Edison Update
May 15, 2024
I hope you are well and looking forward to the last few weeks of school! It's a busy time of year, but also very exciting as we celebrate all of the progress each student has made. I appreciate all of the help and support from each Edison Family, it's been an excellent year!
All student Ipads that were sent home need to be returned to Edison. The Ipad will no longer work as the wireless service (5G) is no longer active. The district has created a plan to return the Ipads and get them serviced, so they can be reused by our students. Please note, even if there is damage, please return the Ipad and charger. The Ipads are still under the Apple Care Plan so you will not be charged or fined if the Ipad is returned by the end of the school year. (See letter below from Tech Department for more info)
If you are interested in signing up for summer activities, please follow this link: Summer Program Registration (Link to 2024 Summer Program Registration Information)
Summer EBT Program: This form must be completed as soon as possible to qualify for the 2024 Summer EBT program.
Please follow this link
There are many fun events coming up at the Public Library! Please see the following link for more information: Wayne Public Library Spring Events
Have a great week,
Bennett Tyler
Important Dates
May 22nd-Field Day at Edison (dress for the weather!)
May 24th-Half Day of school, dismissal is at 12:20pm
May 27th-NO SCHOOL-Memorial Day
May 30th-Career Day at Edison!
May 30th-Family Night from 5-7pm (see flyer coming soon!)
June 6th-Half Day of school, dismissal is at 12:20pm
June 7th-5th Grade Clap out at 11:45am
June 7th-Half Day/Last Day of school, dismissal is at 12:20pm
Late Pick Ups
Please have a plan to pick up your student at 4:00pm each day. Having someone here on time is the easiest way to keep our students safe and have a smooth end of the day!
If you are running late, please contact the main office at 734-419-2600 to let us know you are on the way and when you hope to arrive. When students are not picked up by 4:05, office staff begin contacting emergency contacts to make sure someone is coming to the school.
If you need after-school care, consider enrolling in the Champions Program (info listed below). You can set a schedule for certain days of the week or enroll as a drop-in student. The program is very affordable and scholarships are available.
Another option is to consider is bus transportation. You can have your child take the bus to a Wayne-Westland bus stop in the Edison area and pick up your student at the stop. This is an option even if you don't live in that area. That might allow extra time to get to the stop after our 4:00 dismissal.
If late pick ups continue to be a problem, the Principal or Director of Student Services will reach out to discuss options and how the school can support you to pick up your student(s) on time!
Champions (Before/After School Care)
(734) 722-7319
Student Drop Off
Just a reminder, you can use the drop off line to drop off your student. The student should exit the car from the passenger side and the adult should stay in the car. There is no parking in the drop off line.
Another option is to park in a marked parking space. Then, you can walk your child to the door.
Please DO NOT drive through the parking lot and cut back into the drop off line.
Thank you for your help and for making sure our students arrive safely!
Covid Tests Available
We are excited to announce that our district has received a generous donation of COVID tests from Wayne RESA. These tests are now available at our schools for families who may need them. We want to reassure you that the availability of these tests does not indicate a rise in COVID cases within our district. Rather, it reflects our proactive approach to maintaining the health and safety of our school community.
Please note that these tests have an expiration date in September. While we hope they won't be needed, we want to ensure you're aware of this timeframe. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Edison PTO Update
WWCSD K-12 Attendance Protocol
Wayne-Westland Community Schools K-12 Attendance Protocol
- One (1) absence and every absence thereafter - An automated call will be sent to indicate that the student has missed an attendance period. If a call was made to the school to excuse the absence, this call does not go out.
- Three (3) absences or equivalent - A teacher will make a phone call to discuss the reason(s) for the absences and seek to support the family in getting the child to school.
- Six (6) absences or equivalent - An attendance letter is sent to communicate the district’s concern about attendance and highlight the steps in the attendance protocol.
- Nine (9) absences or equivalent - A meeting will be set up between the family and an administrator or support staff member to discuss attendance barriers and to highlight the urgency of regular attendance.
