Bulldogs Newsletter October 2, 2023
For the week of May 27, 2024
Issue #36
NO SCHOOL - Monday, May 27, Memorial Day
Note from the Principal
Hello Basswood Families,
Thank you to everyone that joined us at the BBQ yesterday! We enjoyed seeing our community come together on a beautiful spring day. I am grateful to our volunteers and staff that made this event run so smoothly. It was a day to remember, thank you!
I wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day and a wonderful weekend!
In Partnership,
Steven Schwartz
Basswood Principal
Volunteer Appreciation Open House
Calling all Volunteers!!!
Basswood would like to show our appreciation to all of our AMAZING volunteers. Whether you volunteer on a weekly basis, at field trips, or at special events, we would like to thank you! Thank you for sharing the gifts of your time, talent, and energy! Stop by anytime between 9am - 3pm starting Tuesday, May 28, through Friday, May 31. We can't wait to see you!
2024-25 Back-to-School Supply Kits
We are happy to offer to our families the opportunity to purchase school supply kits for the 2024-25 school year. You simply place your order online and it will be waiting for your student at school in September. No running around looking for all those supplies! Please know this is a limited time offer so place your order today! Order your school supply kit by July 1, 2024.
• Your School Store Link: http://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=55333
Decathlon Field Day 2024
Let’s celebrate the end of the school year with some fun in the sun! Feel free to come watch your student participate. You can park in the front parking lot and walk around to the back field.
Friday, May 31:
9-10am - 2nd Grade
10:30-11:30am - Kindergarten
12:45-1:15pm - 4 Star Express
1:30-2:30pm - 1st Grade
Monday, June 3:
9-10am - 4th Grade
10:30-11:30am - 5th Grade
1:30-2:30pm - 3rd Grade
Please send your child to school in active wear and a full water bottle on the day of the assigned Decathlon.
Basswood BOGO Scholastic Book Fair
The BOGO Scholastic Book Fair is back just in time to stock up for summer reading! The Book Fair, located in the Media Center, starts on Tuesday, May 28, and goes thru Friday, May 31, and will be open during the PTO Ice Cream Social on Thursday evening, May 30. A flyer with all the details went home this past Wednesday.
Volunteers Needed...can you help?
Basswood Scholastic BOGO Book Fair
Volunteer sign-up link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F044FAFAC2DAAFA7-49676526-basswood
May 28, 29, 30 and 31
Choose from various days and times. Sign up for one or more shifts!
Basswood Decathlon
Volunteer sign-up link: https://tinyurl.com/yyvxy5fx
May 31 and June 3
Assist at game event stations outside.
This Week at Basswood...
- May 27: No School - Memorial Holiday
- May 28 - 31: Scholastic Book Fair - BOGO
- May 30: PTO Ice Cream Social 5pm - 6:30pm
- May 31: Decathlon for 2nd grade, Kindergarten, 4 Star, and 1st grade
Coming Up at Basswood...
- June 3: Decathlon for 4th grade, 5th grade, and 3rd grade
- June 4: Graduating Seniors Walk at Basswood 2:30pm
- June 5: Student Device Collection Day
- June 6: Last day of school!
- June 13: Report cards available on ParentVUE
Good to Know...
Can my student ride home on another student's bus?
The District Transportation department only allows students to ride their assigned bus to and from school. If you have questions, you can reach out to the Transportation Department at 763-391-7244 or transportationreques@district279.org.
How can I find out more about Basswood's PTO?
Every parent or guardian of enrolled students of Basswood Elementary is an automatic member of the PTO. We encourage you to join one of our next general meetings - or just send us a note if you have a question. You can find more information on our PTO website: https://sites.google.com/view/basswoodpto/home?authuser=1 or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BasswoodElementaryPto
Do you know what time you can drop your student off in the morning ?
First bell rings at 8:40am letting students into the school. Second bell rings at 8:50am letting students know they should be in their classroom ready to start the day! At 8:50am, the front doors are shut and student will need to come through the office to get a late pass.
Will your student be absent from school for vacation?
If you are planning a family vacation or just time away from school, please remember to call your student's absence into the attendance line. You can call 763-494-3858 and press 1 to leave a message with your student's name, student's teacher, reason for absence, and dates that your student will be gone. We really appreciate your assistance!
What if I have a missed call from Basswood?
Basswood staff is required to leave a voicemail if you do not answer your phone when we call. Please check your voicemail before calling Basswood back. Thank you!
Is your child signed up for an after school Community Ed class?
Our district Community Education department offers a variety of after school classes. If you do sign your student up for one of these classes, please remember to let your student's teacher know about the class and when your student needs to stay after school.
phone: 763-494-3858