Wrangler Weekly
Week of August 18, 2024
Message from Ms. Bratton, principal
It was great seeing all of you at schedule pick up. We appreciate you making the time to come up with your Wrangler. It was especially nice to see our new Wrangler faces who are excited about coming to a new campus on Tuesday.
If you are new to SBMS and missed the Saddle UP presentation at noon on Wednesday, here is the information that was provided.
Just a few first day reminders --
1. Doors open at 7:15 AM. All students should be in dress code and wearing their ID. If they did not receive an ID at schedule pick up, we will help them with that the first week.
2. On the first day of school, our pick up lines will be longer than usual and busses will be running later than usual. Your patience will be greatly appreciated as our team navigates not only the heat but also teaching our new students the process.
3. Students will not be allowed on their phones during the school day. As per district policy, students may only use their phones before and after school. Phones in the office are available to students during the school day. Similarly, if you need to contact your student, please do not text them and expect a response. Call our office, and we will be happy to get a message to them if it cannot wait until the bell rings at 3:50.
One last note -- don't overlook the Important Links section below -- you'll find our bell schedule, all athletics program schedules we have so scheduled so far, and the school supply list. Also below -- the nurse's office is following a new district policy regarding over the counter medication.
Looking forward to a great year!
Go Wranglers!
Mrs. Bratton
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2024-25 PE/Athletic Clothes - order thru Aug 19th
Your PE/Athletic clothes links have opened back up. Please note the color requirements below. Do not wait as these links will only be active through August 19th.:
All PE and 6th grade pre-athletics: gray top, navy bottoms
Boys 7th and 8th Athletics: gray top, navy bottoms
Girls 7th and 8th Athletics: navy top, navy bottoms
For Football athletes: navy top, navy bottoms
Football practice begins - Aug 20
Football athletes: the first day of football practice is the 1st day of school at 630am Tuesday-Friday the 1st week. 8th grade starts during 7th period and last till 530pm Tuesday-Friday.
If you missed schedule pick up....
If you were not able to attend last week's schedule pick up, don't you worry as many of the stations have an online option to purchase.
PTA membership and merchandise...click here.
Spirit wear and fence signs...click here
Student day planners/agendas and programs fees can be paid online until 8/30...click here
The student agendas can also be purchased during the first week of school during lunch for $8. Any agendas purchased online can be picked up during lunch as well.
Student Health Services changes
Please see the communication from the CISD Director of Student Health Services regarding changes to our nursing staff administering over-the-counter medications.
Free/Reduced Meals Application
Free and reduced meal applications were not part of back to school registration and do not carry over from the previous year. Application must be completed online for the 2024-2025 school year: https://www.comalisd.org/apps/pages/Nutrition/free-and-reduced-eligibility
Honors Math Meeting - Aug 26
Parents of students in Honors Math or Pre-AP Algebra I are strongly encouraged to attend an information session on August 26th beginning at 5:45pm.
Volleyball Tryouts - Aug 21-23
Girls 7th & 8th Grade Volleyball Tryouts will run Wednesday, August 21st-23rd. You MUST attend all days. Please be on the lookout for the QR registration code at schedule pick up and in a separate detailed email. Please have ALL UIL required forms in Rank One completed. No exceptions.
Hallway Heroes Meeting - Aug 27
Come find out about this year’s Hallway Heroes program. Be a part of keeping our school safe and eat lunch with your student. Time slots run all day…pick the times that work best for you!
WHO CAN BE A HALLWAY HERO? Any parent or guardian aged 18 and older.
WHAT DO HALLWAY HEROES DO? Possible activities include traffic duty, checking for ID badges in the hallways, checking that doors are secure throughout the building & outside perimeter, assisting at lunch, Athletics & Physical Education & mentoring students.
WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS? Attend this orientation
PTA Membership and spirit gear
2024 - 2025 Schedule Pick up is in the books! It was a wonderful day and we loved meeting all the new families and seeing familiar faces!
It’s going to be a great year, Wranglers!
If you missed getting your spirit gear or joining PTA, it’s not too late! Click here.
Thank you to the PTA volunteers who came to help; you’re the best!
White Parking Space Raffle - Aug 19
Want to skip the lines and drop off and pick up out front?!
Enter to win the White parking space for the first 9 weeks!
See you soon, Wranglers!
August 19: Last day to order PE/Athletic and Football apparel
August 20: First Day of School
August 20: Football practice begins, 7th grade begins at 6:30 am, 8th grade until 530pm
August 26: Honors Math and Pre-AP Algebra meeting, 5:45pm
August 27: PTA Hallway Hero Meeting, 8:30 AM
August 29: First volleyball game
August 30: Last day to pay for program fees and agendas online
September 4: First football game
September 9: SBMS Open House (Meet the Teachers)
September 12: Pep Rally
September 16-20: Go Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Week
September 17: Fall Picture Day
Spring Branch Middle School
Email: brandi.norton@comalisd.org
Website: sbms.comalisd.org
Location: 21053 Texas 46, Spring Branch, TX, USA
Phone: (830)885-8800
Facebook: facebook.com/CISDSpringBranchMS
Instagram: sbms_wranglers
Twitter: @SBMSWranglers