Kōkopu Newsletter
Term 3 Week 3 Monday 5th August 2024
Principal's Message
Principals Message
A warm welcome to Max who started in room 3 today and his sister Poppy who will start shortly too.
As part of our strategic goals this year we are working on adding to our break time activities and clubs. This has two purposes, building student leadership and providing a variety of activities to encourage positive interactions at break times. This week Mason, Alex, Jakob and Kiefer are setting up a hut-building area. Our last area was lost during cyclone Gabriel. The boys unpacked their new tools and toolbox today with much excitement. We have some tyres arriving this week and we will be fencing off an area at the top of the field this Wednesday. The boys are still after some nails and wood offcuts if you have any hanging around.
Thank you to those who attended parent interviews last week. Parent interviews are a great opportunity to catch up with your teacher and ask questions about the mid-year report. If you didn’t manage to have an interview, please contact your class teacher to make a time before or after school.
A big thank you to Amy Pugh, Daniel Slabbert, Leah and Avery for sharing at our Ag Day Assembly last week. The students enjoyed hearing about how to look after the different animals. If you have questions about ag day feel free to pop in and we can help you out.
We have been granted council consent last week for our car park projects and will hopefully start shortly. Thank you to the BOT for all the work you have done to get this project up and running.
This week Erica Stanford (Minister of Education) and Prime Minister Christopher Luxton made an announcement that only 22% of New Zealand Year 8 students were achieving at their level in maths. This is a very disappointing statement and one that the education sector is scratching their heads about and asking for clarification.
Here at Kokopu School our maths results at the end of last year showed that 83% of our Year 8 students were achieving at or above their expected level.
I have worked at a good number of schools in my 22-year career and have never seen results anywhere close to the Minister’s announcement.
We know there are improvements to make in our mathematics curriculum and delivery, and we want our students to have the best teaching and learning possible. We look forward to the government supporting us in this, rather than throwing out numbers that suggest schools are not serving their students well.
Nga Mihi
Yaron Overeem
Kōkopu School
Kōkopu School Speed Limit Change 👉 60Kph 👈
Just a reminder to the community that the speed limit has changed outside Kokopu School. It is now 60kph.
Please slow down so that we can keep our students and families safe.
Please remember to be vigilant at drop-off and pick up times. Please make sure you supervise your children when crossing the car park. No student should be walking across by themselves.
Te Horo Cross Country Taniwha Challenge
All children are cross country training every day (please send them with a change of clothing and a towel) to get ready for Te Horo's Taniwha Challenge Cross Country event which will be held at Pipiwai on Friday 16th August.
Please fill in the permission form on our Skool Loop App and indicate if you are able to provide transport for the children.
We have booked a bus, but will still need transport for some children to travel to and from this event please. We will leave school at 9am to be there for a 10am start. We will be back at school by 3pm. We need to know who can transport by next Monday 12th please, so we can organise everyone.
There will be food for sale at the event
Drinks (water & fizzy-zero sugar) $1.00
Cakes, biscuits, slices $1.00 - $2.00
BBQ sausages $2.00
Maori burgers $2.00
Meat patty & egg sandwich $3.00
Popcorn $1.00
Club sandwiches $1.00
Toffee apples $2.00
Chop suey & fried bread $2.00
Tea, coffee, hot drinks $1.00
There is no hangi on sale. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.
Kokopu School Cross Country will be held on Thursday 29th August.
Everyone is welcome to come and support the children at both events.
All the best to our Year 6's Annabeth, Leah, Lachlan and Mason F and our Year 8's Riley B, Caitlin, Emma-Lee and Eli tomorrow when they compete in the Mathex competition at Whangarei Boys High School.
Wanted - Newspaper
Can we please have any unwanted newspaper for art. Just drop it off to the office.
Thank you.
Just another reminder to be vigilant with chickenpox still going around in the community.
If your child shows symptoms please keep them home.
Below is an excellent information page from Health NZ – Te Whatu Ora, about symptoms, how they are spread and treatment.
Lunch Orders
Lunch orders can be made through Lunch Online on Thursday from West End Sushi - Friday from Titoki Store
Lamb and Goat Day Care
Lamb and goat day-care is ready to go. Children can bring their lamb or goat to school for the day so they can look after them and feed them during break times. There are two pens this year, one for older lambs and goats and one for newbies.
