Orchestra News
Week 14: Happy Holiday Season!
November 22 - Orchestra Thanksgiving @CHS
CHS orchestra boosters are hosting this event, but are in need of a few more parent helpers. If you're available, please click the button below to sign-up to help out Friday evening.
November 22 - Advanced Orchestras ONLY - STEAM deadline
November 29 - Spirit Wear Store Closes
The Orchestra Booster has created some fun spirit wear to help build team spirit and foster camaraderie in the orchestra.
These items would make excellent gifts for your favorite musician and can be ordered online!
Spirit wear can be ordered until Nov 29, and items will be delivered at school prior to winter break.
December 2 - Angel Tree Donations Deadline
December 2 - Chamber Orchestra - Full Orch Rehearsal
December 4 - Beginner Rehearsal
Where: Lawler Orchestra Room
What: Beginner orchestra students will get together after school on December 4th to rehearse for our upcoming concert. This is a required rehearsal for all beginner orchestra students.
December 9 - Chamber Orchestra - Full Orch Rehearsal
December 11 - Winter Concert @ CHS
Where: Centennial HS Auditorium
What: Concert for all orchestra students
Dress: Formal concert black uniform and holiday accessories
Beginners arrive 6:00 PM
Chamber arrive 6:15 PM
Concert 1 (Beginners & Chamber) Begins 6:30 PM
Philharmonia arrive 7:00 PM
Sinfonia arrive 7:15 PM
Camerata arrive 7:30 PM
Concert 2 (Phil, Sinf, Cam) Begins 7:30 PM
Students are expected to stay for the entirety of their concert. We highly encourage students to attend both concert segments, and students who do so, will receive extra credit provided they complete the required check-in.
Parents, please plan to attend and support your orchestra student in all their hard work and preparation!
Cookie Reception
Cookies can be dropped off in the CHS cafeteria when students arrive.
December 13 - Lawler Orchestra Holiday Party
- Cookie eating
- gingerbread house making
- hot cocoa drinking
- movie watching
- ugly sweater contest-ing
December 17 - STEAM night
Advanced students will be performing small ensembles around the school.
Deadline to sign up is November 22nd.
December 17 - Centennial Winter Concert
Admittance is free.
If you're not attending STEAM night, enjoy a fun holiday concert!
December 18 - Chamber Assembly Performance
Current Events
Who will become a Legendary Llama?
Beginner orchestra has started on their orchestra karate journey and a few students have already earned their White Belts!
Orchestra karate gives students the chance to challenge themselves and move at their own pace to pass varying skills and techniques on their instruments.
Later in the year, we will form a group called the 'Legendary Llamas' which is a group of beginner students who have excelled at their belts and are ready to play extra, and more challenging music.
Llama Masters
The Llama Masters are 7th and 8th graders that are available for beginner students to sign-up with for peer tutoring on anything they need. We encourage the 6th grade students to sign up and come to orchestra legend time to gain some new orchestra friends, mentors, and knowledge