Weekly Wauna Connect
May 16, 2024
Instrucciones para la traducción / Instructions for translation
Instrucciones para Traducción al español
Los boletines se publican a través del sitio web de SMORE. El sitio web SMORE tiene una opción de "traducir" disponible, ubicada en la parte superior del programa. Si tiene preguntas o está confundido acerca de la información compartida en este boletín, comuníquese con nuestro intérprete del distrito al (608) 206-5730
The bulletins are published through the SMORE website. The SMORE website has a "translate" option available, located on the top of the program. If you have questions or are confused about the information shared in this newsletter, please contact our district interpreter at (608) 206-5730
Message From Our Principal
Greetings WCMS families,
As we approach the end of year, there are a couple of key things that I would like to share so you can plan accordingly.
8th Grade Recognition - Friday, June 7th
Our recognition ceremony will be on the morning of June 7th. Only 8th grade students will be in attendance on this day - the last day for all 7th grade students will be Thursday, June 6th. On June 7th, we will be providing bussing for 8th grade students for pick up only, with normal pick up times. We will have a breakfast for students upon arrival, and then they will get organized and prepared for the ceremony with their homeroom teacher. We will be holding the ceremony in the high school fieldhouse. We are planning to start the ceremony at 9:00, and it should last about an hour. At the conclusion of the ceremony, students will ride home with their family. There will not be bussing available to take kids home after the ceremony.
Teacher Appreciation Week
A huge thank you to all of our families for their support throughout the year. Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week. Because of the generosity of our Waunakee families, we were able to provide food and gift card prizes for teachers last week, as part of our celebration of our staff. We truly appreciate all of the kindness, generosity, and support for our teaching staff. An extra special thank you for families who donated gift cards for last week - staff really appreciated them!
I hope the end of the school year goes smoothly for everyone. Thanks again for your support throughout the year - we wouldn’t have the great schools that we have without the support of our families and community.
Upcoming Dates to Put on your Calendar
Chamber Orchestra - Every Wednesday through May 30th - 7:15am Orchestra Room
No School May 27
Spring Orchestra Concert May 30 7pm HS PAC
Last Day of School for 7th Grade June 6
8th Grade Mt. Olympus Waterpark Trip June 6
8th Grade Breakfast and Recognition Ceremony June 7
8th Grade Honor Roll Recognition
Congratulations to our 8th Graders that received recognition for their hard work.
2024-2025 Sports Physicals
In preparation for the 2024-25 Athletics seasons we wanted to let you know about an opportunity that the district is offering to have your student access a sports physical with the earliest appointments being scheduled on May 20th, 2024. Appointments can be booked through the application and instructions that are mentioned below. If you are in need of financial support with scheduling or to cover the $25 fee please contact the Middle School Social Worker at jonathonwild@waunakee.k12.wi.us or (608)849-2060 x 3016.
1. Full WIAA sports physical form must be completed prior to arrival. Not just the last page of the WIAA form. (Physical Form - English) or (Physical Form - Spanish)
2. Parents will schedule through our direct mobile app and pay the $25 at the time of scheduling.
3. If they come on the day of without an appointment, they must have written parent consent (if parents cannot attend) and form of payment. Cash or Card only. No checks accepted.
Teacher Appreciation Week Concluded with
Our Annual Picnic and Pick a Duck
Pick a Duck is Ready
Picnic is set up and ready to be enjoyed.
The burgers and brats are being grilled
Staff Enjoying Pick a Duck
Staff Enjoying the Picnic
2024-2025 High School Cheer Tryouts
Show your school spirit and join us at cheer tryouts! Material learning days will be Tuesday 5/21 and Thursday 5/23 from 4-6pm in the HS Cheer Room. Tryouts will be held on Friday 5/24 from 4-6 PM in the HS Cheer Room. Contact Coach Ashley with any questions by email: ashleymyoung1234@gmail.com
8th Grade Beyond The Notes Music Festival
Click on this link for information about the timeline for Beyond the Notes Music Festival.
Online Lunch & Learn for Parents
Online Lunch & Learn for Parents: Teens & Habits for Good Mental Health
Date: Friday, May 24th
Time: 11:00-11:30am
For: Parents at middle and high school level
Program Description: This online Lunch & Learn will offer participants the opportunity to learn important habits that support good mental health in teens. Habits include managing stress, getting quality sleep, staying active, and getting connected. Both middle and high school parents are welcome to attend!
