Oak Hills Newsletter
Week of November 4 AND November 11, 2024
Schoolwide Assembly on Friday, November 8
Picture Retakes Tomorrow: Tuesday, 11/5
Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 5th is our Retake Picture Day. Please order online at mydorian.com. If you have already ordered and want a new picture taken, please be sure to return your original picture packet to the photographer on retake day.
Jog-A-Thon Raffle Winners--From the PTO
Here are this year’s raffle winners! Students can pick up their prizes on Tuesday. Again, thank you to everyone who helped us surpass our fundraising goal.
PTO News
Burgerville Dinner Night Out Event - Thursday, November 14
Support the 5th Grade Celebration! Please head to Burgerville (1245 NW 185th Ave) on Thursday, November 14 between 5-8 pm. Dine-In, Take-Out, Drive-Thru. Be sure to mention Oak Hills and which class you are associated with. Burgerville will donate 20% of total purchases to Oak Hills. What better way to celebrate a no-school conference Thursday?!
5th Grade Celebration Bottle & Can Drive - Friday, November 22
Pick-Up a blue bag after-school. They will be available by the bulletin board at the back of school and in the school entry way. Collect your bottles & cans in blue bags. (If you don't have a blue bag, we will still take your bottles and cans!) 5th grade students and volunteers will work to collect cans at drop-off and pick-up on Friday, November 22nd.
More details to follow. For now, save your empty containers! This fundraiser is for the entire 24/25 school year, so grab two bags and be sure to save your holiday recyclables! If you have questions or would like to arrange a pick-up/drop-off at a different time, email the 5th Grade Celebration team at vicepresident@oakhillspto.org.
Please reach out to family and neighbors! And if you are a 5th Grade family that would like to get more involved, please email vicepresident@oakhillspto.org. We would love to have you!
PTO Volunteer Updates and Needs
Volunteer Updates & Opportunities
Last week, our volunteers helped students choose which prizes to try for in our Jogathon Raffle. An easy job, but honestly, we couldn't have done it without your help, especially on Halloween!
Our volunteers are popping in whenever they can to help out in the workroom making copies, help our youngest students opening their lunch packaging, or help the second grade with Math Challenges. We also have an amazing group of Tuesday Club Volunteers and On-the-Move Lap Markers on Thursdays and Fridays!
You really know how to make our school "The Best School Ever!" We couldn't do this without you.
Take a look at what's coming up this week in our Weekly Volunteer Newsletter!
Lunch Club Updates
This is the last week for Art Club (K-2) and Friendship Bracelets (3-5)! Next week we will switch to Friendship Bracelets (K-2) and Chess Club (3-5). As always, we welcome volunteers! You can sign up for available shifts on ParentSquare.11/5 - Picture Retakes --- We need more volunteers!! Sign-up
Volunteer Opportunities Next Week
11/12 - Lunch Clubs: New Session Begins
K-2nd: Friendship Bracelets Club Sign-up
3-5th: Chill Chess Club Sign-up
Daily Opportunities
Kinder Lunchroom Help Sign-Up
Weekly Opportunities
Tues Lunch Club Sign-Up
Tues After School Club Sign-Up
Thurs/Fri On-The-Move Sign-up
Thurs/Fri Workroom Sign-up
Anytime Workroom Sign-up
Anytime Library Email Ms.Larsen
December - Save the Date
12/17 - 19th - Oak Hills Elementary Volunteers for Clothes for Kids Sign-up
12/20 - Classroom Winter Parties Save the Date
Lost and Found
Please label your student’s jackets and sweatshirts with their name when possible. Staff makes every attempt to check found items for names and return labeled items to their owner. Unlabeled items are placed in the Lost and Found, which is located in the cafeteria. If your child has lost anything, encourage them to look through the Lost and Found. Items will be in the lobby during parent-teacher conferences. All items unclaimed by Nov 15th will be donated.
Club Reminders
Rose City Chess Club (2:20-3:20pm)
Lunch Clubs - Art - K-2, Friendship Bracelets 3rd-5th
Book Club (2:30 - 3:15pm)
RAZ Tennis Club (2:30-3:30pm)
Lego STEM Afterschool Club - (2:25-3:25pm)
Lunch Clubs - Friendship Bracelets- K-2, Chill Chess - 3rd-5th
Book Club (2:30 - 3:15pm)
News from Ms. Larsen
Library Stats: We circulated 5,851 books!
With fewer days of school in November, please help your child return library books as soon as they are finished with them. Too many books go overdue and get lost during this month. Please read the BSD Library Services emails you receive to view any overdue books your child may have.
Book Fair Coming! Dec 4th - 6th! Volunteer Sign Ups coming soon! Keep a lookout in the Parent Newsletter to sign up!
OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books):
Lunch Practice Volunteer Sign up coming soon! Keep a lookout in the Parent Newsletter to sign up!
With many long weekends, this is a wonderful time to get in some good reading of OBOB books! Please have your child return OBOB books as soon as they are finished with them, and come to Open Library to get the next book to read.
We have Open Library every day. We are organizing the lunch recess practice schedule for December. More info to come. Battles will begin in January. If you did not sign up to volunteer and would like to, or know of a community member interested in volunteering, please email Ms. Larsen. For now, just have fun reading the books together and helping your child take some notes in their Study Guides.
We encourage parent participation and practices outside of school.
You will find practice questions on the resource pages linked below.
Visit our OBOB Resource page HERE
OBOB is a great way to volunteer during lunch recess times also. We need lots of volunteers!
Roundabout Books offer live author visits.
Tuesdays, October & November, 6:00pm
You can register for any of the upcoming FREE OBOB events HERE.
Please check out the LIBRARY WEBSITE for:
Helpful Library Links for students and parents
How to View Your Child’s Library Account (Slides 1-7), View the Library Catalog (slide 8), Put Books on Hold (Slides 9-10), Renew books (slides 11-12), Pay Library Fines (Slide 13)
OBOB Information
Ordering Books From Scholastic for your home collection
If you have questions please feel free to reach out to Ms. Larsen at leilani_larsen@beaverton.k12.or.us
Spiritwear Sale
The 2024 Holiday Sale is on now thru mid-December. 25% off all merchandise with delivery guaranteed before the holidays.
Important Dates in November-December
Tuesday, November 5 Picture Retakes
Friday, November 8 Grades K-2 Assembly and Grades 3-5 Assembly: Special guest speaker: Dennis Connors
Monday, November 11 No School--In Observance of Veterans Day
Wednesday, November 13 School is in session; Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:20-7:20pm
Thursday, November 14 No school for students; Parent-Teacher Conferences 7:20am-7:20pm
Friday, November 15 No school for students
Wednesday, November 20 PTO Meeting 7pm
Fall Break No school for students: November 25-29
December 4-6 Book Fair
Wednesday, December 4 Music Showcase 4th Grade, 5th Grade, and ALC (Ms. Therrien's class)
Friday, December 6 PTO Family Movie Night 6-8pm
Monday, December 9 No school for students; Staff Development Day
Thursday, December 19 Spirit Day
Friday, December 20 Winter Classroom Parties
December 22-January 3 Winter Break
Monday, January 6 School Resumes
Oak Hills Important Dates 2024-2025
School Menu Information
This year, all students are eligible for free Breakfast and Lunch here at school. Here is the link to the current month’s food menus.
Join Us on Social Media
Thao Do-Gwilliam
Email: thao_do_gwilliam@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://oakhills.beaverton.k12.or.us
Location: 2625 Northwest 153rd Avenue, Beaverton, OR, USA
Phone: 503.356.2410