Bohally Newsletter - End of Term 2
6th July 2021
Principal's Comment
Kia ora Whānau,
It's hard to believe that the end of term 2 is nearly here. A reminder that our last day for term 2 is Friday 9th July with term 3 resuming on Monday 26th July. As we approach the last few days it is time to farewell four of our staff who will be leaving Bohally at the end of the term. Firstly our very best wishes go to Rachael Moran (R10) and Daina Crosbie (R23) as they depart on maternity leave. We also wish Sarah Porter (R2) and Paul Sparks (R4) well as they leave to take up teaching jobs at International Schools in Asia. With these departures, we welcome the following staff to our team for term's three and four: Lucy Denniston (R2), Christianna Morgan (R4), Helen Adams/Susie Glover (R10), and Elliot Robinson (R23), we know as a community you will all help to make them feel welcome.
The teachers are currently working on updating data on our Hero platform which will allow whānau to see where their children are working at in maths, reading, and writing, please be aware that this will be complete by the end of week 1 of term 3. There will be an opportunity to meet with your child's teacher in term 3 in week 4.
In this newsletter, I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported our School Quiz night. This was an excellent fundraiser, raising over $20,000 for our school. This money will go towards updating our school chrome books and the new shade structure/turf. The FABs committee did a wonderful job with organising this evening and we acknowledge the support from our school community for their generous donations.
We have opened enrolments for 2022. If you have children attending in 2022 please visit our school website and complete the online enrolment form.
Finally, I'd like to pass on a great big thank you to the staff and parents who have helped us this term with everything that goes on at our busy school from the school production, sports teams, fundraising, transport etc. We appreciate all the time and commitment that goes into our extra-curricular activities. Hopefully, you have all purchased tickets for Atarangi - Morning Sky, this is being performed at the ASB Theatre on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th July, we'd love your support.
Have a wonderful holiday break with your children,
Ngā mihi Nicky
Our students are all ready to go for their production! It is looking incredible and they have been working so hard. Tickets are selling fast. Follow the link below to get yours. Only $15!
Adventure Week
Cross Country
Bohally’s 2021 Cross Country was a huge success. With 75% of the school in the 3km race it was fantastic to see students showing our character value resilience. Well done to the Tawhirimatea tribe for taking out the win. Here are the individual results.
Year 8 Boys
- 1st - Aidan Bennett
- 2nd - Drew Materoa
- 3rd - Archie Botham
Year 7 Boys
- 1st - Josh Harris
- 2nd - Cullum Rayner
- 3rd - Xaanda Eltringham
Year 8 Girls
- 1st - Isla Tilbury
- 2nd - Neve McKenzie
- 3rd - Bree Flynn
Year 7 Girls
- 1st - Maisie Cornelius
- 2nd - Lusia Raj
- 3rd - Jaye Waipo
Upcoming Events
- Last Day of Term 2 - 9th July
- First Day of Term 3 - 26th July
- Interschool Cross Country - 10th August
- Waimea Tournament - 20th August
At Bohally we strive to keep our community up to date with what is happening at school. We have three main ways we communicate - our school app, website, and Facebook page. We recommend downloading our school app. The app will allow you to set up alerts for your child's class and activities. This causes a push notification on your phone if any notices are uploaded. If you have any questions about how to access any of these three systems please talk to your child's teacher. Below are the links for you to follow.
School App:
Search 'School Apps NZ' on Google Play or the Apple App Store.
Contact Us
Email: office@bohally.school.nz
Website: https://bohally.school.nz/
Location: 41 Mclauchlan Street, Springlands, Blenheim 7201, New Zealand
Phone: +64 3-578 5219
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bohallyintermediate/