Week #10
November 4-8
Rad first graders in Mrs. Miller's class met the "magic e" this week. We chained the short a word MAN and then Alakazam! the magic e appeared and turned the word to MANE!!
Week #10, November 4-8, 2024
Dear Frankfort Families,
We had a fun Week 9!
- The Monster Smoothie taste test on Thursday had mostly positive reviews. The number who at least tried it showed some bravery for a foamy green beverage (that tasted delicious)! See the "I tried it" board below.
- Our indoor parade was a huge success. Thanks to all of you how made it through the crowds to come and watch our ghouls, vampires, and Ariels march through the gym. It's amazing to see the support for all of our students' activities!
- First graders faced the "magic e" and tamed it with their skills!
Carline HELP! This week, we heard from neighbors who are unable to get out of their driveways during carline. Please be kind to the homeowners around us!
- Please, please, please do not block driveways as you wait for the carline to move. Please park on 5th or 6th Avenue if you need to walk your child to to the door--either preschool or elementary.
Please do not park on Leelanau during drop off or pickup--not on either side! It slows carline down, and prevents neighbors from living their lives. This includes preschool drop off after 7:55 a.m. a.m. and pickup after 3:00 p.m. Thank you in advance for your help.
No school for students on Tuesday! Staff will be attending the Regional Staff Development Day. (There is a special program at the Benzie Shores District Library on the 5th for children accompanied by parents. See the inforamtion below).
We have our "Can-Do Carnival" on Saturday night, November 9, from 6-8. It will be a fun night for families, with games and challenges, crafts, dancing with a REAL DJ, and snacks. Dress up in your fall colors (or leftover Halloween costumes, if preferred) for a family night out.
FAQs. This week's topic is Drills. Read about the state requirements for drills for fire, severe weather, and lockdowns.
Our first behavior incentive ended on Friday. We are tabulating our final lists, and permission slips and information will be coming mid-week for students who have earned the incentive. Students who have not received any discipline referrals will be invited to the fun time we have planned for them. Watch your child's backpack for permission slip information for the reveal of a fun time for our students who always show their Panther Pride and do the right thing!
Report Cards. Quarter 1 of the school year ended Friday, November 1. Report cards will be mailed on or before Tuesday, November 12.
We are entering the "Jacket Required" part of the school year. We have a rainy start to the week, but end with 50s Wednesday through Friday. Layers are essential with very chilly mornings. We follow the 50 degree rule: when temperatures go above 50 degrees, students may wear a jacket or sweatshirt instead of a coat, but should have a coat for 50 and below. Over sixty, we don't require they wear outerwear to go outside. Please make sure your child has appropriate gear (coats, sweatshirts, long pants) for all of the temperatures during the day. Thank you for your help!
We are here to help your child and you navigate preschool and elementary. Please reach out to your child's teacher or to me with any questions or concerns.
Anne Gwaltney, Principal
Frankfort Elementary School
Handle with Care
Handle with Care. If your child is coming to school with carrying extra concerns, we can help. Please contact the classroom teacher, me (agwaltney@frankfort.k12.mi.us), or Carrie Aldrich (contact information below) with an email, message, or call to let us know. We will be sure your child has extra support throughout the day.
Winter Behavior Incentive
Grades Kindergarten through 5th Grade are working on their second behavior incentive of the year. If students earned the first incentive, they will be in the running for the next. If a student didn't earn the first one, they can start over and work toward the second one!
- The second quarter ends on January 24, so between now and January 24
- We will keep it a secret until it's time!
- For most of our students, earning the incentive is E-A-S-Y, so it will reward the Panther Pride they show every day!
- Please encourage your child to be safe with their bodies, respectful to all people, and responsible by trying to do their best and making good choices.
Administrative Assistant Carrie Aldrich
Benzie Shores District Library News
It's Children's Book Week! Stop by the library to check out something new (or an old favorite)!
Upcoming Programs:
Tuesday, November 5: No school! Open Build with Lego, Magna Tiles and more! 2:00-4:00 pm
Friday, November 15: Family Game Night 5:30-7:00 pm
Wednesday, November 20: Snacktivity - Early Release Wednesday! 1:30-4:30 pm
Benzie Shores District Library
630 Main St. Frankfort
Frankfort Elementary School has many safety features and plans in place within the building: fire alarms and fire extinguishers, fire and severe weather event maps for movement, and the Lock Out boot system for lockdowns. In addition to these items, we also practice the response in preparation for an actual event (fire, storm, or intruder) with drills.
We are required by state law to conduct three lockdown drills, two severe weather drills, and five fire drills.
We schedule all drills before the school year begins, and we must report the drills have taken place. They are documented on the district web page here. The drills are supervised by one or more first responders, often the Frankfort Fire Chief and the district School Resource Officer.
We notify elementary parents when drills occur during the school day with an email message delivered before students are released in the afternoon.
In the 2023-2024 school year, we had no unplanned lockdowns or secure modes, but only drills.