Students can store their milk in the whanau room kitchen.
AG Day / Calf Club
***Ag Day Reminder - Saturday 2nd of November 2024***
Read More on our Ag Day website. www.kokopu.school.nz/agday
- From the 1st of July you can start finding your animals for Ag Day.
- Have you got your Fish Bin Garden growing yet? Its time to get on to it!
Kōkopu Cookbook Orders
Cookbooks are still available, so if you want your copy, then get in quick. You can pick up copies from the school office for $25.00 each.
If paying online please reference your online banking with "Cookbook" and your name.
Dates to Note
Mon 22 July - Start of Term 3
Mon 5th Aug - BOT Meeting
Tue 6 Aug - Mathex
Fri 16 Aug - Te Horo Cross Country
Fri 23 Aug - School Speech Competition
Fri 23 Aug - Kokopu PTA Quiz Night
Thu 29 Aug - Kokopu Cross Country
Fri 30 Aug - Daffodil Day
Wed 4 Sep - WPSSA Cross Country
Thu 5 Sep and Fri 6 Sep - Packard Museum Trips
Wed 11 Sep - Wacky Hair Day
Fri 13 Sep - Mangakahia Country Meal Kokopu School Hosting
Tue 17 Sep - WPSSA Inclusive Sports Day
Wed 25 Sep - Mangakahia Lions Speech Competition
Thu 26 Sep - House Day
Whangarei Girls High School Enrolment Interviews
To be held at Maungatapere School: Monday 19th August.
A booking sheet will be provided next week - please look out for it
Whangarei Girls High School Open Day
Wednesday 31st July, 5.30 - 7.30pm approx
Starts in the Manawahine Gym followed by guided tours
with specialist staff on hand to answer any questions. A great
opportunity to see our extensive range of curricular and extra
curricular activities. Come along and get a feel for our
special learning environment.
Lupton House will be open from 4pm for prospective boarders.
Whangarei Boys High School Enrolment Info.
Below are some dates for Whangarei Boys High School enrolment information -
- Deans visits to Kokopu School: Wednesday 24th July 11am
- Y8 Open Evening: Thursday 8th August - from 4.30pm
- Y8 Interviews: Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th August - (9am - 5pm)
- Y8 Catch Up Interview Days: Friday 1st and Wednesday 20th November - (9am - 5pm)
Home Industries at Central Calf Club Day
Home Industries Saturday 7th December 2024
Located in the Events Centre Building at Barge Showgrounds- inside the Members Room
Follow the signs to the side door off the deck
All entries to be dropped off to the Events Centre- Barge Showgrounds on
FRIDAY 6th December 2024 from 3.00pm to 6.00pm (except photography)
Follow the link below to see all the catagories....
Daffodil Day
Follow the link to donate to the Cancer Society for this years upcoming Daffodil Day in August and help us reach our fundraising goal. We will be all dressing in yellow on Friday 30th August to support daffodil day.
Lost Property
Please name all your children's clothing so we can make sure they claim any lost property. Thank you.
Yummy Stickers
Don't forget we are collecting Yummy Stickers. So please collect the Yummy cut-out labels from bags (each cut-out label is worth 10 stickers) and individual Yummy apple stickers. Yummy apples are available from New World, PAK’nSAVE and participating Four Square stores. The more you collect, the more sports gear you get so get going and start collecting your Yummy cut-out labels and stickers now!
Guitar Lessons
Guitar lessons have started on Wednesday's. If you are interested in getting lessons for your child, phone Lynn Moase on 0212979437.
2024 Term Dates
Term 1 .. Thursday 1st February to Friday 12th April
Term 2 .. Monday 29th April to Friday 5th July
Term 3 .. Monday 22nd July to Friday 27th September
Term 4 .. Monday 14th October to Friday 13th December
School Policies and Procedures School docs
Kokopu School
Email: office@kokopu.school.nz
Website: www.kokopu.school.nz
Location: 921 Kokopu Road, Kokopu, New Zealand
Phone: 094346765
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kokopuschool