Bonsall Virtual Academy 10/25/2024
October 25, 2024 BVA Belong, Believe , Achieve
Message from the principal
Weekly updates
Hello BVA families!
Students who are on track in their classes, attend their daily or weekly zoom and come in person can earn raffle tickets. Every week, we draw raffle tickets for the elementary and middle/high school students. Students can select raffle prizes from the prize box, get free Nessy burger items such as shakes, fries, and burgers, Starbucks gift cards or Target giftcards. Our student shout out section below will have our raffle winners listed.
Students are able to come in-person to work and receive support from our very talented staff between 8:30-3:00 M-F. Students can come for a short period of time or stay longer. We do have access to the hot lunch program. We also have snacks. Please have your child bring their refillable water bottle to use during the day to drink refreshing, ice cold water from our Sparklett's tank.
Please check out the schedule for our TK-5 grade students for dance, music, library, and farm! Students should arrive at 8:30 and will stay until 11:20. They are welcome to stay for lunch immediately following:
TK-2nd grade students( total of 6 students)
8:30-9:10: Dance with Keene/Cervantes
9:30-10:00: Library
10:00-10:40: Music with Anaya
10:40-11:20: Farm with Latimer
3-5th grade( total of 5 students)
8:30-9;10: Farm with Lawson
9:10-9:50: Dance with Wallace
10:00-10:30: Open library, check out only plus recess
10:40-11:20: Music with Bloodsworth
Upcoming important dates:
- Intervention support classes ( if your child is required to attend intervention, it is listed on their action plan) Mondays: Grades 6-8th from 8:45-9:30 and Grades 9-12: 9:45-10:30 The first/third Monday will be math intervention; The 2nd/4th Monday will be language arts/writing intervention.
- Intervention support classes for elementary: Wednesdays: Grades TK-2nd: from 8:45-9:30; Grades 3-5: 9:45-10:30; The first/third Monday will be math intervention; The 2nd/4th Monday will be language arts/writing intervention.
- 10/7-11/1: District writing prompt in-person. Please plan to bring your child in person during the month of October to complete their writing prompt.
- 10/26: Bonsall High school car show 10-2
- 11/5: Field trip permission slips/$ for Western Science Museum due
- 11/11: Veteran's day: no school
- 11/14: Western Science Museum Field trip
Climate Survey window opens October 23-October 30th
Climate survey
Subject: Fall School Climate Survey October 2024
Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s):
We are looking for feedback to help improve your school experience! We thank you and your family for being our valued partners as we work together to educate the children in our district. Over the next several weeks, we will be asking for students in grades 3-12 to reflect on their school experience and on their own mindsets and approaches to learning via an online questionnaire they will be completing at school. The questionnaire shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes to complete.
The questionnaire will ask students to self-reflect on Student Competency and Well-Being Measures (such as growth mindset and self-efficacy) and on Student Supports and Environment (such as school safety, sense of belonging, and school climate). The questions can be previewed here:
Students Grades 3-5: English or in Spanish here.
Students Grades 6-12: English or in Spanish here.
We are asking that all of our students participate, as their responses will provide invaluable insights into their experiences and how we can improve and adapt our district to their needs. If a student doesn’t feel like they have enough information to answer a question, they will be able to skip the item altogether. The responses to the individual questions will be completely confidential. If you would like your student to opt out of taking this questionnaire, please complete this Google Form by Monday, October 21st.
In addition, we are asking that our parents/guardians respond to questions about their experiences and perceptions of their child’s school. Your participation is completely confidential and anonymous, which means that no one at your school will ever see your individual responses. Please take your time to give honest and thoughtful answers.
You may use a computer, tablet, or smartphone to access the questions.
Please click the following link and enter the access code for your child's school: The questionnaire will be open from October 23-October 30th
Link to Questions: https://surveys.panoramaed.com/bonsallusd/login
Please use the corresponding ACCESS CODE for the Family Survey
School Name Access Code Bonsall Elementary 3185421981 Vivian Banks Charter 1031211289 Sullivan Middle 6588312763 Bonsall High 9700900806 Bonsall West 7028011853
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 760-685-1686
Thank you for your participation and for being a valued member of your school community.
