Field Elementary
Monthly Newsletter - December 2024
December 1st- December 31st
Monday's Early Dismissal at 1:30pm
Tuesday's-Friday's Dismissal at 3:10pm
Month at a Glance
Week 1 Monday, December 2nd-Friday, December 6th
A Week Highlights
Field Innovation Club Expo Monday, December 2nd 9am MPR
Operational Principal's Meeting Wednesday, December 4th TUCKER OUT
PEF Teacher Grant Parade Wednesday, December 4th 3:30pm District Offices
Emergency Drill Thursday, December 5th 9:15am
PTA Executive Board Meeting #5 Thursday, December 5th
Tea & Talk w/ the Principal 9am MPR Friday, December 6th
District Innovation Expo 5pm Blair High School Friday, December 6th
California Educators Together Workshop Saturday, December 7th 8am-4pm
Week 2 Monday, December 9th-Friday, December 13th
B Week Highlights
School Tour Tuesday, December 10th 9am MPR
Instructional Leadership Team Meeting Wednesday, December 11th 3:30pm
Teacher/Staff Holiday Party Thursday, December 12th 4:30pm-6:30pm
Schoolwide Student Celebration Assemblies Pre-K-3rd Thursday, December 12th
Schoolwide Student Celebration Assemblies 4/5 Friday, December 13th
Week 3 Monday, December 16th-Friday, December 20th
A Week Highlights
Annual Spirit Week More News to Come...
Winter Performance Practice Monday, December 16th 9:15am
ELAC Meeting Monday, December 16th 11am
School Site Council Meeting Tuesday, December 17th 3:30pm-5pm Virtual
PTA Hosted Restaurant Night Mendocino Farms 2pm-9pm
Academic Principal's Meeting Wednesday, December 18th TUCKER OUT
Field's Winter Performance Thursday, December 19th 9:15am PAZ NAZ RSVP/Ticket Needed
Shortened Day Friday, December 20th DISMISSAL @ 12:50pm
Week 4 Monday, December 23rd-Friday, December 27th
Winter Break
All PUSD schools and district offices will be closed in observance of the holiday and scheduled break. Classes will resume Monday, January 6th at 8:45am
Week 5th Monday, December 30th-Friday, January 3rd
Winter Break
All PUSD schools and district offices will be closed in observance of the holiday and scheduled break. Classes will resume Monday, January 6th at 8:45am
If I missed an important point and/or you still have a burning question after reading my message, please include your question(s) HERE.
Field's Game Room Donations 2024
Emergency Comfort Pack Sale
Field families are required to have a comfort pack for each child. The PTA is offering pre-packaged comfort packs for $10 each. Please click the link below for more details and to purchase your child's comfort pack.
If you are new to Field, and prefer to make your own comfort pack, please follow this list:
One gallon size ziplock bag which will hold the following items only:
Two small packages of tissues
A large black plastic garbage bag, folded
An emergency solar blanket
Two individual hand sanitizer wipes
Note: Families are encouraged to add the following items to their comfort packs:
A reassuring note of love and comfort from you
A photo of your child's immediate family
Purchase Link:
Comfort Pack Deadline: 12/4
Email Q's: correspondence@efieldpta.com
Tea & Talk w/ the Principal
Join us for the upcoming Tea & Talk w/ the Principal event on Friday, December 6th at 9am in the MPR.
Sunday Newsletters
New School Year....New Sunday Format
Sunday, December 1st
Sunday, January 5th
Sunday, February 2nd
Sunday, March 2nd
Sunday, April 13th (Due to spring break April 7th-11th)
Sunday, May 4th ....be with you
Sunday, June 1st
Upcoming School Year
Summer Communication: June 29th; Aug 3rd; August 10th; August 17th
First Day of School August 18, 2025
Be Present, Be Engaged, and Watch YOUR Knowledge Grow!!
Attendance UPDATES 2024-2025
We are on a journey to increase our positive attendance by 1% over the course of this school year and decrease our chronic absenteeism rate by -6%. This is a districtwide initiative and we are taking extra steps to ensure we hit our intended goal. We are having a competition between all grade levels on a monthly basis, students will be recognized for their attendance improvements from month to month and we are looking to have an end of the year celebration for achieving our overall attendance goals.