Location: Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84633032590
Facilitator: Nisa Giaquinto-Student Wellness Facilitator at the High School
RSVP Contact: ngiaquinto@ccmadison.org
**Nisa Giaquinto works as the Student Wellness Facilitator on Fridays at the high school. Previously, she was a school counselor for secondary students and has spent over 20 years working with middle and high school students.
Upcoming Pavement Rehab Project
Arboretum Dr. from Mill Rd. to Hogan Rd. will be under construction starting the week of May 20th through the week of June 10th. For the week of May 20th, the contractor will be spot-replacing curb and gutter segments. Pavement is scheduled to be removed the week of May 28th and the road is tentatively scheduled to be paved the week of June 10th. There will be a signed detour for Arboretum Dr., and the detour map has been attached to this email.
Arboretum Dr. from Mill Rd. to Hogan Rd. will be closed to through traffic starting the week of May 20th. Residents and people (local traffic) traveling to the Old Savannah neighborhood will be able to access their homes along the construction site for the duration of the project. Please allow yourself extra time to reach your destination since there may be construction delays. Lamers will still provide school bus service to the Old Savannah neighborhood.
Any vehicles accessing Arboretum Elementary from Mill Rd. and any return traffic must follow the detour through the Business Park. Please allow yourself ample time to reach your destination.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
2024 Summer School Information and Deadlines
Important! Summer School Transportation Information with Deadlines
Dear Families:
We appreciate your prompt attention to the details in this communication regarding transportation for 2024 summer school programming.
The Waunakee Community School District works in partnership with Lamers Bus Company to provide transportation to and from school for our families. All K-12 students registered for summer school that live within the transportation boundaries are automatically enrolled for transportation to and from their home address. Service will be available on the first day of summer school, Monday, June 24, 2024 and continue until August 1, 2024. There is no cost for this service for our families.
School Transportation Boundaries
Review communication sent to families on April 17 and May 14. The transportation boundaries have been approved by the Board of Education, and changes will be made for the summer school programming as well as the 2024-2025 school year.
The Board approved Heritage Elementary changes to begin with the 2024 summer school programming.
You can view the map of the transportation plan on page 17, Exhibit 3 of the report.
The hazardous transportation plan for the new Heritage Elementary School and the Waunakee Intermediate School identify Highway Q and Highway 19 as hazards.
Students to the east of Highway Q and North of Highway 19 will be transported.
Students to the west of Highway Q/South of Highway 19/North of Woodland Drive will not receive district transportation.
If you have questions regarding the boundary changes and transportation updates, please contact Steve Summers, Executive Director of Operations, via email.
Transportation Opt-Out
We are asking for your partnership regarding transportation this summer. You can help alleviate the pressure on our bus system and allow us to not allocate resources for scheduling routes for families not choosing to use this service. You can assist us by opting-out of transportation for summer school programming. If you would like to opt-out of regular transportation for summer school, please complete this form as soon as possible for us. Opt-out forms filled out for the school year do not apply to summer school.
Alternate Transportation Requests
Alternate Transportation is transportation to or from any location other than your home address. Alternate transportation requests for Summer School Sessions 1 and 2 are open from April 2, 2024 to May 31, 2024. There are fees associated with this service.
After the alternate transportation registration deadline of May 31, there will be no additional extensions or changes available for summer school. We appreciate your prompt attention to this request. Register for alternate transportation in the Infinite Campus School Store. Alternate transportation requests for the school year do not apply to summer school.
Transportation Exclusions
There is no busing provided during the middle of the Summer School day. There is no busing provided for music lessons that end outside of the normal Summer School hours. There is no summer school transportation for swimming lessons, strength and conditioning, August Training Camp, Camp Invention, or any of the music camps.
There will be no exceptions this year with late deadlines or not registering for alternate transportation. This is transportation to a location other than your home address.
Your transportation routes/times will be mailed to your home address as soon as the summer school routes have been finalized by Lamer’s. Routes will be mailed on June 12, 2024.
Important Dates
April 2, 2024 - Alternate Transportation Registration opens
May 31, 2024 - Alternate Transportation Registration closes
June 12, 2024 - Bus routes mailed for Session 1
June 24, 2024 - Summer School Session 1 begins
July 1, 2024 - Bus routes mailed for Session 2
July 15, 2024 - Summer School Session 2 begins
With questions regarding transportation, you can view the Summer School district website or contact the WCSD Business Office via email at wcsd_transportation@waunakee.k12.wi.us.
