Tiger Times Newsletter
Week of October 14th - October 18th

Pleasant Lea Middle School
Address: 630 SW Persels Rd Lee's Summit, MO 64081
Phone: 816-986-1175
Attendance Phone: 816-986-1177
Office Hours: 7:45am - 3:45pm
School Hours: 8:20am - 3:15pm
Late Start Friday Hours: 9:20am - 3:15pm
No School October 23rd-25th
Parent/Teacher Conferences - October 23rd and 24th
We are looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s academic progress and the opportunity for you to ask any questions may have. Our Tiger Zone school store will also be open during this time!
Deadline to schedule conferences is Sunday, October 20th at 3:00 pm!
Directions for attending Fall In-Person Conferences:
Arrive at Pleasant Lea and enter through the main entrance. A map and staff room numbers will be provided at our welcome area.
Visit the teacher’s classroom (if the door is closed, please wait while the teacher finishes the conference in progress)
Directions for logging into Fall Virtual Conferences:
If you do not have a personal Google account, you may also use your child's Google account to access the meeting. As a reminder, your child's username and password for their LSR7 Google account can be found by clicking the Student Credentials tab in the PowerSchool parent portal. We suggest having your child's username (their full email address, including @lsr7.net) and password ready in preparation for the virtual parent/teacher conference should you need them.
The Google Meet code for your use will be shared by the teacher after the signup window closes.
Schools and offices will be also be closed on Friday, October 25th for nights worked during Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Athletics and Activities
Winter Sports
Interested in Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, or Wrestling? Please click below for more details!
Basketball Tryouts
Get Ready for Red Ribbon Week!
PLMS Fall Dance - Save the Date!
Our PLMS Student Council is working hard on planning a fun Fall dance for our students! Are you interested in helping make this Fall dance a success? Our PLMS PTA is looking for volunteers, snack donations, or monetary donations to go towards the dance. Please see the links below for more information!
Spelling Bee
Join the Musical!
Tiger Zone School Store
Positivity at PLMS
The LSTA cub here at PLMS had their first visit of the year to PLE! The elementary kids had a great time.
24-25 Yearbook
PLMS Drop Off/Pick Up Map
Well Being
If you or someone you know have any questions about resources, student therapy referrals, or any problem solving assistance, please click the student support bar and check out the guides below.
Nutrition Services
PLMS Lunch
My School Bucks
Add money to your students lunch account here.
Nutrition Services
Contact Carrie Williams at 816-986-2204 or carrie.williams@lsr7.net if you have questions about your student's account.
Free and Reduced Meal Benefits
Please make sure to apply in the beginning of every school year