CVE Friday Flash
December 20, 2024
Mr. Macken's Message
Centerville Families
I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for the incredible partnership we share in supporting your children’s growth and success. This school year has already been filled with wonderful milestones, and your involvement and encouragement make all the difference.
The holiday season is a special time for reflection, connection, and rest. We hope you and your family enjoy a joyous and relaxing winter break filled with cherished moments together.
School will resume on Thursday, January 2nd, and we will be excited to see everyone back, refreshed and ready for the next chapter. Until then, I wish you a happy New Year full of health and happiness.
Go Cougars!
Mike Macken
Dates to Remember
- Dec 20th: Winter Bingo (3:10PM - 3:35PM)
- Dec 23rd - Jan 1st - No School (Holiday Break)
- Jan 2nd - School Resumes
- Jan 20th - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Jan 21st - No School - Teacher Communication / Grading Day
- Jan 31st - Winter Dance 6PM - 8PM
The Centerville Elementary Calendar is located on our school’s website at https://centerville.isd12.org/ under the Parent Hub. Here you will also find the 2024-2025 District Student Calendar and the 2024-2025 Elementary Student Letter Day Calendar.
cogAT Reports - Grades 2nd & 4th ONLY
In October, Centennial Schools administered the Cognitive Abilities Test to all of our current 2nd and 4th graders. Students are assessed in three domains to identify their strengths, which allows teachers to identify patters to help improve individualized instruction.
The cogAT results will be sent home, along with a letter detailing the information, on Monday, January 6, 2025.
Cougar Club Winners
We are so proud of the way these students show the 4 R’s every day!
Principal's Chair:
Ibrahim Sultan
Pizza Winners
Camie Warner
Violet Van Ee
Ty Noren
Easton Laabs
Ditya Rai
Abigail Gurung
Alana Nola
Penelope Anderson
Everly Hood
David Page
Sawyer Nelson
Cole Warner
Armani Pineda
Eugene Wynn
Prize Winners
Bear DuCharme
Cade Kueppers
Jamison Wood
Rylie Sawacke
Tyler Cantwell
Elieas Good
Advik Gautham
Michael Klein
Gavin Luckow
Natasha Dupre
Brennen McNulty
Briggs Bremer
Marie Nelson
Delaney Bisson
Centerville Parent Teacher Association (CPTA)
Happy Holidays!
Our next meeting is Tuesday, January 14th at 6pm.
Just a few yearbooks left at the lowest price. Don’t miss out on this memorable book!
Click HERE to purchase.
Community Education
Beginning Chess (gr. 2-5) After School at CVE! Join us to learn how to play chess and participate in a fun and exciting tournament at the last class! Beginning Chess begins Feb. 13 at Centerville Elementary.
Happening soon:
Jan. 5- Cougar Soccer Academy (gr. K-5)
Jan. 6- Karate (ages 4-12)
“Floor is Lava” Adventure Challenge (ages 5-12)
Jan. 9- Winter Soccer Skills (gr. K-2)
Kids Dance (entering PreK-gr. 5)
Jan. 10- Deadline at noon to register for the Winter Session of swim lessons!
Jan. 11- Mathnasium Fractions & Integers (gr. 3-5)
Jan. 12- Beginner Indoor Tennis Lessons (ages 5-12)
Jan. 14- Skyhawks Basketball Camp (ages 5-10)
Jan. 16- Multiplayer Minecraft: Map Builder (gr. 1-5)(online)
Jan. 17- Spark Equestrian Day Camp (ages 6-12)
Jan. 21- DASH Multi-Sport Non-School Day Camp (gr. K-5)
Go online to view all activities and to register, community.isd12.org.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.
Visit isd12.org/get-involved/hall-of-fame for nomination information. Note: Criteria and application process have changed. Deadline: January 6, 2025.
Your support for the Powerpack program helps students
In the first three months of the 2024/25 school year Powerpack, a program which supports families by sending home a weekend bag of breakfast items, individual meals, and snacks for school-age children, has:
- Created 4,713 packs
- Number of weeks packs sent: 12
- Average of packs sent per week: 393
- Cost of a pack = $2.50; total spent thus far: $11,782.50
Thank you for you for your donations to the Powerpack program directly or indirectly (for example, by purchasing bags of food from local stores that are designated for Powerpack or donating to Powerpack) and to the schools, for their food drives which benefit the Powerpack program. If your school or organization would like to help fund Powerpack please contact Powerpack at powerpackdistrict12@gmail.com. Powerpack is a 501c3 nonprofit organization housed under Centennial Community Food Shelf. For information on the Powerpack Program. Ways to give monetarily: Powerpack Information and Centennial Food Shelf to learn about other ways to give.
Contact Information
Email: tbuescher@isd12.org
Website: www.isd12.org/cve
Location: 1721 Westview Street, Centerville, MN, USA
Phone: 763.792.5800