Year Long Positive Attendance Goal from 97% to 98%
Year Long Chronic Absenteeism Goal reduction from 10% to 4%
Our Grade Level competition will be revealed later on this month for TK-5th and teachers/sfaff.
5th Grade currently in 1st Place- Month of November
4th Grade currently in 2nd Place- Month of November
3rd Grade currently in 3rd Place- Month of November
Understanding Attendance Letters & Notifications
The district will send home letters and notifications regarding your child's attendance for the school year. There are 3 major ways the district will notify you of your attendance for the school year. Please click the following buttons below to learn about text messages and letters that you may receive during the school year.
Once you have a total of 3 unexcused absences a series of truancy letters (CA Education Code) can be sent to your home. Between letters 2 and 3 if absences and late tardies continue the school will hold a Student Attendance Review Team (SART) Meeting with the parent/guardian. Chronic cases without change will be referred to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) which is held by the Pasadena USD representatives and the City of Pasadena.
2025-26 Open Enrollment: Sibling and Program Priority began October 22nd at pusd.schoolmint.com!
More detailed information HERE
Please return to this location after each of the events listed below so that can see the recap from the event/meeting throughout the month.
Parent Involvement/Leadership Groups
African American Parent Council (AAPC)
Annual Fund
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
School Site Council (SSC)
You can follow us on Instagram
If you would like your child excluded from all posts for Instagram, please complete the form HERE.
Homeroom Parent Contact Information Explicit Permission Form 2024-2025
Please complete this form to provide school officials (teachers/staff) to share your information with other parents in your homeroom cohort. Your homeroom teacher will also share this form with you. Please complete the form HERE
Upcoming Events/Information
Field Innovation Club Expo Monday, December 2nd 9am MPR
Operational Principal's Meeting Wednesday, December 4th TUCKER OUT
PEF Teacher Grant Parade Wednesday, December 4th 3:30pm District Offices
Emergency Drill Thursday, December 5th 9:15am
PTA Executive Board Meeting #5 Thursday, December 5th
Tea & Talk w/ the Principal 9am MPR Friday, December 6th
District Innovation Expo 5pm Blair High School Friday, December 6th
California Educators Together Workshop Saturday, December 7th 8am-4pm
School Tour Tuesday, December 10th 9am MPR
Instructional Leadership Team Meeting Wednesday, December 11th 3:30pm
Teacher/Staff Holiday Party Thursday, December 12th 4:30pm-6:30pm
Schoolwide Student Celebration Assemblies Pre-K-3rd Thursday, December 12th
Schoolwide Student Celebration Assemblies 5/4 Friday, December 13th
Annual Spirit Week Monday, December 16th-Friday, December 20th More News to Come...
Winter Performance Practice Monday, December 16th 9:15am
ELAC Meeting Monday, December 16th 11am
School Site Council Meeting Tuesday, December 17th 3:30pm-5pm Virtual
PTA Hosted Restaurant Night Mendocino Farms 2pm-9pm
Academic Principal's Meeting Wednesday, December 18th TUCKER OUT
Field's Winter Performance Thursday, December 19th 9:15am PAZ NAZ RSVP/Ticket Needed
Shortened Day Friday, December 20th DISMISSAL @ 12:50pm
Week 4 Monday, December 23rd-Friday, December 27th
Winter Break
All PUSD schools and district offices will be closed in observance of the holiday and scheduled break. Classes will resume Monday, January 6th at 8:45am
Week 5th Monday, December 30th-Friday, January 3rd
Winter Break
All PUSD schools and district offices will be closed in observance of the holiday and scheduled break. Classes will resume Monday, January 6th at 8:45am
Schoolwide Student Celebration Assemblies
Thursday, December 12th Pre-K-3rd
2nd/3rd - 1:25pm-1:55pm
K/1st- 2:00pm-2:30pm
PK/TK- 2:35pm-3:05pm
Schoolwide Student Celebration Assemblies
Friday, December 13th 4th/5th
5th- 12:35pm-1:05pm
4th- 1:15pm-1:45pm