Tina Calabrese, Principal
Writing Intervention with Miss Ferreira
Students hard at work!
Art with Miss Carissa
Cultural night photos
Field trip: Western Science Center November 14th 9-1:30 pm
Please come join us on our next field trip to the Western Science Center in Hemet. We will be taking a bus to see the largest Mastodon in the Western United States! We will have a hands on discovery lab, see fossils from the Ice Age and Native American Artifacts. Please return your permission slip, lunch slip and $9 per person to Mrs. Calabrese no later than November 5th. We must pre-pay for the field trip and need an accurate count.
Middle school updates
UPcoming dates at Sullivan
October 28- Nov 1: Spirit Week and Red Ribbon Week.
Wednesday October 30: Halloween Dance and Haunted House.
Middle School Athletics
Fall sports update
FALL SPORTS: Volleyball, Cross Country, and Flag Football
Thank you for a great season Coaches!
Winter Sports Tryouts are November 18th! Please read!!! Winter Sports Tryouts are November 18th! **Your child may tryout without being registered on Home Campus, but if they are selected for the team, they MUST be cleared by Friday, Nov. 29th, or their spot on the roster will be in jeopardy. Please have a plan to get them a sports physical NOW so you are prepared! Dr. Richard Uhler in Temecula, can do physicals for $40. He will get you scheduled within a day or two! His phone number is: 951-693-9678 Boys' Basketball Tryouts will be divided by alphabetical order this year by last name! Please see the details below: A-L- Monday, Nov. 18th- 3:00-4:15pm M-Z- Tuesday, Nov. 19th- 3:00-4:15pm First-round cuts will be posted on Wed., Nov. 20th (no tryouts this day) Those making the first, cut will have an additional tryout on Thursday, Nov. 21st from 3:00-4:15 pm There may be a final tryout on Friday, Nov. 22nd if needed! Girls' Soccer Tryouts will be on Monday, Nov. 18th and 19th on the upper field from 3:00-4:15pm. If more dates are needed, they will be added! Any questions please email me: andrea.breuninger@bonsallusd.com
All players must be cleared on Homecampus.com by this Friday. Please go to the Sullivan Website - sm.bonsallusd.com to Athletics and complete the Homecampus.com registration including uploading the Athletic Physical Form. Students not registered on Homecampus.com including Sport Physical, will not be allowed to practice on Monday, 9/16 and may be at risk of being cut from the team.
BHS Athletics
Athletics Update
Bonsall High’s Athletics Information
Last week of the season for Girls’ Volleyball:
Senior Night- Tuesday, October 22nd, home vs. Cristo Rey Oct 17, 2024 5:00 PM
Thursday, October 24th vs. River Valley @ Greenfield Middle School, 6:30pm
Cross Country- Meet #4- 3:00pm @ Liberty Park
Winter Seasons kicks off for Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball and Boys’ Soccer on Tuesday, November 12th.
Please register on Home Campus (HomeCampus.com) before November 12th!
Please check the game schedules on MaxPreps.com!
If you need contact information for the coaches please let me know!
Bonsall High’s Athletics Information
Early College Updates
Important information regarding early college enrollment
Family Presentations - Guiding Students to Future Readiness Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are pleased to invite you to attend a presentation on "Student Career Readiness" aimed to provide valuable insights into the programs and resources available to help our students prepare for their future careers, including college and vocational pathways.
Wed, November 6 / 5pm - Pala Admin Hall - 12196 Pala Mission Rd, Pala, CA 92059
Wed, November 13 / 5pm - Bonsall Community Center - 31505 Old River Rd, Bonsall CA 92003 (Spanish Translation)
You will have the opportunity to learn about the support systems in place and how you can be involved in your child's career planning journey.
Please RSVP by October 31 to: Eryn Barker at eryn.barker@bonsallusd.com (please indicate which date you plan to attend!)
