The Patton Post
Friday, October 28th
Friday, October 28th
We can't wait for the FUN-tastic day we have planned for Halloween on Monday! I am so excited to see all the students in costumes and see all the fun activities and games planned for their class parties! The weather so far looks SPOOK-tacular (I will now spend the weekend hoping I didn't jinx it!! Please channel good weather thoughts with me!)
I see that many of you have filled out the form letting us know whether your child will be staying at school or going home for lunch on Monday. Thank you so much! Please do fill it out if you haven't already - if you do not fill it out and would like to take your child home for lunch on Monday, you will have to park your car and sign them out from the office using the QR code. It will be much easier if we know in advance what you would like to do.
An enormous THANK YOU to everyone that has helped Pack the Piggy here at Patton this week! I can't wait to find out the final tally.....and I'm hoping we reached our goal of $1,000! Mrs Vignocchi and I are waiting on the final votes to determine what our Panthers choose for their prize if we do meet the goal of $1,000!
You may have heard about the search for AL this week! This is a whole school adventure we have embarked on and it is proving to be a hit (staff and students included!). I am so grateful to be able to inject some fun problem solving into our day. It has been wonderful to see the students engaged and energized as they try to find the clues and solve the problem! We can't wait for the BIG REVEAL next week! We are hoping to inspire and spark acts of kindness, collaboration, communication, along with some fun and excitement.
Ellie Chin
A Note from Mrs Donahue, School Social Worker
There are families in our community that can use a little extra help during the holiday season. Please contact me if your family is one that would benefit from this assistance. This is meant to be “a hand up, not a hand out”.
The staff is collecting gift cards to various local stores. These gift cards will be distributed amongst the families that reply. Please contact my confidential voicemail or email (see below) by November 30th if you are interested or if you have any questions.
Voicemail: 847-506-5927
Halloween Candy Donation
If you have any WRAPPED Halloween candy leftover please consider dropping it off here at Patton. We will be collecting for local food pantries. If you can't face another peanut butter cup, feel free to bring them to Patton and we'll make sure they brighten up someone's day.
If you find yourself in possession of lightly used coloring books, board games, card games, dominoes, magna-tiles, etc that you would like to de-clutter from your house please consider donating them to the school. As the weather becomes a bit more temperamental, we imagine more indoors recess days and we are always looking for more ways to keep the students entertained and engaged throughout the lunch hour.
ABC/25 GetBurbed Challenge
Let your imagination run (pun intended) wild! All D25 students have the opportunity to submit a design for the ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge official race shirt and posters! These shirts will be worn by over 500 participants at the ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge on April 15, 2023. The design winner also gets to help select the color of the shirt! Official rules and regulations and t-shirt design forms can be found at Submissions are due back to your school office by December 2, 2022.
New this year are member benefits! Learn more at
All students of participating families will be entered in a drawing to win a ride to school from the Arlington Heights Police Department! All memberships dues go directly towards grants awarded to the teachers and classrooms of District 25.
If you'd like to get more involved, Patton is actually in need of a liaison representative to assist with the ABC/25 GetBurbed Challenge Committee.
School liaisons should attend each meeting. Meetings are held monthly but a bit closer as the race approaches.
Responsible for communicating race information to the principal for school distribution. This information will be provided by the director.
Responsible for promoting the race at their school - sharing FB posts, morning announcements, videos, etc.
Throughout the time of planning, everyone will be asked to volunteer for additional team roles:
T-shirts .
Expo Coordinator
If you are interested in taking on this role please reach out to Angie Thanopoulos or Katie Lindgren, the
ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge Race Co-Directors at For more information, please visit the website
Have your 4th or 5th grader stay after school on (most) Tuesdays in room 255!
Mr. Morkert will provide a quiet space where kids can work on assignments, read,
or get extra help. If interested, you must sign up using this link (space is limited to 12). Please be sure to include your child's name when you sign them up and note whether you will pick up your child or if they can walk home. CAP kids welcome as well. Please contact Mr. Morkert for any questions (
If you can't make the parade please don't worry! We will be live streaming the parade this year! We will send a link out via email on Monday morning so families can Zoom into the parade if they can't be there in person.
Parade & Parties
The parade will begin on the blacktop around 1:45pm followed by class parties which will be from 2:15pm - 3:15pm. We will send out a Halloween communication email that will include a map of the parade route for any families interested in finding a spot along the route to watch and see the parade. Please note that the parade will be canceled in the event of inclement weather.
We always look forward to the fun and creative costumes our students come up with each Halloween. We ask for your partnership in choosing appropriate costumes for school that do not have weapons, blood, gore, or violent themes. In the interest of safety, please be sure your child is able to walk and sit comfortably in his/her costume and is able to see where he/she is walking.
Lunch/Recess is from 12:10 p.m. – 1:10 p.m. For those families who plan to pick up their child for lunch and to change into costumes, please plan to follow the typical 3:35pm pick up lane procedure. Our traffic team volunteers will assist us in having a smooth dismissal. Students should return to Patton by 1:10pm and line up on the blacktop in their class lines. We will enter the building at 1:10pm. For students staying at school, please be sure that they can change into their costumes independently without adult assistance.
AM Kindergarten Parents ONLY
AM Kindergarten students will wear their costumes to school in the morning. Parents should pick students up on Patton Avenue at 11:50am. We anticipate many 1st through 5th-grade children going home for lunch, so the typical pick-up process for AM kindergarten will be disrupted on Halloween. Please plan to pick up your kindergartener on Patton Avenue instead of on the blacktop. If you are picking up older siblings to go home for lunch, you can pull into the main parking lot and prepare to drive through the pick-up line as those students will be dismissed at 12:10pm.
PM Kindergarten Parents ONLY
First through fifth graders who go home for lunch will return at 1:10pm. Please make certain you do not park your car in the drop-off lane as we will have a large volume of cars passing through as students are dropped off for the afternoon. PM Kindergarten students should come to school in their costumes and line up at the front door as they always do.
Recognize a Staff Member - Give a Pat on the Back to a Patton Staff Member
Patton teachers and staff work so hard to support our students on a daily basis. We invite you to fill out this google form if you would like to recognize a staff member or a team for their hard work. We will pass on the good news to them. Thank you in advance for sending an encouraging word as we know it will mean so much to our staff. Staff who have received recognition have been so appreciative. It is such a wonderful way to brighten their day!
MON 31st OCT - Halloween Parade and Class Parties
MON 7th NOV - Picture Day Re-Take
MON 21st - FRI 25th NOV - NO SCHOOL
TUES 29th NOV - RULER Parent Information Night
Please be sure to click on the Patton PTA website button above for information about other upcoming events
Main Line: (847) 398-4288
Fax #: (847) 394-6681
Absence Procedure
Twitter: @AHSD25Patton