DATA Newsletter
January 21, 2025
What's Happening at DATA
Happy mid-January!
What a beginning to the new semester! This next week students will be receiving their course cards to choose classes for the next semester. As a CTE and Advanced Academic program, students are expected to challenge themselves and take advanced courses as well as continue within their chosen CTE pathway. When choosing courses, keep the following in mind when choosing between AP, OnRamps, and Dual Credit courses: ALL of these will require time outside of the school day to do pre-reading/pre-concept study, reviewing and studying of notes taken during class, and consistent homework. These are all college-level courses and the workload is no different from what is expected in college. Students are expected to be challenged in these courses; the great news is that their teachers provide so many opportunities for support. Take a look at the NEISD Advanced Academics comparison chart below.
ALL SENIORS are expected to take a math course! Even if they satisfied their graduation requirement their junior year. Colleges do not like to see student transcripts that are missing core classes during the senior year. And let's be honest, how many students can go a whole school year without a math class and be ready to tackle what they need to do in their freshmen math class. (Odds are, colleges will still make them take one even with high SAT scores since they didn't have one their senior year.)
A few reminders as we head into the Spring Semester for students and parents:
- No Credit (NC) deadline for students to make up owed hours is January 27th. All hours must be completed in order to earn credit for a course that you passed but were denied credit due to attendance.
- Service Learning hours for Seniors - let's make sure you have 100 hours documented and turned in to Ms. Tiller (DATA Admin Assistant) in order to be honored as a DATA graduate with your DATA Stole at graduation.
- Testing - this spring we have a lot of testing ranging from Interim STAAR, EOC/STAAR, AP, OnRamps, TSIA2, and MAP testing. Please look at the calendar and make appointments outside of testing dates.
- Please take note down in the attendance section for our new attendance contact/email.
- Saturday School is only for students that have ALREADY exceeded attendance requirements.(See info below about Saturday School.)
Stay warm and Until Next Time,
Mrs. Szabo
Information from Mrs. Lockamy, DATA Counselor
Northeast Lakeview Admissions Deadline
Northeast Lakeview Scholarship Information
Northeast Lakeview Scholarship QR
News from the TR Library
VOE Information
For any student who will be needing a Verification of Enrollment (VOE) for their driver's license, they must already have their appointment scheduled. Additionally, the VOE request must be submitted at least one week in advance of the appointment. All VOEs are requested from Ms. Tiller (located in the DATA building, Office D26). Please do not submit your request more than one week in advance.
To be eligible for a VOE, students must be currently enrolled in school AND the student must have received CREDIT for all classes in the prior semester. If credit was not received, then the school must review the attendance history and determine that the student was there 90% of the time each class was offered. The school will supply the VOE, the student does not need to submit the form.
****Same Day Requests Will Not Be Honored****
Service Learning
As a reminder, all DATA students must complete at least 25 hours of service learning each year. All service learning hours need to be submitted through Skyward. Service learning is simply an act of service that is performed without compensation.
College and Career Center Information
Attendance Reminders
Excessive Absences Can Cost Your Student Credit for a Class
If your student is absent, it's important to submit any documentation for absences to TR Attendance Office. Your student should drop off all notes to the TR Attendance office located in the main foyer of the TR main building. Your doctor can fax a note directly to the office, the fax number is 210-650-1291. Documentation can also be emailed to the attendance clerk, Ms. Margaret Quinn at mquinn2@neisd.net. Attendance Matters All Day Everyday!
If you have an unexcused absence, the classroom teacher does not have to award full credit for make up work. The teacher can deduct up to 20% of the final grade according to NEISD grading policy. So, turn in those notes!
Saturday School Information
Time is Running Out!
If your student is in need of Saturday school, you will receive an email from Mrs. Szabo with this information. TR Administration will consistently send out blanket emails to ALL families regardless of a student's need for attendance recovery. When you check Skyward, if your student has more than 9 U or E absences in a class period within a semester, then they will need attendance recovery to earn credit for the class, even if they pass the class.
You CAN NOT attend Saturday School to "bank" hours for future absences or to recover absences to make your attendance eligible for semester exam exemptions.
Academic Support
Again this year, academic support will be in the College and Career Center after school. The College and Career Center is open to all students and is located inside the TR Counseling Center.
The TR PTSA provides programs and events that supports all students and teachers on campus such as the PTA Reflections program, PTA Scholarship, Ride & Drive Smart, Paws & Relax for Test Success, Coffee with the Principal, Teacher Appreciation, and so much more. PTA is also a huge advocate for our students at the state and national level. If you have not already joined, please do so today.
Become a member, donate, or learn more: www.trptsa.com.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram:
facebook.com/trptsa | instagram.com/trptsa
Message us on social media or email: president@trptsa.com.
Important Dates
We've tried to help you plan ahead as much as you can! Dates are subject to change so check back frequently.
January 2025
- Jan 23 Teddy Tours
- Jan 24 UIL Grade Check - Re-evaluate failing students, All students passing regain eligibility 1/31
- Jan 25 Saturday School 8:00 am - 1:00 PM
- Jan 27 High School Course Fair for ALL Grade levels
- Jan 30 DATA Assembly 10:30 am (all students)
- February 2025
- Feb 6 & 7 Biology Interim Testing
- Feb 12 US History Interim Testing
- Feb 17 Student Holiday
- Feb 20 DATA Senior Class Meeting
- Feb 25 & 26 Algebra I Interim Testing
March 2025
- March 7 Early Dismissal 2 PM
- March 10 - 14 Spring Break
- March 17 Service Learning Hours Due
- March 19 PICK/IBC Awards
- March 19 Contract Signing Night
April 2025
- April 3 DATA HS Family Night
- April 8 English I STAAR
- April 10 English II STAAR
- April 15 Biology STAAR
- April 16 US History STAAR
- April 18 Staff and Student Holiday
- April 22 Algebra I STAAR
May 2025
- May 1 DATA Senior Awards 6:00PM (dinner with awards to follow)
- May 1 DATA Art Expo
- May 2 Student and Staff Holiday
- May 5 Biology AP Exam
- May 6 – Chemistry (10th – 12th), Human Geography (9th), Gov (12th)
- May 7 – Eng Lit (12th), Comp Sci
- May 8 – Stats (11th-12th), World History (10th)
- May 9 – US History (11th), Economics (12th)
- May 12 – Calculus, Music Theory
- May 13 – Enviro Science (10th-12th)
- May 14 – Eng Lang (11th), Physics C
- May 15 – Spanish Lang
- May 16 - Psych
- May 14 PICK/IBC Awards
- May 21 & 22 Early Dismissal 2:00 PM
- May 22 Last Day of Classes
- Graduation TBD
Design and Technology Academy at Roosevelt High School
Email: cszabo@neisd.net
Website: https://www.neisd.net/datahs
Location: 5110 Walzem Road, Windcrest, TX, USA
Phone: 210-356-2237
Twitter: @DATADoes2