WCSD School Surplus Sale
With the move of Heritage Elementary School, the Waunakee Community School District is planning two events, open to the public, for items not being moved to the new building, and not being reused at other school buildings. These items will be offered for public sale as follows:
Online Public Auction
Wisconsin Surplus Online Auction
*Please visit our district website for upcoming dates of the online sale!
Pick-up of items purchased: Friday, June 7 and Monday, June 10 at Heritage Elementary School (501 South Street, Waunakee)
Notes: items sold as-is, and all sales final
Questions: Contact Teri Reible, District Office, via email at terireible@waunakee.k12.wi.us.
Surplus School Sale
Monday, June 17
12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Heritage Elementary School (501 South Street, Waunakee)
Enter at door #1
Notes: Cash only, items sold as-is, and all sales final
Questions: Contact John Cramer, District Office, via email at johncramer@waunakee.k12.wi.us.
WCSD 4K-12 Family Satisfaction and Engagement Survey
Our school district wants to hear from you! Please complete the 2024 Family Satisfaction and Engagement Survey by Wednesday, May 29, 2024. To access the survey, please click HERE.
Our family engagement survey is designed to help us understand the areas our district needs to improve on and where we excel while also making it easy for families to give feedback with clear and concise questions. Please be aware that the survey can only be taken once per Student ID number.
Thank you in advance for your time!
Please note: Families will have to have their STUDENT ID number to access the survey. This can be found in Infinite Campus Parent Portal, but some may need help finding that.
Student Council Has Been Busy This Year
Wow! What a year! A huge thank you to this amazing group of Student Council members and their leadership throughout this entire school year. Together they:
Successfully ran their Bucky Book fundraiser- including meeting their goal to dye Mr. Kenas’s hair
Kicked off the year with a team-building afternoon to build camaraderie and brainstorm for the year
Celebrated Homecoming with a Disney-themed Spirit Points Competition including dress up days, a homeroom door decorating competition and a “Socktober collection” (where they collected 1860 pairs of socks) for Waunakee Neighborhood Connection with prizes for the top homerooms!
Inspired an “attitude of gratitude” with a school-wide gratitude challenge with weekly prompts and individual student prizes
Thanked WMS staff with fall themed goodie bags
Created the “Amazing Race to Winter Break” with homeroom challenges leading into winter break including dress up days, arctic door decorating, winter trivia, a scavenger hunt and the Hat/Glove/Mitten Collection for WNC. They collected 614 winter items for families in need in our community, and gave out 21 prizes to homerooms for all the challenges!
Promoted the spirit of kindness throughout our school with Student Council’s Kindness Week with Advisory lessons, pay-it-forward activities along with a Food Drive for Waunakee Food Pantry
Organized dinners and breakfasts for Parent Teacher Conferences
Sponsored a spring-landscape-themed Door Decorating Competition to celebrate spring where they prized the top homerooms
Developed and ran a Penny War for Water for South Sudan where they raised over $500 for this important cause and prized the winning team with a pizza party
Thanked our lunch staff on Lunch Hero Day
Acknowledged WMS staff’s hard work and dedication with treat bags during Teacher Appreciation Week
Reflected on and celebrated their hard work this year with a field trip to the Kalahari!
Middle School Dance Team
Are you thinking about joining the dance team next year? Activities will already be getting started this summer! If you are even a little bit interested and would like more information, come down to the main office. You can pick up a brochure that has information and dates for upcoming opportunities to get involved"
2024 School Appreciation Mallards Game
Join us for the 4K-8 2024 School Appreciation Mallards Game on Thursday, June 13! A flyer will be sent home with each student that will include 2 FREE voucher codes for free tickets to the game. Each voucher is good for one grandstand ticket. Please see the instructions on the flyer to redeem the vouchers for tickets. We can’t wait to see you! The first pitch will be at 6:05 p.m. at the Duck Pond.
Are you doing a Spring Closet Declutter?
Please consider donating the following items to the Middle School Health Room
The Middle School Health Room is looking for gently used boys and girls athletic pants and girls leggings.
2024 Summer Camps Offer by Waunakee Community School District
Waunakee Community School District offers many amazing athletic opportunities for our youth in grades K-12. A complete schedule of the camp offerings for the summer of 2024 can be found on our district website. Registration for all programs will be through GoFan.