- Twelve (12) absences or equivalent - Student’s name and address are submitted to Concentric to conduct a home visit. The school will notify parents of the upcoming visit. The details of that home visit are shared with the school to support the student’s regular attendance in school. The middle and high school students’ names and addresses will also be submitted to Westland Youth Assistance or Wayne Youth Services for enrollment in their programming. The second attendance letter is also mailed home at this time.
- Fifteen (15) absences or equivalent - Final attendance letter is sent home.
- Eighteen (18) absences or equivalent - Student is referred to Wayne County through formal petition for chronic absenteeism.
Transportation/Bus Information
You can contact the WWCSD Transportation Department at 734-419-2150.
If you'd like to download the "Here Comes the Bus App" so you can track the bus, here is the link with directions: https://www.wwcsd.net/resources/our-families/here-comes-the-bus-app/
Extra Slice of Pizza on Thursdays, Snack bar, and Buying Milk
You can now add money to your child's account for an extra slice of pizza or snack from the snack cart. PaySchools is the website used by the Nutrition Department: https://payschoolscentral.com/
If a student brings a lunch from home and they would like milk, it costs $0.50. Although we provide a free breakfast and lunch to all students, the state does not reimburse schools for milk only.
Community Financial Credit Union
We have a student run credit union at Edison. To open an account, click on the link above and then click the purple button that says "Open an Account." Your student will be able to deposit money each month here at Edison. This is a great way for students to begin learning about money management!
Lunch Times and Breakfast/Lunch Menu
11:30 3rd and 5th Grade Lunch
12:05 Kindergarten and 2nd Grade Lunch
12:40 1st and 4th Grade Lunch
Student Code of Conduct
Student Dismissal Reminders
Students who attend Champions or Bright Futures are dismissed to those programs in the building.
All other students are picked up by a parent/guardian from the classroom. Each teacher has communicated a dismissal location.
If there is a change for your child at the end of the day, please communicate this change to the teacher via Dojo and with the office by 2:30pm. This will give us plenty of time to alert the student and teacher (or guest teacher).
We will not dismiss students after 2:30pm unless it is an emergency.
Student Check out
Family Resource Center
Volunteer Form
Please Keep Your Child Home for 24 hours if they are sent home sick from school!
Social Media Concerns
Students SHOULD immediately notify a school staff member or a trusted adult if they become aware of any potential threat posted to social media or anywhere else. Students can also use the confidential Ok2Say tip line by;
Calling 8-555-OK2SAY (855-565-2729)
Texting 652729 (OK2SAY)
Emailing OK2SAY@mi.gov.
Wayne-Westland Mobile App
There's an app for that! Wayne-Westland Community Schools has a new mobile app that enables subscribers to quickly access information from our district website. You can view lunch menus, access parent and student connect, save events to your phone from our school calendars and much more. There are also quick links to our district Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube channels.
The app is available in the App Store for Apple devices and the Google Play Store for Android devices. You can also scan the QR codes below.
Apple Devices Android Devices
See https://www.smore.com/kdmyq and scroll down for directions
Resources and Information
Parent Connection-View NWEA scores, attendance, report cards, update contact info.
Peachjar-Electronic Flyers
Champions-Before/After school care at Edison
Chain of Command-How to Effectively Communicate with School and District Staff
Family Resource Center (FRC) Info: 734-419-2709 or FRC@wwcsd.net
If you or someone you know needs help with mental health and substance use, please contact our partner - Care Solace. They will quickly and confidentially find available providers matched to your needs: Please call 888-515-0595 (available 24/7/365) or visit caresolace.com/wwcsd
Edison Elementary School
Email: tylerb@wwcsd.net
Website: https://www.wwcsd.net/schools/elementary-schools/edison/
Location: 34505 Hunter, Westland, MI 48185
Phone: (734) 419-2600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EdisonEaglesWestland