We look forward to your participation.
Have a great day!
Eryn Barker
Early College/CTE Coordinator
Early College Updates!
Ms. Eryn is now signing up students for Palomar College!!! Are you interested in taking a college course? There is a class beginning October 21!! This class will meet one of the college course requirements, as well as the course prerequisite for the Early College program!! To sign up, follow the steps listed HERE!
Coun 148 Managing Stress and Well-Being (3 units)
Investigates the sociological, physiological, and psychological sources of stress and well-being across the lifespan. Students learn mindfulness and stress reduction techniques.
NEW College & Career Center Monthly Newsletter
Topics include: Senior Updates, Early College & CTE Updates, new programs and opportunities, as well as important dates to know!
1st Generation Seniors: Email Ms. Eryn right now to sign up for extra support this year!! Support will be provided to students in many ways to make it most convenient for students!
High school updates
High school update
Upcoming Important dates:
Key Upcoming Dates:
Key Upcoming Dates:
10/26 10:00am - 2:00pmBHS Car Show at Bonsall Elementary School
11/11 Veterans Day-No School
Student Shout outs
Student shout outs
Shout out to Soleil Elkins, Benji Perez, Anthony Ramirez Bautista, Joseph Amador, Kaylie Ausano, Mahaj Joshi, Jacob Ortiz, Oscar Sanchez, Lilly de Leon, Chloe/Sophia Ferrante, for coming in person to get work done!
Welcome to Brody Williams for joining us this week!
Shout out to Jake Casillas, Luke Ferrante, Elizabeth Dinh Barba, Alan Ontiveros Cortez, Jonah Parra, Zach/Gabby Forsman, Autumn Vega, Sophie Lawler-Ehr, Kayla Lopez, Kylee Miner, and Jolie Kennedy for having A's and B's this week!
Shout out to Sophie Lawler-Ehr for coming to support and tutor one of our younger students!
Shout out to Autumn Vega, Kylee Miner, Joseph Amador, Amerie Moroyoqui, Emmette Srinalack Sidavong, Monique Sanchez, Soleil Elkins, Alan Ontiveros Cortez, Valerie Torres, Mahaj Joshi, and Cadence Mitchell for completing your writing assessment this week!
Shout out to
Raffle Winners:
Raffle Winners
Congratulations to the following raffle ticket winners: ! Please come in and claim your prize the next time you are in the learning resource room:
Luke Ferrante, Olivia Ferrante, Gabby Forsman, Clare Ferrante, Benji Perez, Janet Casillas, Jacob Ortiz, and Sophie Lawler-Ehr!
High School Announcements
Senior announcement: Early College
Attention Seniors!activities
Check out the College & Career Center Newsletter for more information including updates for Seniors, scholarships and financial aid, the Early College program, Student Highlight of the Month, poll of the month, new happenings in CTE land, and more!
Attention all high school students: Please check out the flyer below for numerous activites at Bonsall High School during a week long college week.
Yearbook Ads for Seniors
SENIOR Ads for the Yearbook Attention Class of 2025 Families! Send your Senior a message and reminisce on their time with you and BUSD with a Personal Ad! Personal Ads range in size and price and include a space for photos and a written message to your Senior. If you bundle that with a Senior package, you can buy both an ad and a Yearbook for a discounted price. Ads are on sale through January 20th, so don't delay--start looking through those cute baby photos and build your message with Walsworth today!
Please contact the Yearbook teacher, Mrs. McGuire if you have any questions: anna.mcguire@bonsallusd.com
High school flyers: BHS car show
T shirts for sale
We are currently selling 2024 Car Show T-shirts in sizes Small-3XL.
Last day to order BHS car show T-shirts is Monday, September 30th. Price is $20 dollars sizes sm-3x order click HERE to place your order . We are in need of candy for our Trunk or Treat for kids. Anyone wanting to donate candy please contact Crystal Dence in the Registrars Office or leave candy at the Welcome Hut.
