Husky Herald
October Newsletter
A Quick Note from Mr. Huber
Husky Families -
The school year is off to a fantastic start, with students engaged in their lessons with enthusiasm and curiosity. Classrooms are full of energy as students are having discussions, creating projects and learning meaningful content. The staff is working diligently to provide exceptional instruction, fostering an environment where every student feels supported and challenged.
Grandparent's Day
We had a blast with all of the grandparents and special friends on Grandparent's Day. Thank you for coming and celebrating with us!
Important Dates
10.7 ILEARN Checkpoints Assessment Begins for Grades 3-4
10.9 4th Grade Track Meet
10.15 Hispanic Heritage Night
10.16 PTO Meeting (3:30 in the Library)
10.17 Outdoor Classroom Day
10.17 End of the Grading Period
10.18 No School - Fall Break
10.21 - 10.25 Red Ribbon Week
10.23 Buffalo Wild Wings Giveback Night
10.25 Grades Post in Skyward
10.30 Trail of Treats (6:00 pm - 7:00 pm)
11.5 Picture Retakes
Related Arts
In art class students have been working on projects for Art to Remember. Families can order items that contain their child's artwork. Order forms will be coming home the week of October 7th, so be on the lookout.
In music, 2nd grade students have been learning their songs for the Winter Program. This year's theme is barnyard animals...with a twist! Also, for Hispanic Heritage Month, grades K,1,3 and 4 learned how to salsa dance. Kindergarten and 1st grade learned about the life of Celia Cruz, a famous salsa singer and 3rd and 4th grade learned about the history of salsa and how to play the clave rhythm.
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
Hailmann Elementary is creating a safe and supportive environment for all our students. Our school is actively implementing comprehensive bullying prevention programs to ensure every child feels respected and valued. Our school counselors and social worker use the Second Step curriculum to guide weekly lessons. The Second Step program teaches children essential skills for getting along with others and doing well in school. It also helps our school be a safe, respectful place where everyone can learn.
Please take some time to visit our current K-12 curriculums and the resources we provide that support bullying prevention.
Second Step Parent and Educator Resource Page
Hailmann also provides Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Zones of Regulation for all students. These programs promote positive expectations and interactions, promote self reflection and regulations and help create a positive school climate among all student and staff.
Picture Day and Retakes
We had pictures on the 24th! Click on the PDF below for picture ordering information. Retakes are on November 5th (remember NO green shirts!).
This is just a reminder to complete the district survey (if you haven't already)! Follow this link for more information.
Assessment and Data Highlight
Our first grade team met for their Professional Learning Community (PLC) time this week to look at the data from a weekly math quiz. Since so many students performed well on the test, we were able to do some planning ahead. Check out the picture that shows a portion of the data sheet that was used to track each student's performance on each question.
Student attendance is very important and Indiana has passed new laws pertaining to attendance. Please make sure that you call the school if your student is going to miss. Once a student has three unverified absences, you will receive a letter in the mail. After five unverified absences you will be contacted and required to meet with the school to create a plan and sign an attendance contract. If that contract is broken, further action will be taken including a referral to the Department of Child and Family Services. If you have any questions about attendance, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Counselor's Corner
For counselor time in October we will start with College Go Week. I explain to each grade level what college is and the types of colleges that are offered. Then, I go into a two week unit for Red Ribbon. The first week I do a peer pressure presentation to all grade levels and then I do a presentation of making good decisions. I end the month with an anger management presentation.
Mr. Mrozinski
Arrival and Dismissal
For the safety of all students, please follow the procedures for arrival and dismissal. At dismissal, the only cars that should enter the parking lot are those that are getting in line for car rider pick up. If you are going to walk up to get your student as a walker, you must park along the street or have walked from your house.
Rock Your School
We had a blast all day long. Who said learning couldn't be fun?? A special thank you to all of the community members that came out to make the arrival so special for our students!
Boys and Girls Club Information
Are you interested in signing up for Boys and Girls Club at Hailmann? Click on this REGISTRATION LINK for all of the information.
Skyward and Chromebooks
Please make sure that student information is updated in Skyward. If you are having trouble logging in, please call or stop in and we can help! Also, this is a reminder that you can purchase chromebook insurance until October 1st. If you have any questions, reach out to the office at 219-362-2080.