RES Newsletter
A Note From Ms. C
Dear RES Community,
Students have been spending outdoor time enjoying the newfound Spring weather! Our recess time find students exploring the woods, working through challenges and talking through conflicts on the basketball and gaga courts, learning how their bodies move and balance on our play structure, creating elaborate sand feasts, and exploring their natural surroundings and the many ways we position ourselves in it - both individually and as a member of a community. So much learning takes place during these unstructured and seemingly "playful" times - as Fred Rogers famously noted, "Play is the work of childhood" and it is so exciting to watch our children as they explore, grow, learn, and with the help of our amazing school community, problem-solve, every day.
In addition to our outside time, we have had a packed few weeks here at RES, and the coming final weeks are just as full! Fourth graders explored a local beaver pond, second and third graders are learning all about bridges - and are exploring so many different bridges and locations thanks to the magic of the world wide web! Kindergarten and First graders continue to embraced the written word and are excitedly reading and sharing their knowledge and embracing their new identity as readers! Fifth graders also had a transformative week at KEEC where they learned so much about themselves, made connections, and had a blast!
I also want to extend my gratitude for the thoughtful and helpful feedback that caregivers have shared with regards to next year's grade configurations. We are proceeding thoughtfully and with intention as we bring concerns, ideas, constraints, and realities together in planning forward together with district leadership. An email will be forthcoming that will detail work being done, and as always - please reach out at any time -phone, email, and in-person!
With gratitude,
Our next few weeks are sure to fly by quickly - here is a snapshot of what we have on deck:
5/30: Grandfriends Luncheon (12:00 - 1:45)
6/4: K/1 Terrahana Field Trip (morning)
Isley Library visits RES
6/5: Fifth Grade visits MUMS
6/6 and 6/7: Book Swap
6/6: Band/Chorus Concert (2:00pm)
6/7: Bike for Books (12:45 - 1:30 = 3-5th) and (1:45 - 2:30 = K-2nd)
6/11: Day of Play (all-day fun at school :) )
6/14: Last Student Day!
Outdoor Fun Day!
6:00pm 5th Grade Graduation
5th Graders at KEEC
Our fifth-graders set out, a little bit nervously, the morning of the thirteenth for an experience that each student said upon their return, was "amazing." Nerves and possible homesickness were very quickly replaced by new friends, investigations, bonfires, connection, and self-learning. Throughout the week, students challenged themselves to try new things, explore new ideas, meet new people, and be courageous, on the shores of Lake Dunmore! Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the 5th graders' fundraiser, and also a gigantic thank you to FORS for their financial support of KEEC!
Day of Play!
Tuesday, June 11th will be an extra-fun day at RES!
We will have a Day of Play, where each classroom and space will have its own play theme (Legos, board games, art making, puzzles, dramatic play, etc.) and students will have the freedom to float through the rooms for a day of playing, complete with an extended recess!
The final hour of day-of-playing will be a whole-school Lip Sync! Sign-ups will go out on Friday :)
If you would like to join us to help out, or have a game/fun experience that you would like to share for the day of play please let us know... the more the merrier!
Listening Circles Follow Up - Parents/Caregivers
Dear Parents,
Thank you for participating in ACSD’s work with Dr. Rebecca Haslam to deepen ACSD’s understanding of the impact of racial and bias-based harm in our schools. As you know, her work is designed to inform ACSD’s policy and procedures, increase more inclusive classroom practices, leverage decision-making in meaningful ways, and increase the restorative and reparative experiences for students, staff, and faculty in the ACSD community.
To this end, we warmly extend an invitation for you to join Dr. Haslam on Thursday, May 30th, at 6:30 pm, location to be determined. This meeting is designed for Dr. Haslam to hear from the parents of elementary students who gave consent for their children to participate in our elementary Listening Circles. It is our hope that you will be able to meet with Dr. Haslam and share your perspective and that of your child’s experience in our schools.
Please RSVP here.
In Kindness,
Nicole Carter, Ed.D., MA., LICSW
Assistant Superintendent of Equity and Student Services
Addison Central School District