Irondale Community School
Track News
November 7-Holiday Lunch Money Due
November 8-Robotics Hat Day
November 11-Veteran's Day (No School!)
November 12-PreK Vision Screening
November 14-Cultural Parade
November 21-5th grade Scoliosis Screening
November 25-29 Thanksgiving Holidays
*November 4-National Candy Day
*November 8-STEM/STEAM Day
*November 13-World Kindness Day
*November 18-Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse!
*November 26-National Cake Day
*November 29-National Day of Giving
Arrival and Departure Procedures
Carline Arrival: Carline starts at 7:20. Students should be prepared to exit vehicles quickly. Please do not exit cars in the carline or park and walk across the carline. Morning car rider line ends at 7:50. Students arriving after carline ends should enter through the front of the school. Students arriving at 7:55 or later are considered tardy.
- Carline Dismissal: Carline starts at 2:50 and ends at 3:15. For the safety of the students, please do not drive around cars to exit the carline. Please do not leave your vehicle. Parents must have a cartag or will have to report to the main office and show ID to pick up a car tag. This is for the safety of our students.
- Notes: If your child has a change in the way they are getting home, please send a note to the front office.
Water Bottles
Please make sure that your child has an appropriate "spill-proof" water bottle. Water bottles should fit inside your child's backpack. Unapproved water bottles can pose safety risks, especially on the schoolbus.
BUS SAFETY: Be sure your child's water bottle is an APPROVED, spill-proof water bottle placed inside his/her backpack.
October Attendance Challenge Winners
Congratulations to our top three classes for the October attendance challenge!
Hudson and LaCroix-43%
We are so proud of all of our parents and students for working hard to make school a top priority.
Parents, there have been several changes to the Jefferson County Student and Parent Handbook. Please click the link below to review the Handbook. We would like to call your attention to the attendance sections (pages 35-37). Also, please review pages 16-17 regarding tardies. You can monitor your child’s attendance through your PowerSchool log-in. Please contact Mrs. Lisa for assistance.
Are you on TRACK?
***Congratulations to ALL the students who joined the TRACK Patch by showing great character and making good choices during the month of October!***
Here at Irondale Community School we expect students to stay on
Think Higher
Reach Your Purpose
Act with integrity in All Things
Compassion is for All
Keep a Positive Mindset
Iready Info
Please click the link to learn how to help your student on I-Ready. Our I-Ready Goal is 45 minutes per week. This is about 9 minutes a day in reading and 9 minutes in math each school day.
VIEW THE I-Ready Video by clicking here
Fridge Tips for I-Ready Lessons at Home
Fridge Tips for I-Ready Lessons at Home-Spanish
Access IReady from your home devices:
Type the following in the address line: and click enter. The student needs to type te username and password and click sign in like they do on the ChromeBook.