What's Happening??!!
~ Hawley School Newsletter: May 5, 2024 ~
From the Desk of Mr. Moretti
Dear Hawley Parents/Guardians, Teachers, and Staff,
Things are picking up here at Hawley. Spring brings so much: nicer weather, Concerts, Art Shows, Field Day and the 4th Grade Celebration.
Buckle up, stay seated, and keep your hands and feet in the car at all times, as you read on to find out What's Happening at Hawley .....
~ Education Budget ~
The Board of Education budget failed by more than 500 votes. Approximately, 15% of the population voted.
The budget had already been reduced by more than $500,000 prior to going to referendum.
On Monday, April 29th at 7:30 PM, the Board of Finance and Legislative Council (LC) held a joint meeting to decide on a further reduction to the Board of Education budget to put forward at the next referendum.
The LC voted to further reduce the Board of Education budget by an additional $1.4 million dollars.
The additional reduction brings the total BoE increase to 2.75%.
The BoE must now reduce next year’s budget by a total of $1,936,436.
In order to achieve this, further cuts that are being considered include:
Elimination of K-6 Spanish program
Elimination of some digital learning platforms
Removal of an added Board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA) (to assist with disruptive behaviors)
Removal of added funds for summer school programming
Reduction of teaching staff (increased class sizes)
Consolidation of secretarial staff
More cuts will be needed in order to achieve the total reduction, further impacting our students
Should the next budget referendum fail, the additional monetary cuts that would be needed will result in an expansion of reductions in programs, extracurricular activities and staffing, further affecting the quality of our students’ educational experience.
It is extremely important that the parents and guardians whose children will be impacted by these decisions voice their opinions by exercising their right to vote.
The next referendum will be held Tuesday, May 14th; polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. at Newtown Middle School.
We will be having a PTA Meeting THIS Wednesday, May 8, 4:30 in our Library. Please attend to ask questions and to learn more about next steps.
~ Teacher Appreciation Week ~
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Room Parents have shared information and requests of parents to help make this week special for teachers. Please make sure that you have read Room Parent emails.
Click HERE for the events of the week.
Also, there is a teacher luncheon THIS Thursday. Please click the below link to help out and make a contribution:
Your Support and Participation is Greatly Appreciated!
~ Visiting Author ~
We are excited to share with you that in conjunction with “Hawley Loves to Read Week 2024”, Hawley School will be hosting author Amy Guglielmo on Friday, May 31. This unique author visit is made possible by the Hawley PTA.
Students are busy reading Ms. Guglielmo’s books, working on artist inspired art projects with Ms. Giddings, and learning about the various artists featured in her books in preparation for an engaging, interactive visit.
Click HERE if you wish to order a book and have it signed by the author, Amy Guglielmo.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Ms. Carlson at carlsone@newtown.k12.ct.us.
~ Class Placement 24/25 ~
Although teachers and other staff have closely observed your child in the classroom/school environment, I understand that from a parent’s perspective, there may be information that you would like to share. With the exception of choosing a specific teacher, I invite you to write/call me with any information that you feel would be helpful in the placement of your child next year.
If I feel that additional information is needed, I may give you a follow-up call. Placement conversations should be directed ONLY to me and NOT your child’s current classroom teacher. These are yearly requests, please do not assume past requests are remembered. Also, Hawley has no input in the Placement Process for 4th Graders going to Reed.
Sending information to me is optional and has a deadline of THIS Wednesday, May 8, 2024.
~ Rt 25 Billboard ~
If you are traveling on RT 25 heading toward Monroe, as you pass the Plaza after Stop & Shop (the one with Nostranos), look to your left. You will see an Earth Day Billboard designed by Mrs. Fries's 2nd Grade Class.
~ News from the Counselor ~
Feel free to reach out to Ms. Sollazzo with any questions (sollazzoc@newtown.k12.ct.us)
~Hawley Reading Lounge~
Hawley has been proud of our Reading Lounge. It is decorated and set up as a comfortable space for classes to go for special activities. Through the years, and through our construction, it has.... well, it needed an upgrade.
Our Student Council did some fundraising, and through the help of everyone, has returned the Reading Lounge to its original beauty and improved upon its comfort. Thank you to the Student Council and our 4th Grade Teachers for their guidance and to you for your support and generosity.
~ Bingo Night ~
Prior to Spring Break, the PTA held Bingo / Dessert Night. It was a fun-filled family event, enjoyed by all.
Thank You to our PTA and to the Staff that Volunteered and helped out.
~ Important Reminders / General Info ~
- School Survey: The District has sent all parents a link to complete a School Survey. The information tells each school how they are doing and guides future work. Please take the time to share your thoughts.
- Art Show: The Hawley Art Show is Thursday, May 16, 5:00-6:30 PM. Student Art will be hung throughout the building and in our Multi-Purpose Room. Click HERE for the flyer.
- Attendance: A student's success is directly connected to them being in school, on time, all day. Please be mindful of absences, tardies, and going home early. It adds up.
- What's Happening Newsletters: All Newsletters are archived for the year on the Hawley Website under the ABOUT Section.
~ Dates to Remember ~
- May 6-24: Spring Testing. Grades 3 & 4 will be taking SBA (formally SBAC), Grade 2 is taking iready, and DIBELS is administered in K-2 (and 3-4 as needed). Children should get a good night's sleep, be to school on time with being pulled out for appointments held to a minimum.
- Wed, May 8: PTA (Town Budget) Meeting, Library, 4:30 PM
- Thurs, May 9: 4th Grade Chorus Concert w/some 3rd grade special guests, Gym, 7:00 PM
- Wed, May 15: 3-HR Early Release Day (12:37 PM), Professional Development
- Fri, May 17: Hawley Fun Run (more details to come)
- Mon, May 27: No School, Memorial Day
- Fri, May 31: Author Visit
Out of the Mouths of Babes....
The entire school went outside to watch the Eclipse.
" What do you all think? " Mr. M asked students
" This is cool " said Student 1
" It looks like the moon is eating the sun " says Student 2
" I think I see Elon Musk " said Student 3
Follow Us On Twitter
*For us to use your child's likeness, we need your permission. Permission must be granted annually via the ParentPortal.
Twitter: @hawley_school
The Hawley School Website
Christopher Moretti
Email: morettic@newtown.k12.ct.us
Website: http://newtown.hawley.schooldesk.net/
Location: 29 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT, United States
Phone: (203) 426-7666
Twitter: @cmoretti66