Course Offerings I Click Here
Course Offerings/Spanish I Click Here
Register Via GoFan I Click Here
Summer Camps Website I Click Here
Student Financial Assistance I Click Here
Below is updated information for the Cross Country Summer Camps.
Thank you for supporting our student-athletes, coaches, and programs at Waunakee Community High School!
Community Ed Summer Afternoon Program - Drama Classes for Gr. 8-10
Calling all aspiring actors in grades 8-10! Let your talent take center stage this summer with Community Ed’s exciting drama class, The Shadow of Peter Pan. During the week, students will work as a team while rehearsing scenes and sharing ideas, all culminating into a performance at the end of the session. Class details along with registration information can be found here.
Neighborhood Town Hall Meeting
The Waunakee Community School District continues to work with our referendum partners to design and construct the facilities approved by the voters on November 8, 2022. Projects include a new Heritage Elementary School (opening Fall 2024) and Waunakee Community Middle School (opening Fall 2026).
Join us for a Neighborhood Town Hall Meeting to learn about the school district's construction projects in the neighborhood along South Street.
View invitation here. Visit our website for more information.
UW Madison Summer Youth Programs
Looking for something for your child to do this summer? Here is a link to UW Madison's Pre-College summer youth programs. There are programs for ages 7-18. They fill up fast.
Reporting Bullying, Hate Speech, Racial Slurs, etc.
Hello families,
This is just a reminder that if you or your child knows of an incident where they or someone they know has been a victim of bullying, hate speech, racial slurs, making threats etc., we have a reporting tool on our website for sharing information with us. On the main page of our district website, you can find the 'Incident Reporting Tool' in two locations - under our QUICKLINKS menu or our FAMILIES menu (highlighted in the picture below).
In order for us to follow up on and address issues or concerns, we need as much information as possible, including names of victims, offenders, and witnesses. I assure you, all information will be kept confidential. If you have information about something that poses a more immediate safety concern, please do not hesitate to call both the police and the school to ensure it is addressed immediately. Thank you for your continued efforts to partner with us in keeping our schools safe.
🖥️ Technology Tips for Parents/Guardians
Infinite Campus App
Check out the Infinite Campus App with the latest updates and tips to help you navigate the app.
Are you traveling and need to keep track of students assignments/grades?
Tips on How to Use Schoology as a Parent:
You have viewing access to your student's Schoology courses, therefore, please feel free to visit all their courses and become familiar with how they are organized. Click on this link to take you through the steps to access Schoology.
Note: Infinite Campus is still our main reporting system for grades and there may be additional assignments in Infinite Campus that are not in Schoology (ie: Participation, discussion, etc). Also, the overall grade calculation in Schoology will not be accurate, as any weighing of categories happens in Infinite Campus.
New COVID Guidelines Update
Click here for New Covid Guidelines
Missing School or Getting Picked up Early?
For your convenience, you can submit your attendance request via three convenient options:
Infinite Campus- click here to view instructions on how to submit a new absence request in the Parent Portal, view absence requests, and how to delete a request. For questions or help creating a Campus Parent account, please reach out to Julie Gengler, District Registrar, via email. You can also visit our school websites under the Family Tab/Attendance for more information.
Attendance Line has a 24/7 voicemail that you may use anytime. You may call the attendance line at (608)849-2065 press 1. Please clearly state/spell your child's name, reason for absence, your name and phone number.
Email at wms_attendance@waunakee.k12.wi.us to leave a message with your child's name, reason for absence and your name & phone number in case we need to reach you..
If you'll be seeing a medical provider, please obtain a note and forward it to the attendance email and we'll be happy to code the absence as medically excused.
2023-2024 Lunch Menus
Middle School Menus.
Community Events and Fliers
School Transportation Information
Purchase Tickets and/or Passes to Athletic Activities
Please click on the link below for instructions on how to purchase passes and/or tickets to Waunakee Community High School's athletic activities. Communication Link
When to Keep Your Child Home From School
Please review the Health Guidelines for Attendance. If you have questions after reviewing the guidelines, please contact the Health Room Assistant at (608)849-2060
Past Weekly WaunaConnect Newsletters
Did you miss something? See past Family Newsletters here
WMS Contact Information
Jeffrey Kenas, Principal,
Michael Zibell, Associate Principal,
Patricia Coffren, Administrative Assistant,
Lynn Miller Administrative Assistant Attendance,
Attendance 608-849-2065, Select language, then press1 for wms_attendance@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Tammy Willborn, Health Assistant, tammywillborn@waunakee.k12.wi.us