Carleton Washburne
Monday Memo - May 1, 2023
Washburne Families,
We wanted to kick off the newsletter this week with a big thank you to our hardworking staff as we begin teacher appreciation week. They take great pride in providing a safe, engaging environment for our students, and work tirelessly to make that happen. Ben and I continue to be amazed each week as we walk through our halls and in our classrooms and see all the amazing learning and collaboration that is happening each day at Washburne. A huge thank you in advance to our Washburne PTO that has organized a number of special ways to say thank you to our staff.
Take Care and Be Well,
Andrew Fenton & Ben Horwitz
Washburne Principal & Assistant Principal
Update on Washburne Schedule
At the April 25th Board of Education meeting we shared an update on the schedule task force progress and key features of a new schedule. This presentation provided the Board with an overview of how the current schedule will be improved to better serve the students. A new schedule will be piloted in May and launched in September 2023. If you were not able to view the meeting, we have included a recording of the presentation and the slide deck.
2023-2024 Elective Sign-Ups
Window to Washburne
8th grade science classes are currently studying physics, learning about gravity, acceleration, and friction. In Mr. Cooper’s class last week, students were completing a lab measuring the speed of a wooden car at different intervals on an inclined ramp. Students were able to see how the car accelerates as it makes its way down the ramp, increasing its speed along the way. There are many different calculations involved as well as graphing their results, so students are definitely exercising their math skills too.
Kudos to Mr. Cooper and our science teachers for helping our students increasing their understanding of physics.
What’s Happening in Related Studies
Lots of happy spring activities are happening in the art room! Studio Art 7 created collages using negative and positive shapes - we looked at the work of Matisse for inspiration. They are now in the process of learning Navajo weaving techniques that they will apply to make their own weaving compositions. Studio Art 8 has finished up their Warhol Soup Cans - they picked some fantastic pop culture and art themes for their flavors. Sculpture class just finished glazing their first 3 projects: a plate, a bowl, and an abstracted animal that they created using sgraffito- a process of removing glaze to let clay show through.
Winnetka Children’s Fair Volunteers
The Fair would not be possible without the support of our volunteers --- we hope to see you at the Village Green!
New Trier 101 Event for 8th Grade Families: Date Change May 9th
District 36 News
We are approaching our final testing window for the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) test, which will take place between May 8 - 19, 2023. Your child’s school or teacher will inform you of his or her specific testing dates.
Similar to the winter, all students in Grades 3 - 8 will take one reading test and one math test. The MAP Assessment is designed to measure a student’s achievement level at different times of the school year and compute growth over time. MAP is a computer-adaptive test, which means every student receives a unique set of test questions based on responses to previous questions. This provides a personalized assessment experience by adapting to each student’s learning level.
The purpose of the third testing session is to provide an overview of a student’s growth and achievement for the school year. Spring Student Progress Reports will be mailed home on Friday, June 2nd with fall to spring growth measures. Additional information on the MAP Assessment may be found on our district website in the Assessment Section of ITL. If you need further information on your child’s testing session please contact your building principal
Adventures in Learning Summer 2023
Adventures in Learning 2023 runs from June 14th-July 19th, 2023.
No camp on June 19th or July 4th.
A decades-long tradition, this summer program includes classes as varied as Athlete's Club, Razzle Dazzle Science Magic, Recyclable Art,Basket Weaving, Camping Adventures, Make Your Own Music Video, Adventures in STEAM, Archery, Computer Animation, Greek Mythology Drama, Coding, Yoga for Kids, AIL Action News (New for 2023), Animal Care,and Spa-Liscious to name a few!
Students in grades 2-8 may choose up to four classes from over 60 options. Younger children (pre-Kindergarten through grade 1) will explore our progressive educational concepts through guided play and outdoor activities.
This year's program will again be held at Washburne for the 2nd-8th graders and Crow Island for the Pre-K (4 years old by June 1st, 2023)and K Primary program (5 years old by September 1st, 2023).
2023 Fees
General (base cost*) and Primary Program
$675 Winnetka residents
$725 Non-residents
*Some General Program classes have an additional supply fee (will be noted in the catalog).
Registration is now open for Winnetka residents.
From The Winnetka Police Department: Please Walk Your Bike in Town
Follow us on Social Media!
Please follow the District via the following social media platforms in order to see day-to-day happenings and more.
Facebook and Twitter: @Winnetka36
Instagram: @WinnetkaPublicSchools
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday & Wednesday, May 9th and 10th: Spring MAP Testing
Tuesday, May 23rd: Board of Education Meeting 7:15pm @ Washburne School
Tuesday, June 6th: 8th Grade Graduation 7:00pm @ Gaffney Auditorium
Spring 2023 Superintendent Parent Sessions
Learn about the results of the Winnetka Parent Communication Survey and how the District plans to be responsive to the feedback.
Greeley: May 8, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Crow Island: May 17, 9:15-10:15 a.m.
Skokie/Washburne (Hosted at Washburne): May 17, 11:00 - 12:00 p.m.
New Winnetka Voices Episode
Episode #6: Cultivating a Culture of Belonging
Dr. Kelly Tess speaks to Denise Matthews, Director of Student Services, Equity and Inclusion and Erick Taft, District alum, parent, and a leader of a community organization “Winnetka for Belonging.” The episode centers on how fostering an environment where high-quality teaching and learning is accessible to all starts with supporting the fundamental need for belonging. A few Washburne students also share their thoughts on belonging. As Ms. Matthews shares, “We can all play a part in making sure that our peers and our colleagues feel like they belong.”
Listen here:
Winnetka Voices is a podcast hosted by The Winnetka Public Schools, featuring candid conversations on issues relevant to education and shared resources to support our students and families.