St. Philip's Episcopal School
November Newsletter
October was filled with Kindness to Others and learning about safety!
We learned about safety during Fire Prevention Week. Uvalde Volunteer Fire Department brought one of the fire trucks and shared fire safety with our students. During Red Ribbon Week, our students learned to "Just Say No to Drugs".
Our Raise Craze fundraiser was a huge success! We exceeded our goal and shined bright with our Acts of Kindness. We performed and documented over 500 Acts of Kindness towards our families, friends and community. What better way to highlight the kindness and generosity of our donors. We cannot thank you enough.
As always, please contact our school office with any questions or concerns. 830-278-1350.
Veterans Day Program
Our students will be performing one song/poem/presentation to honor all veterans on Veterans Day. Our program will be held at 8:30 on November 11, 2024 in Briscoe Hall. Parents are invited to attend.
We would like to invite any Veterans of our students that would be able to attend our program. If they cannot attend in person, you could send a picture of your Veteran. If your student is inviting someone, please contact their teacher and/or the School office. We want to make sure we recognize all veterans in attendance.
Pow Wow
Our students will be performing in a Thanksgiving themed program on Friday, November 22, 2024 in Briscoe Hall. Families are invited to attend. The program will begin at 10:00.
St. Philip's Annual Thanksgiving Bake Sale
We will be having a Bake Sale immediately following our Pow Wow on Friday, November 22, 2024. We will have baked goods and casseroles available. Be on the lookout in Class DoJo for more information and sign up sheet for items.
Annual Gala - Western Disco
Our Annual Gala is on November 16, 2024. We are having regular meetings to get things ready. If you would like to be part of the planning or help out in any way, be sure to watch Class Dojo for meeting times. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 830-278-1350.
October Highlights
2K Class - Mrs. Barboza
3K Class - Mrs. Ramos
Our 3K class enjoyed a visit from the UVFD during fire prevention week. We learned all about fire safety and who to call if an emergency occurs.
Pre-K - Mrs. Cantu
PreK students learning about more and less.
Kinder - Ms. Ayala
The children are enjoying the beautiful fall mornings and the new mural painted on the Bereavement Center's Kiln building.
1st Grade - Mrs. Pollard
First grade enjoyed participating in chapel as we learned about Moses.
2nd/3rd Grade - Mrs. Ybarra
The Pringles Ring is an engineering challenge in which students create a ring using only Pringles chips, no tape or glue involved. The challenge requires a lot of patience as well as careful and precise chip placement.
Thank you to the South West Texas College STEM Club for visiting our class and challenging our students!
4th/5th Grade - Mr. Jasso
4th and 5th grade students leading Pringles challenge with younger kids during STEM presentation given by SWTC. They enjoyed gaining team building and competition during this timed event.
Library - Ms. Williamson
STEAM - Mrs. Tidball
Pre-K students worked together to build structures using Legos. Trying out various designs teaches them basic engineering concepts while they have fun with their friends!
Spanish - Mrs. Gonzales
Students in Spanish celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month by creating Vihuelas. They are a popular instrument in Spain. Pictured is the 3rd grade class with their Vihuelas.
PE - Coach Ortiz
COLORFUL HUNTING BALLS to keep our kids active, matching colors while developing basic locomotor skills
Class Dojo
Want to see all the fun students are having each day? Need to contact your child's teacher? Then you need to sign up for Class Dojo! Download the app on your smartphone and ask your child's teacher for the login code. That's all there is to it! The teachers post pictures and class information on the class story page. The school posts whole school information on the School Story page. Don't miss out, download the app today!
Upcoming Events
November 3 - Daylight Savings Time Ends. Remember to "Fall Back"
November 7 - Soil Conservation Posters Due.
November 8 - End of 2nd 6 weeks
November 11 - Veterans Day Program. 8:30 in Briscoe Hall.
November 14 - 2nd 6 Weeks Awards Chapel
November 16 - St. Phillip's Episcopal School Western Disco Gala.
November 22 - Pow-Wow/Annual Bake Sale
November 22 - Early Release - 12 Noon
November 25-29 - Thanksgiving Break. Have a blessed Holiday!
November Bible Verses
November 4-8: Ephesians 4:32 - Be kind to one another.
November 11-15: Isaiah 43:5 - Do not be afraid for I am with you.
November 18-22: Psalm 139:14 - I praise you God for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
November Birthdays
We celebrate our Birthdays during Thursday Chapel each week. If it is your Birthday week, remember to bring your pennies for the Birthday Bucket!
Sage Sutherland - November 1
Sterling McDonald - November 7
Sonora Lewey - November 8
Lynnley Crawford - November 11
Lawson Strimple - November 14
Charlotte McGrew - November 18
Sutton Sieckenius - November 26