Bobcats Trekking To Success!
September 25, 2023
Hickory Grove/Sharon Elementary School
Location: 4901 Hickory Grove Road, Hickory Grove, SC, USA
Phone: 803-925-2116
Twitter: @York1HGS
To Learn, Serve, Give as One
Hello HGSE Family!
We had another great week at HGSE! Our students, teachers, and staff are working very hard throughout the school building. We encourage all of our students to strive towards excellence each and every day and be the best they can be!
Teachers will soon reach out to schedule for our fall parent teacher conferences. A great article is provided below to read over to give you ideas, suggestions, and support as you schedule a time to meet with your child's teacher. With the nine weeks almost completed, your child's teacher will give a great snapshot in how the year is going for your child. This snapshot is an early trajectory of your child's pathway of his/her academic and social progress. We want to celebrate successes and make suggestions in how to even make further improvements for greater accomplishments in the next nine weeks. We hope you will come to meet with your child's teacher when you are contacted. (If you are not able to meet in person, we can certainly meet by phone or virtual).
Bookfair is next week during Parent Teacher Conference Week! Stop by and shop!
Attendance Notes- We miss your child when he/she is not present! Don't forget to submit a doctor's note or a parent note when an absence occurs. We have tried to make it easy for you by providing a parent note form and even a digital form for ease of use. See below for both options, if needed!
PTO is looking for a new Treasurer. If you are interested or know someone that is interested in filling this position, please complete the ballot and return back to school when it comes home in Tuesday Folders.
Sept 12- YSD1 Board meeting- 6:30
Sept 18- PTO/SIC- 5:30
Sept 19- Student of the Month- 8:00am- invitation only
Sept 20- Early Release Day- Dismiss at 11:30am
Sept 29- Birthday Lunch
Oct. 2-6- Teachers will be scheduling parent teacher conferences for this week
Oct 9-13- Fall Break for Students! No School
Oct 10-- YSD1 Board of Trustees Meeting
Oct 24- Student of the Month Celebration for Creativity- Invitation Only
Oct 24- PTO/SIC meeting at 2:45pm- Parents that attended the previous PTO/SIC meeting asked to try an earlier time to see if more parents could attend after pick up. So come on out! We would love to have you join us!
Oct 27- Birthday Lunch
11-7- Fall For Reading- more info to come
11-8- Early Release Day- Dismissal at 11:30
11-10- Veteran's Day Program- more info to come
11-14- Student of the Month Celebration for Gratitude- Invitation Only