Harborview Express
November 22, 2023
No School on Thursday and Friday. Happy 4 day weekend!
Message from TCLL Principal Ms. Eldri
Gunalchéesh for your continued support of your student(s) learning community! If you have a student enrolled in the TCLL optional program, please consider joining us for one or two upcoming family meetings:
- Monday, November 27th 5:00-6:00pm TCLL Site Council monthly meeting (Zoom link), and/or
- Tuesday, November 28th 5:00-6:00pm TCLL Family Engagement Committee (Zoom link will be available on school calendar)
May you find the upcoming days bring you joy and rest during this busy season.
Messages from the Lunchroom
Have you seen that you can take a quick look at school menus and/or access your School Cafe account on the new JSD app?! Get the app for your mobile device by searching for "Juneau Borough Schools".
Friendly Reminders from the Harborview/TCLL Handbook
- No trading cards (like Pokemon) should be brought to school.
- CELL PHONES - Students are welcome, with permission, to use building phones to contact parents if needed. If a student should need to bring a cell phone to school, it must remain turned off and stowed in a backpack or classroom until the school day has ended. Students using phones inappropriately will have them held in the office until the end of the day.
- APPROPRIATE CLOTHING - Recess is an important part of a student’s school day and it’s Harborview policy to have outdoor recess unless conditions become extreme. Please, make sure to send students with labelled clothing that’s appropriate for the weather (hats, gloves, boots, etc.) so that they can be safe and comfortable outdoors. Students may not opt to remain inside, as there isn’t adequate supervision for them. A child not well enough to go out to recess will need to stay home until they are feeling better. If you need support getting appropriate clothing for your student, please reach out to our counselor Ms. Jem, at 523-1850.
Important Dates and Upcoming Events
- Monday, November 27th, 5:00pm - TCLL Site Council Meeting
- Tuesday, November 28th, 5:00pm - TCLL Family Committee Meeting
- Monday, December 4th, 5:30-7pm - HBV/TCLL Family Math Night
- Monday, December 11th, 4:30pm - HBV Site Council
- Monday, December 25 - January 5 - JSD Winter Break
- Monday, January 8 & Tuesday, January 9 - Teacher Inservice, no student attendance
- Wednesday, January 10, 12:00pm - Site Equity Team Meeting
- Monday, January 15 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day, No School
HBV/TCLL Family Math Night, Monday, December 4th, 5:30-7pm
We'd love to see you and your family at our upcoming math night!
PTA Monthly Meeting Schedule and Zoom Link
First Thursday of each month at 6:30 on Zoom
- December 7
- January 4
- February 1
- March 7
- April 4
- May 2
Harborview PTA's Personal Meeting Room
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 252 327 1943
Paige McGuan
Paige is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters