ESA Weekly Parent Update
November 26, 2023
Upcoming Events/Dates
11/29 - Kindergarten - 3rd Grade Science Fair (times will be announced)
11/30 - 4th and 5th Grade Science Fair (times will be announced)
12/1 - 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Science Fair (times will be announced)
Reporting Issue on Report Cards
Dear Chester Upland School District parents, families, and caregivers:
As you may be aware, report cards were distributed on Tuesday, November 21. I am writing to inform you about an issue we have identified with the current report cards for our scholars.
Due to a reporting issue, specific details related to absences, GPAs, and teachers' comments are currently missing from report cards.
We want to sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We are aware of the problem and are actively working to resolve it. Unfortunately, at this time, we do not have a specific time frame for when a corrected and complete document will be available.
We understand the importance of having accurate information about your child's progress. In the interim, if you require the specific details that should be on the report cards, the school counselor at your child’s school and/or your child's teachers are available to provide that information upon your request.
We deeply appreciate your partnership and patience as we work through this reporting challenge.
Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience, and we thankyou for your understanding and cooperation.
Latrice N. Mumin, Ed. D., MBA
Interim Superintendent of Schools, Chester Upland SchoolDistrict
Parent Teacher Conferences
Thank you everyone for your participation in parent-teacher conferences this past week. It was wonderful to see our families so that we could share with you how your child is progressing so far this school year.
Science Fair at ESA
Please review the attached parent letter outlining all of the important information for ESA's school wide Science Fair.
Science Fair Project Boards complete (for individual projects) are due on the following dates: (Students must have all steps included on their board.)
Grades K-3 – Monday, November 27
Grades 4-5- Tuesday, November 28
Grades 6-8- Wednesday November 29
The school-wide Science Fair will take place on: (times will be announced closer to the fair):
· Wednesday, November 29th (Kindergarten – grade 3)
· Thursday, November 30th (Grades 4 -5)
· Friday, December 1st (Grades 6-8)
Here at ESA we encourage our scholars to SOAR every day.
S - Safety
O - Ownership
A - Achievement
R- Respectful
Help us shout-out our ESA Staff!!
Thank you for helping us to keep our staff encouraged, feeling appreciated, and giving their best to your children for a successful year!
Please fill in the short form below:
Supervision before 8:40 am
This is a reminder that supervision of students does not begin until 8:40 am.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell Phone and Electronic Devices
The use of cell phones and electronic devices are not permitted at ESA. Upon entering the school building students must turn off all electronic devices and keep them stored in their backpack or lockers (grades 5-8) If the electronic device is seen or heard by an ESA Staff member, the device will be confiscated. The first time the device is confiscated it will be returned to the student at the end of the day. For each infraction thereafter, confiscated phones will be turned in to the Dean and must be picked up by an adult. Confiscated phones will not be given back to the child. ESA will not assume responsibility for the loss or theft of any electronic device. Smart Watches are prohibited from being worn in the building. ESA reserves the right to reasonably search and/or confiscate any and all electronic devices to the extent allowed by applicable state and/or federal laws and regulations.