FJVD Weekly Info...
We Live the Word!
Friday, November 2, 2018
Father John V. Doyle School is blessed to have the Msgr. Peter E. Blessing Knights of Columbus Council #5273 as part of our school family! Members of the Council joined us once again this year at our annual Car Show in September to cook and donate the proceeds of a yummy BBQ lunch! We are also very grateful to the Msgr. Peter E. Blessing Council for inviting us to attend their annual awards dinner. At the dinner, the Council announced that two of our middle school students were each awarded scholarships to be used toward their tuition. We are pleased to congratulate Thien (grade 7) and Adam (grade 8) as recipients of these awards! Thien and Adam, both SSJP parishioners, have earned these scholarships as they demonstrate positive behavior, show school spirit, and are in good academic standing!
We are so very grateful for the Council's continued support of Father John V. Doyle School and its students!
FJVD is forming a Robotics Club!
Saints John & Paul Parish Snowflake Bazaar!
One book of raffle tickets was sent home with every student last week! Additional books can be picked up at the school or rectory office. Students should put their raffle stubs along with $10 per book payment into an envelope marked with the student's name and "Snowflake Bazaar Attn: Mrs. Smith." Only entries submitted to Mrs. Smith BY Thursday November 8 will count towards the top three sellers contest!
Rachel's Challenge Event on November 14, 2018
Rachel's inspiring story provides a simple yet powerful example of how small acts of kindness and acceptance motivate us to consider our relationships with the people we come in contact with every day. Rachel's Challenge renews our hope that our life has meaning and purpose. Rachel's story gives us permission to start our own chain reaction of kindness and compassion, which positively affects the climate in our schools and communities.
Father John V. Doyle School will be hosting two student presentations during the school day on Wednesday, November 14th, with one geared more to the elementary students, and the other to the middle school students. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Smith if you have any questions or concerns regarding the program.
There will also be a special Community Event/Presentation for adults on November 14 in the school gym from 6:30-7:30pm. We invite all of our FJVD parents, families, and friends to join us.
Pto offers the REMIND text alert service!
The FJVD PTO Team is providing a text messaging service to assist in communication of some school events and due dates. If you are interested in receiving text alerts for school events and due dates, just text the number below to get started. You do not need to download the app... just message us!
We hope to get your thoughts and feedback on this new service!
Send message to: 81010
The message is: @fjvd
School Board extends thanks...
The next meeting will be held on Monday December 10, 2018. Space in the conference room is limited. For seating purposes, please let Mrs. Smith know if you plan on attending. Thank you!
Join the FJVD PTO Facebook group to keep on top of all FJVD info!
The PTO would like to invite parents, teachers, and families at Father John V. Doyle School to join the PTO Facebook group! Our PTO team will maintain the group to provide an online community where families can get information about events, share volunteer opportunities, be able to ask questions, and have a chance to give your opinion through surveys and open discussions.
If you are on Facebook, please join the group at:
STORM the STATE HOUSE Phone Campaign
Please call 401-222-2080 to say:
"I am calling to inform Governor Raimondo that I want her to raise the cap on the Education Corporate Tax Credit Program."
Then give your name, address, and phone number!
That's all there is to it! Thank you for calling!
RI Catholic School Parent Federation
The Rhode Island Catholic School Parents Federation organizes parents to assure equal opportunities for quality education to all who desire it. It is committed to educating, advocating and mobilizing Catholic school parents, public policy-makers and the public at large to ensure that Catholic school students and parents receive all the rights and privileges to which they are entitled. Its primary purpose is to maintain state and federally mandated services which include student transportation, health and special education services, textbook loans and federal entitlement grants and services. A secondary purpose is to provide parents with access to public tax funds which may include tax credits, tax deductions and educational opportunity scholarships.
For more information, call the Catholic School Office at (401) 278-4550.
Pediped children's shoes is now a supporter of FJVD! Thank you, Pediped!
About Us
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Location: 343 South Main Street, Coventry, RI, USA
Phone: 401-821-3756