Waikari School Newsletter
Term 3, Week 4
Waikari School
Email: principal@waikari.school.nz
Website: https://waikari.school.nz
Location: 23 Princes Street, Waikari, New Zealand
Phone: (03)314 4250
Tumuaki Update
Kia ora e te whānau,
The term is flying by just as quickly as every other. So far this term, I am thoroughly enjoying seeing all the smiles at school and participating in the lunchtime netball and soccer games.
The big focus this week has been celebrating Maths Week, which is interesting as it correlates with the government's recent announcements about the new Maths initiative, Make it Count. The staff at Waikari School are excited to receive the new Maths Curriculum. However, we want to reassure our community that our school's maths data is different from the government's announcement. Currently, 100% of our students are achieving at or above the national expectations.
To celebrate Maths Week, we sent some Year 5 & 6 students to Amuri Area School to participate in a maths problem-solving challenge. It was great to see our two teams working together to solve problems. Some Year 7 & 8 students have also been participating in an Otago University Maths Problem Solving Challenge throughout the year, with all of them scoring extremely good results.
Our staff have been participating in maths professional development with Rob Proffit-White throughout the year, ensuring that we are providing a maths curriculum that meets the needs of all our learners. Mrs Florance even went to visit other schools this week to explore how they are teaching maths.
Keep reading to find out some more information about our upcoming performance and other events and activities happening at school.
Thanks for your continued support.
Noho ora mai,
Phoebe Todd
What's been happening at school
Our stories - Ā mātou kōrero –
This performance encompasses the stories of our land, through the fossils of Waipara River, Birdlife in our area, Ponanmu trail through our area, and some tales from sheep farming. Our senior students recently went to the shearing museum with Winten Dalley and Michelle Phelp to learn about the history of sheep farming in our area. Children are throughly enjoying learning songs, actions and telling the stories through dance, drama and music.
We are excited to announce the following cast members:
Students (narrators): Rosie, Emily A, Aiden & Amelia
Kaumatua: James
Winten Dalley: Tom
Dinosaurs: Mīharo, Khanoa, Odin
Māori: Miharo Te Atawhai, Will, Lotti, Breanna, Emily R
Birds: Manaaki, Fergus, Zara, Tom, Bridie, Macy
Sheep Farmers & Sheppards: John, Ethan, Will, Manaaki
Shearers and Boundry Fence Riders: Shakaiyah, Macy, Nico, Max & Lotti
Weka Class has been learning about...
Reading: Yr 1-2 - Identifying sounds and decoding words, Yr 3-4 - Comprehension, fluency and vocabulary
Writing: Procedural writing using past tense and 3rd person
Maths: Number patterns and groupings to 100
Kea Class has been learning about...
Reading: Non-Fiction reports based on the Olympics, Olympic Sports, Olympians and the History of the Olympics,
Writing: Information Reports based on a country of our choice from the Olympics,
Maths: Learning about fractions - adding, subtracting, manipulating and simplifying fractions.
On Tuesday the year 5 & 6s headed up to Amuri Area School to participate in a Maths Problem Solving Challenge as a part of Maths Week. Our students worked really hard to solve the problems in a tight time frame. Well done to all of them for participating.
Fortnightly Maths Challenge
This weeks fortnightly maths challenge is a little bit different - have a go at completing them as a family. Students will receive a copy of these instructions to glue into their home learning notebooks on Monday.
Kea Class should have a go at attempting the bottom line.
Kiwhaha o te wiki (Saying of the Week)
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Congratulations to this fortnights certificate recipients:
- Te Atawhai - Encouraging their team mates when playing sport,
- Tom - Encouraging their team mates when playing sport,
- Reiko - Showing sportsmanship and persevering in the classroom.
- James - for playing fair and following the rules
- Manaaki - cheering on the other team when they get a goal
- Rāwiri - For showing great sportsmanship during Monday Sports
PRIDE Fortnightly Focus - Integrity
This week, we discussed our 'How to be a Good Sport' poster. We discussed the importance of using kind words and kind tone when talking to others:
- We watched a video about Mojo and discussed how he spoke to Katie.
- We talked about what led him to use this tone when talking to Katie and the effect it had on Katie.
- We discussed what happens when we use unkind words or unkind tone, and that it often results in people not wanting to play with us.
From the Office (Weekly Reminders)
- If your child is not going to be at school please contact the school before 9:00am. This can now also be done through the HERO app.
School Bank Account
- Automatic payments are also welcome (weekly & fortnightly) and our Student Management system can also handle Payments in Advance.
Office Hours
- School office will be manned by Caryn from 9.00-9:30 and 1:30-3:00
Break Times
- 10:45-11:10 Morning Tea
- 12:45-1:20 Lunch
From the B.O.T
Policies & Procedures
Policies being reviewed this term are:
- Student Attendance
- Reporting to Parents on Student Progress and Achievement
- Searches, Surrender, and Retention of Property
- Minimising Physical Restraint
- Stand-down, Suspension, and Exclusion
- School Records Retention and Disposal
You can use the SchoolDocs website to participate in a review. https://waikari.schooldocs.co.nz/Logon.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
Username: waikari
Password: pride
We as a B.O.T really value your feedback.
Upcoming Events
7 Aside Tournament (Football, Netball, Touch Rugby)
Who: Year 3 - 8
Where: Hurunui College
When: Tuesday 20th August (PP: Thursday 22nd August)
Details: Briefing will be at 9:35. We will leave school at 9:10 and return by 2:30.
Reminder to bring back your pre order lunch form will come home by the end of the week.
See attached timetable.
If you can help with transport or as a team manager please let Kerry or Caryn know.
Thanks for all your ongoing support.
Term 3 Calendar - 2024
- Tuesday 20th August - 7aside Tournament (pp 22nd August)
- Tuesday 20th August - Board Meeting
- Thursday 22nd August - Assembly
- Friday 6th September - Writing Stories (authors visit) at Omihi
- Friday 13th September - Kahui Ako Cultural Day
- Thursday 19th September - Kapa Haka Festival
- Wednesday 18th September - KiwiSport Tournament
- Thursday 26th September - Performance Evening
From the Community
Waikari Community Op Shop
Open Monday and Thursday 10.30 - 2.00.
All money raised goes back into our community.
This year we have helped with Cracker Jack Bowls, NZ Areas Schools Tournament, Waikari School Camp, Local Cancer Society, Waikari Food Bank, Food in Schools and after school Youth Group, just to name a few things.
Thank you to everyone in our community that have given donations, keep them coming. Please just remember, good clean re-usable items only.
Also, a big thank you to the lovely volunteers that help keep our shop doing so well. Come see us and have a free tea or coffee. You never know what you will find!