winter Break No School
I would like to reach out to our wonderful PHE community to request your support in donating reusable clothing items for our health office. If you would like to donate, gently used or new clothes, I would request various sizes from 5-6, 7-8 or 10-12 of sweat pants, pull on pants, leggings, plain t-shirts (even some small and medium youth sizes t-shirts needed), and new packages of underwear for both boys and girls. Items with zippers or buttons are difficult for some students to maneuver so I will not be looking for items like jeans or button up shirts. These donations help support the needs of students that require a change of clothes for various reason while at school. Any contribution, great or small, will benefit our needs. Please drop off any donations at the front office. Thank you for your generous support!
- Free Entry To All National Parks - The Every Kid Outdoors initiative means all fourth grade students and their families (three accompanying adults or an entire car for drive-in parks) get FREE admission to national parks and other federal lands and waters for a full year – September 2024 through August 31, 2025. Students participate in an educational activity and receive a paper pass to print and bring to visit public lands. At certain participating sites, the student can exchange the paper pass for a plastic pass.
- **Cooler weather has finally arrived. Please be sure to send your child with layers to support them in a comfortable experience in the classroom, as well as outdoors. Don't forget to LABEL EVERYTHING, which helps us get any missing items back to the classroom, instead of hanging out it lost and found all season.
- Important: PETS of any kind are not allowed on school grounds. As community members, we ask your support by not bringing pets and sharing this information with others as you drop-off and pick-up your child. District Security has also been walking our school grounds with this important reminder. While you may feel your pet is safe around children, not all families feel the same. If you would like to walk your pet, please have your child meet you at the school grounds boundary, outside the fenced areas.
- The doors open for BREAKFAST daily at 7:35. Students are not supervised prior to this time, please be sure to stay with your child until the doors are opened each morning.
- For student SAFETY, using the Hug and Go Lane instead of meeting your child on the city street is a much safer choice with slower speeds within the lots. We have timed it- and you should move through the lane in under 10 minutes-a quick and easy way for a safe drop-off and pick-up.
Prairie Hills Proud Principal