The RISE Report
August 6, 2024
News You Can Use
Downers Grove OKtoberfest
District 58 invites the community to Downers Grove Oktoberfest on Friday, Sept. 13 and Saturday, Sept. 14. The festival will feature live music, a Kids Zone and authentic Oktoberfest food and brew in a traditional German atmosphere. This event is the Education Foundation of Downers Grove District 58’s largest fundraiser, and all proceeds will support the foundation’s programs for District 58 students and staff. Purchase tickets here.
Oktoberfest will take place in downtown Downers Grove in the train commuter lot on Burlington Avenue between Main Street and Forest Avenue, on Friday, Sept. 13 from 3-11 p.m. and Saturday, Sept. 14 from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Health Safety Reminder
As the year begins, we’ve noticed an increase in students visiting our health offices for insect bites, particularly on the neck, face, and arms. These bites are often red and itchy, and while we can provide Calamine lotion or an ice pack to ease discomfort, other over-the-counter treatments like Benadryl cream or Hydrocortisone require a completed Medication Authorization Form.
Please ensure that these medications are not sent to school with your child unless proper authorization is in place. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact your school’s health office.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe and healthy.
Back to School Information
Health/Physical Examination & Immunization Record due October 15th
As required by law, all new students, as well as students entering grades K, 2, and 6, must receive health examinations and immunizations and submit completed health forms by October 15th. To learn more check out the Health Services page on the District 58 website.
Thank you to many of the families who have already completed and submitted these forms. In accordance with Illinois law, failure to comply with these requirements by Oct 15 of the current school year, or 30 days following registration for first-time registrants, will result in the student's exclusion from school until such requirements have been met. All sections of the child examination form must be completed including the health history, which must be filled out by the parent.
District 58 communicates frequently regarding these requirements as it is our hope to avoid school exclusion for all of our students. If you are in need of additional assistance, our school nurse, (insert name here phone number, and email), would be happy to assist you in answering questions or connecting you with resources to complete this requirement.
Attendance Makes a Difference!
Related Service Resource Corner
Looking Ahead
Important Dates!
Tuesday September 3: 7th Grade Curriculum Night at Herrick Middle School
Wednesday, September 4: 7th Grade Curriculum Night at Herrick Middle School
Monday, September 9: Board of Education Regular Meeting
Self-Care September Calendar
Weekly Learning Highlights
RISING Stars at Indian Trail Elementary
Mrs. Kollintzas & Miss Broughton's Classroom
Ms. Price & Mrs. Wanderer's Classroom
Mrs. Hamilton's Classroom
Mrs. Bundren's Classroom
RISING Stars at Pierce Downer Elementary
Mrs. Acevedo's Classroom
Miss Barc's Classroom
Mrs. Billotta's Classroom
RISING Stars at Herrick Middle School
More Learning Fun!
Parent Trainings and Resources
Share the Find Food IL Community Food Map
The Find Food IL Community Food Map is an excellent tool for individuals to find places offering free food or meals; school and Summer Meal programs; and grocery stores and farmers markets accepting SNAP/Link, WIC, and senior vouchers. ISBE partnered with the University of Illinois Extension to help families identify what is available in their community more easily.
Many students rely on school for access to meals. Especially as we enter the summer months, you can help by sharing the Find Food IL Community Food Map with your students and families. Those interested in linking to this resource can download hosting guidelines on the Illinois Nutrition Education Programs website. Contact Caitlin Kownacki or read the press release for more information.
Building Bridges
To learn more about Building Bridges:
Building Bridges is a parent group under the Downers Grove D58 Area PTA Counil. Building Bridges works on building relationships between families with children who have special needs and our school community.
Whether you are a parent/guardian of a child with an IEP or 504, sibling, caregiver, teacher, librarian, or community member... Building Bridges would love to see your participation in our event for the 2023-2024 school year!
Please join our Facebook Page (Building Bridges Parent/Teacher Group)
Dr. Jackelyn Cadard
Email: jcadard@dg58.org
Website: www.dg58.org
Location: 1436 Grant St, Downers Grove, IL 60515
Phone: 630-719-9478
3-6 Community Group
Our 3-6 RISE classes came together for our first Community Group this week! We have created many amazing opportunities to be together this year. Our classes will be together each week for community group (an executive functioning and community building group), a STEM makerspace, and combined specials. We love our 3-6 RISE community!
The 3-6 IT RISE Team
Special Programs Coordinator Downers Grove Grade School District 58