March News
Elkhorn High School
From the Desk of Mark Schroeder
EHS Families
The calendar turning to March really caused me to stop and reflect on the year we have seen thus far. With the end of quarter 3 upon us, I cannot believe how quickly this year has passed. Starting today, Spring Sports are all churning ahead at full steam - this stuff fills my bucket and excites me for the future. I am proud of these students for their resilience and flexibility. I am honored to work with the teachers, coaches, counselors, and sponsors who have made the first seven months of this school year a success. There’s a lot of work left to be done, but the recent success of our Winter activities have really highlighted the work our students and staff are doing!
As I alluded to before, Winter activities are coming to a close and Spring activities are firing up. One of the most impressive aspects of this student body is their ability to balance academics with activities, athletics, jobs, friends, volunteer time as well as time with families. I applaud both their efforts and the efforts of their parents for coordination, support, meals and (in many cases) transportation. Often, this schedule can feel as though it is dictating your families’ lives for four years, but the hard work will pay off!
It was great to see so many of you for parent-teacher conferences in February. I believe that this high participation rate (despite only having one night due to Mother Nature) is symbolic of the excellent relationship between our community and our school. I appreciate our parents taking the time to have meaningful conversations with teachers about their students’ learning.
Attendance: I sent out a message about this on Friday, but I thought it was appropriate to remind families of our goal to have 95% Average Daily Attendance of students in the month of March. With Spring Break thrown in, this is a mere 15 school days, and I believe we can do this. We are using this time to launch an information and policy campaign with students in a hope to help them see both the academic and lifelong value of consistent attendance. The EPS Foundation was gracious enough to support our incentives for this month as well. Thank you in advance for all of the conversations you will have with your student!
EPS Career Fair: EPS will be hosting our second annual EPS Career Fair on the evening of Wednesday, March 26th at Elkhorn North High School from 5:30-7:30pm. Last year, we had over 120 prospective employers in attendance! More details to come as that date approaches. HERE is the signup if your business is interested in having a stand!
ACT and Pre-ACT Testing Day
On Tuesday, April 8th, all Juniors will take five sections of the ACT: English, Math, Reading, Science and Writing. Juniors will be dismissed at approximately 1:00pm.
EHS 9th and 10th Graders will take the pre-ACT on April 8th which includes English, Math, Reading and Science tests. 9th and 10th grade students will be dismissed at approximately 12:00pm.
No lunches will be served on April 8th . Seniors will not be in school on this day.
Spring Dates of Note:
Spring Break: 3/14 - 3/21
EPS Career Fair - At ENHS: 3/26
EHS Prom: 3/29
ACT National Testing Day at EHS: 4/5
State ACT and Pre-ACT at EHS: 4/8
No School: 4/18
Seniors Last Day: 5/14
EHS Graduation: 5/18; 12:00pm @ EPS Stadium
Please do your best to plan vacations during Spring Break (March 14th -21st). As we get closer to the ACT dates, I will send emails with full details. The administration and counselors work to ensure that loss of instructional time to all students is minimized during these assessments.
As always, please feel free to contact me here at the high school if you have questions or concerns.
Mental Wellness and Phone Numbers:
Please know that we are thinking about your student and the transitions that occur in high school that may present as challenges to your student. Continue to ask questions and be a good listener when you are communicating with your student. When your student is struggling, unsure, anxious or feeling overwhelmed, being fully present and asking questions that can guide your decision making will help you in your next steps.
Here are some tips for talking with your child:
Be honest Be concise Be reassuring Normalize his or her feelings
Remember the four T’s (talk, touch, tears and time)
Crisis resources are also available through any of the following organizations:
Safe2Help…………………………………………………….(833) 980-7233
988 Nebraska………………………………………………………988
Boys Town National Hotline…………………………………800.448.3000
Crisis Text Line……………………………………………….Text VOICE to 20121
Nebraska Family Helpline…………………………………….888.866.8660
It’s OK to Talk…………………………………………………ok2talk.org
13 Minutes……………………………………………………..MoreTomorrows
Take Care,
Mark Schroeder
Principal, EHS
Important Dates
March 10 - 13 Prom Ticket Sales (Announcements and qr codes at school)
Mar. 13- End of 3rd Quarter
Mar. 14-21- NO SCHOOL, Spring Break
March 29 - Prom, 8:30 - 11:15 p.m.
Apr. 9- ACT for 11th graders, Pre ACT for 9th and 10th graders
Apr. 18- NO SCHOOL, Teacher In-Service
May 14- Seniors’ last day & graduation rehearsal in the afternoon
May 14- Senior Honors Night at 7:00 p.m., in the auditorium
May 18- EHS Graduation 12:00 p.m., Elkhorn Public Schools Stadium
May 22 & 23- Semester finals STUDENTS MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE
May 23- Last day of school*July 31- Back to School Open House, 12 - 6 p.m.(Pick up schedules, photos, activity passes)
*The Last Student Day is based on an assumption of 4 or more days for inclement weather.
3 inclement weather days = 1 day earlier release
0-2 inclement weather days = 2 days earlier release
50th Musical Anniversay Season!
The Post Prom committee is working hard to secure funds and prizes for a fun post prom experience for the students. Some of our upcoming fundraisers include:
Upcoming Food Nights: On each of the following nights, different establishments will give back a portion of the funds raised to the Elkhorn High post prom. Mark your calendars and plan a night out for a good cause! Watch social media for reminders and make sure to mention EHS Post Prom Fundraiser when ordering!
- February 20th: Don & Millies 16130 Evans St Omaha NE 11:00 AM- 9:00 PM
- March 26th: Don & Millies 16130 Evans St Omaha NE 11:00 AM- 9:00 PM
Follow us on Facebook for the latest Post Prom updates and upcoming events @ Antler PostProm
District Announcements
2025-26 Kindergarten Registration
Early Intervention Services Reminder
EPS Career Exploration Fair
The EPS Career Exploration Fair, open to all EPS middle school and high school students, is scheduled for Wednesday, March 26, 2025, from 5:30 - 7:30 PM at Elkhorn North High School. Join EPS as we partner with over 100 local organizations to give students additional opportunities to explore career pathways and openings across a wide variety of fields including agriculture and natural resources, communication and information technology systems, skilled and technical sciences, health sciences, human services and education, and business management.
As a reminder, student attendance at the EPS Career Exploration meets the requirements of a career exploration activity as part of the Career ACHIEVE Scholarship requirements.
Wizard of Oz at ESHS
Elkhorn Public School Foundation News
Lunch Services News - Click Below!
The Elkhorn Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race (including skin color, hair texture and protective hairstyles), color, religion, veteran status, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition, sexual orientation or gender identity, or other protected status in its programs. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination Policies: Students: Anne Doerr, Executive Director of Student Services, 20650 Glenn Street (402) 289-2579,(adoerr@epsne.org). Employees and Others: Don Pechous, Executive Director of Personnel, 20650 Glenn Street (402) 289-2579, (dpechous@epsne.org). Complaints or concerns involving discrimination or needs for accommodation or access should be addressed to the appropriate Coordinator. For further information about anti-discrimination laws and regulations, or to file a complaint of discrimination, contact the OCR at One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 320, Kansas City, Missouri 64106, (816) 268-0550 (voice), Fax (816) 268-0599, (800) 877-8339 (telecommunications device for the deaf), or ocr.kansascity@ed.gov.