Attendance Reminder
August 2024
Attendance Reminder
This is a REMINDER of our schools ATTENDANCE POLICY. The ATTENDANCE POLICY was also reviewed and acknowledged by ALL NEW & RETURNING STUDENTS during Registration. This information can also be found in our Monthly Dolphin Post, PowerSchool Bulletin, HCS SJE Website, SJE and Data Quality Facebook pages.
School Attendance
Consistent school attendance is critical for student achievement. If students are not present, they cannot benefit from classroom instruction. State attendance laws require student attendance for course credit and grade-level promotion. Additionally, state attendance laws require intervention when a student is deemed truant.
Attendance for Promotion/Retention Purposes
To be promoted to the next grade or receive credit for high school courses, students may not be absent from school or class for more than ten (10) days for yearlong courses or five (5) days for semester courses, unless the absences are excused.
Excused Absences
- An absence is considered excused if a valid medical doctor's written note (with the date & time the student was seen) is provided within 3 school days after the absence. Online Medical visits with medical notes and/or screenshots that contain the student's name, date of birth, and results of the online visit (prescription, number of days out before the student's return to school, etc.)
- An absence for bereavement, due to a death in the student's immediate family, may be excused if an obituary or program of service verifying the death is provided to the attendance clerk within 3 school days after the student returns to school.
- An absence for a nationally recognized religious holiday of the student's faith may be excused if a request is made in writing to the principal and written approval is received prior to the absence.
- A parent may request approval of an absence for a hardship, in writing, utilizing the Principal Request for Approval form. This form may be obtained from the school's attendance office. The form must be completed and submitted prior to the absence (if the parent has prior knowledge), or within 3 days following the absence (elementary and middle schools only.)
- The NURSE CAN'T EXCUSE any absence if not seen in the nurses office.
- PARENT NOTES don't EXCUSE an absence it's marked as an UNEXCUSED PARENT NOTE.
Medical HomeBound
Medical homebound instruction is provided for students with and without disabilities who cannot attend school for a medical reason – a mental or physical condition that exists due to an accident, an illness, or pregnancy – even when transportation is furnished. The goal of homebound instruction is to provide continuity of instruction and to facilitate the student’s return to a regular school setting; as quickly as possible. State Board of Education Regulation 43-241 outlines the provision of medical homebound services. The following process must be followed when a student requires homebound instruction.
- The medical homebound form parents will need to take to the physician for completion, is linked here. This form should be turned in to the homebound coordinator at the students' school; once completed by the physician.
Submit orginal signed forms to Nkearney@horrycountyschools.net
Therapy Appointments
If a parent chooses to use a provider other than what is offered through Horry County Schools, we respectfully ask that the services be provided outside of the school day so that it will not interfere with his/her academic success. We realize that some appointments cannot be made outside of the school day; therefore, if it is absolutely necessary to remove your child from school for the therapy appointments, we strongly recommend that the days/times during the school week are alternated from week-to-week so your student is not missing large amounts of time in one particular class. Please understand that we want to work collaboratively with you to provide service for your child; however, South Carolina’s attendance requirements and truancy guidelines will be enforced. Please also understand that at no time will we excuse siblings who do not have a therapy appointment. If a student misses the same instructional time for 3 consecutive days/weeks, the therapy notes will be UNEXCUSED.
Attendance for Truancy Intervention Purposes (AIP)
A student is considered truant:
- After three (3) consecutive all-day absences, or five (5) cumulative all-day absences which are not excused by a medical doctor's written statement, proof of bereavement, or principal's approval; or,
- After an elementary school student has accumulated ten (10) or more unexcused tardy or early release (Note: Tardiness in middle and high schools is considered a disciplinary issue.)
After a student reaches truancy status, the principal or his/her designee will immediately attempt to establish contact with the parent to arrange a conference. During this conference, the principal or his/her designee will develop a written plan (Attendance Intervention Plan) with the parent and student (ages 12 and up) to ensure that the parent, the student, and the school have an understanding regarding the future attendance of the student. The plan will help to establish goals for regular school attendance and will be monitored to ensure compliance. Failure to comply with the plan may result in legal proceedings through family court. If a conference is held, and the student has 2 or more unlawful absences, tardies (elementary only), early sign-out’s (elementary only), or a combination of any of the 3 to equal 2 or more, he/she will be referred to the District Attendance Coordinator. The District Attendance Coordinator may refer the student to family court for a motion for court-ordered attendance. No student who is lawfully absent will be referred.
We begin welcoming car riders at 6:45 am and the tardy bell rings at 7:40 am.
Remember, the tardy bell rings at 7:40 am. If your child is not in the building at 7:40 am, he/she will be marked tardy. Instruction begins at 7:40 am, please be on time.
Once the gates have closed you will need to Bring your student/students to the Front Office to sign them into school. YOU WILL NEED to Bring your drivers' license!
Early Dismissals
If your student needs to be released early from school for any reason, he/she must present a note to the front office in the morning. This in not only a time-saver but prevents the interruption of classroom instruction.
Leaving for a Medical Appoiintment, remember to get a medical note so the Early Dismissal can be excused.
Submit Parent Notes/Excuses for School Absences
Information regarding student absences, tardies, and laws:
Understanding Attendance in PowerSchool
The state of SC requires elementary schools to take attendance in 2 halves of the school day. Unfortunately, when PowerSchool “counts” attendance, it counts both halves. So it ends up doubling the absences. When you log into your Parent Portal in PowerSchool and click on the number under absences, then you will see the actual number of days absent is half. Also, when you click on Attendance History, you will see the calendar of the actual number of days your student has missed.