Jaguar News Journal
September 23rd - 27th
From Our Principal
Dear JWE Families,
Hello! Today is the first day of autumn - Happy Fall to you!!!! We hope our JWES families are having an outstanding weekend and looking forward to the week ahead!
As a reminder, Tuesday of last week was our Fall Picture Day! Each child should have brought home a small slip of paper with an access code on it. Families are to use that access code to view their child's photos and place picture orders online! Photos will be shipped directly to you! This is the only fundraiser we'll do this school year for which a portion of the proceeds come back to JWES - thanks in advance for your support and purchase of school pictures! If you are not happy with the photo taken, your child can sit for a retake on October 2nd! If you cannot locate your child's paper with access codes on it - please use this flyer to help: Queen City Flyer .
This year is JWES' first as a Title I School! As part of being Title I we are hosting an Annual Meeting for our families. The meeting is this Thursday, September 26th at 6pm in our school library. All families are invited to come and learn about What it means to be a Title I School, what our goals for the year are related to this and to view and offer feedback on our Family Engagement Plan for the year. We hope to see you there!
The JWES Lost & Found is quite full already! If your child is missing a jacket, sweatshirt, water bottle or other item, please encourage them to check our Lost & Found for it. As a reminder, we ask that you please write your child's name in or on their items so we can get things back to their owners rather than have them sit in our Lost & Found and potentially end up getting donated to charity.
As a reminder, please be aware that RCPS has had some concerns and issues with younger students being unsupervised at high school games and events. All families are asked to be sure that if your child is at a football game that he/she is both accomanied by and actively supervised by a responsible adult. For elementary aged students, the preference is that your child sit with your family.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and thank you for your continued partnership and support!
Sara Hammill
Families in PE Week is Coming Soon!
We are celebrating Family PE Week October 9-11th! We are offering parents and adult caregivers the opportunity to come see what PE class looks like for your child(ren). The form below has all the information you need. You may sign up to attend when your child has PE. We had so much fun last year and we're looking forward to another great week!
"Every Child is an Artist..." ~ Pablo Picasso
Title I Annual Meeting for JWES Families
John Wayland is now a Title I School and this is our first year with this designation. This is exciting news as it means we gain resources to support student success! As part of the Title I process, we will host an Annual Meeting at which we explain what it means to be a Title I School and what our goals are for this year. We will also go over our Title I Family Engagement Plan with those present!
We'd love for Parents/Guardians to plan to attend this 30-45 minute meeting on Thursday, September 26th at 6pm in our school library. We look forward to meeting with you!
Kindergarten Students in Mrs. Teter's Class Writing Around the Room!
Student Birthdays at JWES - Important Update
Families sometimes like to send birthday treats for a class on/around their student's birthday. We've historically served the treat to the class in the cafeteria after or during the students lunch period that day. Due to an increase in student allergies and some other factors we are changing this practice.
If you/your family are interested in bringing a birthday snack or treat in to celebrate your student, please work with his/her classroom teacher. The teacher will serve these snacks/treats in the classroom during a convenient time that day. Please contact your child's teacher to let them know you will be bringing/dropping off a birthday snack ahead of time so they can plan for it. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!
Our class released 2 monarch butterflies this week - Mrs. Mason's Class
PTO News
Our next PTO meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 2 from 6-7pm. This meeting will be held via Zoom. A Zoom link and meeting agenda will be shared via JWES facebook page ahead of the meeting. We hope you will be able to join us as we finalize plans for our Fall fundraisers and events!
We are excited to be hosting another Fun Run for our students this year! We've worked with JWES Administration and Staff and this event will be held on October 31st! More details will come out to our families soon on this important fundraising event!
Fitness Stations In P.E
September is Attendance Awareness Month!
Beautiful Smiles!
Hula Hoop Unit In P.E
Counselor Corner - Conflict Resolution
Managing conflict is an important part of building healthy relationships with peers. Conflicts with others happen naturally as children learn to express their feelings, share their needs, and understand different perspectives. As school counselors, one of our roles is to help students develop skills to resolve conflicts independently
Recently, 5th grade students were taught the “Keys to Conflict Resolution” during classroom guidance, where we shared various conflict scenarios and discussed how to effectively resolve them:
Apologize: Say sorry, explain why you are sorry, and mean it
Wait until you’re calm: Take a break, breathe and relax, come back to the situation when you have a clear head and can think rationally
Let it Go: Some conflicts cannot be resolved and the best thing to do is just let it go. Agree to disagree
Share/Take Turns: Let the other person have a turn. Sharing is an easy way to make someone feel included and happy
Use an “I Message”: Instead of saying “YOU made me feel sad” try saying “I feel sad because of what was said:
Use Humor: One of the easiest ways to diffuse a small problem is to make light of the situation
You can help your child resolve conflicts by listening to them and acknowledging their feelings about the situation. Sometimes, they just need to express their thoughts and feelings (we all need a good “vent” session from time to time!). Additionally, you can assist by guiding them through the following steps:
Identify the problem: Help them understand what the root of the problem is
Find out if there are times that the problem gets better or is NOT happening. Find out what your child is doing or saying differently and do more of that. Sometimes you get more of what you focus on! If the problem doesn't seem to be getting better, it could be that focusing on solutions may work better than staying so stuck in the problem.
Brainstorm Solutions: Encourage them to think of possible ways to solve the problem
Empower Independence: After talking through it, allow them to try resolving the problem on their own
Always use your judgment to determine if the problem requires adult help. If the conflict continues or gets worse after your child has tried to handle it, encourage them to talk to a trusted adult, such as their classroom teacher or a school counselor.
For Your Calendar
Sept. 24: K (Pederson & Bair) Field Trip to JMU Arboretum
Sept. 25: AM - Bus Evacuation Drills
Sept. 26: Annual Title I Family Meeting - 6pm, Library
Sept. 30: K (Coffman & Teter) Field Trip to JMU Arboretum
Oct. 2: Class Picture & Fall Picture Make Up/Retake Day
Oct. 2: PTO Meeting - Virtual Meeting
Oct. 2 - 8: International Week in Specials
Oct. 9 - 11: Families in PE Days!
John Wayland Elementary School
Assistant Principal: Diane Secord
Location: 801 N Main St, Bridgewater, VA, USA
Phone: 540-828-6081
JWES PTO Facebook: