Weekly Newsletter
Friday 14th February 2025
Headteacher - Mrs K Adams
Associate Assistant Headteacher - Mrs E Penty
Associate Assistant Headteacher - Mr K Reynolds
Dear Parents/Carers,
We have had a very busy week in school this week!
We began the week with a ‘Stay and Play’ session in EYFS where parents and carers had the opportunity to come into the classroom and spend time with their children in setting. Thank you to everyone who came. We know the children had a wonderful time giving you a glimpse into their time in school.
On Monday afternoon, Louise from My Hospitals Charity, came to visit us and deliver an assembly to launch the Hands Across Wakefield charity event that will take place on March 7th. Communication has been sent to all parents and carers regarding this event this week. We are very much looking forward to raising funds to support the hospitals in our area. Louise will return to school after the half term and complete some workshops with Year 3 and 4.
On Tuesday, Year 3 and 4 had a curriculum visit to Magna. They explored many of the scientific areas learning about tornadoes, magnets, sound and rockets. This was an amazing experience and enhanced pupil understanding further of Air, Earth, Fire and Water.
On the same day, we held a whole school assembly to revisit awareness of how to stay safe online for Safer Internet Day. All classes followed the assembly with focussed discussion time. Throughout year, we frequently discuss the importance of staying safe online and our pupils are very aware of the risks and dangers which are delivered in an age-appropriate manner.
After school, Year 6 parents and carers attended a Sats briefing with Mr Reynolds. Thank you to those who attended. If you were unable to attend, please contact Mr Reynolds directly to ensure you are as fully informed as possible of the process. If anyone does have any further questions, please do contact us and we will be happy to support.
On Thursday afternoon, Ms Honeyman Smith met with the Mental Health Ambassadors in school and Future in Mind from the Mental Health Team in Wakefield. The Ambassadors have been given examples of ways they can help their peers in school and will be going into each class next term to offer their support when and if needed.
After school, the ladies from Future in Mind delivered a ‘Worry Warriors’ workshop session to parents and carers to offer advice re supporting children with anxiety and managing worries at home. Our next workshop session will offer support with sleep. Please keep a look out for details in the coming weeks.
Upcoming Diary Dates
Thursday 27th February - EYFS Trip to Canon Hall Farm
Friday 28th February - Anti-Bullying Day - Pupils to wear odd socks
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day (see below for more details)
Friday 7th March - Hand Across Wakefield Charity Event (Non-Uniform) - Please see separate communication for further information
Stars of the Week
EYFS - Noah
Year 1 - Matilda
Year 2 - Robyn
Year 3 - Maddie
Year 4 - Molly
Year 5 - Louis
Year 6 - Bailey
Headteacher's Award Winners
Darcie M (Y3) – For always having a superb attitude to learning and always trying her very best. Well done Darcie!
Sam L (Y3) – For making exceptional progress in his phonics this term. Well done Sam!
TT Rockstars
Elise Y6
Olivia Y5
Heather Y4
Nikita Y6
On a final note, I hope that everyone has a really lovely break over the half term and that you manage to rest and enjoy the time together. Happy Valentines everyone!
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Adams