SOS campaign for students
Save our students campaign
Parents please see the flyer below from the Bonsall Education Foundation. The Foundation wants to help support our students directly by creating a fund to be used by teachers in our amazing school district. Please review and donate if you feel comfortable. All funds raised for BVA go directly to BVA students!
Staff shout outs
Shout out!
Shout out to Miss Breuninger for your hard work with math/reading intervention this week!
Shout out to Miss Ferreira for your hard work with writing intervention this week!
Shout out to Mr. Quinn for your collaboration this week for expanding workability programs this week!
Shout out to Ms. Prestwood for your amazing math tutoring for our students this week!
Shout out to Miss Carissa for the fantastic art lesson for our students this week!
Outreach/Parent resources
District resources/news
BUSD Community Resource Center's Monthly Newsletter
https://secure.smore.com/n/yq89xto view BUSD community Liaison's Monthly Newsletter :
BUSD Love on your back program
3597 Kellington Ct., Oceanside, Ca. 92056 760 224-1098
501c3 Nonprofit Charity #83-1210023
loveonyourback@yahoo.com loyb.weebly.com (website)
After school enrichment
Did you know the District has after school enrichment opportunities at all the school sites? Please click on the link to register through 6 crickets for fabulous opportunities. Click the school site closest to your home to register.
Mental Health Resources
Bonsall Unified School District partnered with Care Solace to support the well-being of students, staff, and their family members. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service that can help you quickly find mental health or substance use treatment options matched to your needs, regardless of circumstance.
If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:
- Call 888-515-0595. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365
- Visit www.caresolace.com/bonsallusd and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
(Bonsall Unified School District se asoció con Care Solace para apoyar el bienestar de los estudiantes, el personal y sus familiares. Care Solace es un servicio gratuito y confidencial de coordinación de la atención que puede ayudarlo a encontrar rápidamente opciones de tratamiento de salud mental o abuso de sustancias que se ajusten a sus necesidades, independientemente de las circunstancias.
Si desea utilizar Care Solace para encontrar un proveedor:
- Llame al 888-515-0595 disponible 24/7/365 en cualquier idioma.
- Visite www.caresolace.com/bonsallusd y busque por su cuenta O haga clic en "Reservar cita" para obtener asistencia por video chat, correo electrónico o teléfono.
Mental Health Systems: TURN 858-573-2600
In addition, Care Solace offers mental health care coordination services and can help connect you and your child with appropriate community-based providers. Whether it's counseling, therapy, or other mental health services, Care Solace can assist you in finding the support your family may need.
To access Care Solace's coordination services, simply reach out using the following options:
Call 888-515-0595: Their multilingual helpline is staffed 24/7/365.
Visit www.caresolace.com/bonsallusd: On their website, you can explore mental health providers independently or click "Book Appointment" for personalized assistance through video chat, email, or phone.
Upcoming events
Upcoming important dates
- 10/7-11/1: District writing prompt in-person. Please plan to bring your child in person during the month of October to complete their writing prompt.
- 10/26: Bonsall High school car show 10-2, attendees are free!
- 11/5: Field trip permission slips/$ for Western Science Museum due
- 11/11: Veteran's day: no school
- 11/14: Western Science Museum Field trip
Additional online Math support
Khan Academy is a great resource and wonderful way for your child to get additional help with what they're learning in school or to learn something new. Check it out!
Online resources Reading grades K-5
Florida center for reading resources is a collection of research based/teacher created Student Center Activities for use in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade classrooms. The activities are designed for students to practice, demonstrate, and extend their learning of what has already been taught, sometimes with teacher assistance and sometimes independently. Students can complete the activities in small groups, pairs, or individually.
Accompanying these Student Center Activities is a Teacher Resource Guide that offers important insights on differentiated instruction and how to use the Student Center materials.
Bonsall Virtual Academy
Email: tina.calabrese@bonsallusd.com
Website: https://sites.google.com/bonsallusd.com/bonsallsvirtualacademy/enrollmentcontact
Location: 31505 Old River Road, Bonsall, CA, USA
Phone: 760-631-5200, ext. 1027