News from Eli Terry
Week of September 8th, 2023

A Note from Your Principals
October Attendance
With the close of October, our attendance team met to review our monthly, as well as cumulative attendance data. As of October 31st, we have been in school for 44 days! Below we highlight our celebrations and areas of growth by the numbers!
- 304 students (64%) had "perfect" attendance for the month; attending 21/21 days offered!
- 211 students (43%) have "perfect" attendance for the school year; attending all 44/44 days offered!
- Our average daily percent present is 96%; that's the second month in a row we've exceeded our goal of 95!
- For the second month in a row, Grade 3 had the highest average percent present with 97%!
- 4 students who were considered "chronically absent" in the month of September, had no additional absences in the month of October!
Areas of Growth
- 44 students (9%) are considered "chronically absent"; this is an increase of 8 students and above our goal of 5% or less.
- Grade 4 had the lowest average percent present; just meeting 95% and also had the largest number of students (11) considered "chronically absent".
- 13 students are considered "chronically tardy"; consistently arriving to school after our 8:45AM start time.
Following each data review, attendance letters are sent to families whose students have "flagged". These communications come via e-mail, but are also available, along with additional attendance information, in your PowerSchool Parent Portal. We encourage all our families to use these features to help monitor your child(ren)'s attendance, tardies, and early dismissals. Often families don't realize how quickly days added up!
World Kindness Day
Next Wednesday, November 13th is World Kindness Day, a global celebration dedicated to spreading kindness and compassion in our communities. This day is a perfect opportunity for our school to come together and practice the small, everyday acts of kindness that can make a big difference. Whether it’s offering a kind word, helping a classmate, or showing appreciation for our school family, every act of kindness counts!
To celebrate this day, the Ambassadors have helped plan a Kindness Spirit Week. Please see the flyer above!
In addition, you might consider our “Favorite Things” Google Sheet and surprising an Eli Terry staff member with a random act of kindness, or submitting a community shout-out for some kindness that doesn't cost a thing!
We encourage everyone—students, teachers, staff, and families—to embrace kindness, not just on November 13th, but every day. Together, we can create a more positive, welcoming environment for all! Let’s make the world a little brighter, one kind act at a time. 💛
Lost and Found
🌊🐚 Dive into Our Undersea Lost and Found! 🐚🌊
Our treasure trove of lost items is overflowing! Please enjoy the enchanting video below as a friendly reminder to explore our Lost and Found and reunite with your little ones’ misplaced treasures.
With upcoming conferences and chances to visit in-person—like drop-off/pick-up, assemblies, PTO meetings, and the Holiday Fair—we want to make sure every precious item finds its way back to its human home! 🧜♀️✨
A Peek Inside Our Week
Fall/Halloween Fun
Diwali Celebrations
Math in Action
Our Therapy Dogs Hard at Work
Socktober Donation
PTO News & Events
Next PTO Meeting
Holiday Fair Volunteer Opportunity
It's that time of year!
The Eli Terry PTO is preparing for our Holiday Fair on Friday, December 6th.
We are looking for volunteers both for the evening before and the day of the fair. Please see the link below for our Sign Up genius to help make this "fan favorite" event a success!
Mark Your Calendars!
Veterans Day Assembly - Monday, November 11th (9:15-10:15)
World Kindness Day - Wednesday, November 13th
Special PTO In-School Assembly - Friday, November 15th
PTO Meeting - Wednesday, November 20th (7-8PM)
Picture Retake Day - Friday, November 22nd
NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break - Thursday & Friday, November 28-29th
Please note: All events can easily be added to your own Google Calendars by clicking the blue hyperlink above! We don't want you to miss a thing!
Events in the Larger Community
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