In the event we have a true non-drill lockdown, they may be of the following two types:
a lockdown for a threat within in the building where students shelter in place in their classroom or special classroom in places with limited visibility from outside the room with the "boot" employed in the door;
a secure mode, which is where the threat is exterior to the school (i.e. a bank robbery took place in town), the building is closed to visitors entering/exiting the building, outdoor recesses are discontinued, but students complete their day normally inside the building.
If the building is closed because of an unplanned lockdown of either type, no students will be released to parents. Parents are asked not to arrive at the school to pick up their children during an event of this nature. This may impede first responders doing their safety work, or open the school building to a threat from outside.
In the event of a non-planned fire or weather evacuation, or a secure mode or true lock down, parents will be notified by email and/or an alert call.
In the case that reunification must happen, parents will be notified of the location where their children will be able to be picked up.
The practice and plans for these types of events will keep FES and your children safer if an actual event were to occur.
Emotional Building Blocks help children describe feelings. "Cheat sheet" below!
Emogers: strategies to help children self-regulate. Good for home & school!
Preschool: 7:45-2:45
Elementary: 8:05-3:05
Medication at School
If your child requires medication at school, please bring it to the main doors and staff will get it from you. Please do not send medication with your child.
There is also a form for medication which must be filled out by the parent. Please let us know if you need one and we can send it home with your child or through the mail.
November 4-8, 2024
Monday, 11.4
3rd Grade Girls' Basketball, 3:05-5 p.m.
Tuesday, 11.5
No School for Students
5th Grade Girls Basketball, 3:05-5 p.m.
Wednesday, 11.6
Grade Girls Basketball, 3:05-5 p.m.
4th Grade Girls Basketball, 5-6 p.m.
Thursday, 11.7
3-5 Art Club meets--no K-2 art club
4th Grade Girls Basketball, 5-6 p.m.
Friday, 11.8
3rd Grade Girls' Basketball, 3:05-5 p.m.
4th Grade Girls Basketball, 5-6 p.m.
Saturday, 11.9
"Can Do Carnival", 6-8 p.m.
November 20--Early Release Wednesday, 12:30 p.m. dismissal
November 27--12:30 p.m. Dismissal, Thanksgiving break
Drop Off and Pick Up information🚙🚙
Drop Offs:
- All student drop offs are along Leelanau Avenue.
- Please park on 6th Street and bring your child to the Preschool entrance.
- Preschool drop off is at 7:50 a.m. Preschool teachers will greet students and walk them to their classrooms.
- Kindergarten-grade 5 doors open at 7:55 a.m. and school begins at 8:05. Students dropped off early, will line up by grade to be admitted. In times of inclement weather, students will be invited to stand on tiled areas inside the building until 7:55 a.m.
- Kindergarten and grade 1 enter at the west set of entry doors on Leelanau.
- Grades 2 and 5 enter through the east set of doors on Leelanau.
- Grades three and four walk up the cement steps facing Leelanau and into the doors facing M-22.
- No cars are permitted in the elementary parking lot turn around from 7:45 to 8:10 a.m. to allow buses to move easily through the turn around.
Pick Ups:
- All student pick ups are along Leelanau Avenue.
- Your K-6 grade child will receive a number (with the same number for all students of a single family) for pickups. If your child does not receive a number by the end of the first week, please call Carrie Aldrich at 352-7601 to obtain a number.
- When you pull up, your number will be radioed into the school, and students will be dismissed by number, including families with upper and lower grade children.
- Please continue to pull up as far as possible to help the line move more easily. Adults will help your child get to your car.
- If you are a returning student, the number will be the same as last year’s.
- Preschool pickup is at 2:45 p.m.
- Kindergarten-grade 5 pick up is at 3:05 p.m.
- No cars are permitted in the elementary parking lot turn around from 2:45 to 3:10 p.m. to allow for buses to move easily through the turn around.
There is absolutely NO parking on Leelanau Avenue, morning or afternoon. If you wish to walk your child to or pick your child up from the door, please park on one of the side streets--5th or 6th or along the wire fence on M-22.
Safety is our number one concern during drop off and pickup. Thanks in advance for your patience , care, and consideration during the first week's drop off and pick up. It will be faster after everyone gets used to being in or back in carline.
Click here to see a map of Carline.
Frankfort Elementary is a peanut-nut tree-nut free building!
School breakfast and lunch are free for all students this year!
Students who select the required elements (entree, fruit or vegetable, and milk) eat for free for 2024-2025. Please be sure to fill out the free and reduced paperwork anyway so the school has free and reduced qualifications for reporting and funding. Thank you in advance!
Half Day (12:30) Dismissal
November 20 (ERW)
November 27 (1/2 day for students and staff)
December 11 (ERW)
January 24 (1/2 day for students)
January 29 (ERW)
February 26 (ERW)
March 7 (1/2 day for students and staff)
March 12 (ERW)
April 16 (ERW)
May 21 (ERW)