Summer Meals
2024 sites/times where students can get free food
June 20, 2024 -- ABOUT THIS PROGRAM
Although West Irondequoit CSD does not qualify to host a summer meals program, our students may receive food at other local schools as part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food program. We've partnered with nearby districts that are able to provide FREE SUMMER MEALS for children 18 and under. Identification and registration is not necessary and there are no income requirements. For more information:
- See the flyers below
- Visit the FDA site
- Find nearby locations: Text "Summer Meals” to 914-342-7744 or call 866-348-6479
Local locations are:
- East Irondequoit (July 1 - Aug. 16)
- East Rochester (July 8 - Aug. 16)
- Gates Chili (July 8 - Aug. 9)
- Greece (July 8 - Aug. 16)
- Rochester CSD (starts June 24 - click SummerMealsRoc.org; days/times vary by site)
- Rush-Henrietta (July 8 - Aug. 16)
If you have questions specific to West Irondequoit, please email Food Services Director, Betsy LoGiudice at betsy_logiudice@westiron.monroe.edu. If questions are specific to the site/location below, click on the flyer to visit their site.
Jeff DiVeronica