District 103
School Board Highlights
December 12, 2023
Celebrating Success
Sprague School shared a video of inquiry-based learning activities in their classrooms.
The Board heard about various lessons, student impact, and how inquiry-based learning empowers students to become active learners, critical thinkers, problem-solvers, and lifelong learners, preparing them to navigate an ever-changing world.
Early Childhood Program Update
D103 Student Services is surveying current Early Childhood families to gauge their interest in a blended extended day program with a busing option, explained Dr. Gina Finaldi, Director of Student Services. The department is also preparing a survey geared at District 103 residents who might be interested in enrolling their preschooler in the district’s early childhood program for the 2024-2025 school year, Dr. Finaldi said. Considerations being made for next year include aligning the start and end times of the program with Sprague School hours, offering an extended day option, and offering busing to and from Sprague School. The extended day program would be offered five hours a day five days a week for $8,400 for students without an Individualized Education Plan. Tuition for the half day program is $4,200 for students without an IEP. Busing would cost $400 a year for students without an IEP.
Policy Review
The Board reviewed a number of state policies following recent changes in the law. The policies will be brought back to the Board for approval at a future board meeting.
Student Belonging Survey Results
Daniel Wright Principal Kendra Perri and Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Katie Reynolds met with a focus group of students to discuss the results of a recent survey students took about belonging in District 103. The survey was created so staff might better understand students’ experiences at Daniel Wright School, Dr. Reynolds said. Dr. Reynolds and Mrs. Perri dug deeper into the survey results with the focus group to get feedback that they believe will help them create an even more welcoming and positive learning community that fosters a sense of belonging for everyone.
Board of Education Meeting
The next Board of Education meeting will occur at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 16. The notice and agenda can be found on the District 103 Board meeting website page. D103 board meetings will be live-streamed each month on our YouTube Channel. Members of the community should attend the meeting at 111 Barclay Boulevard, Lincolnshire if they would like to make a public comment. The public can also contact the Board at board@d103.org.
The Learning Fund Foundation is a group of volunteers who collaborate to bring innovative learning programs and experiences to students across all D103 schools. We welcome you to check us out and learn more at one of our monthly meetings. Contact us at lff@d103.org for more information.
The D103 PTO is a completely volunteer-run organization, dedicated to enhancing and enriching the educational experience of our students. Please visit the PTO store to become a member.
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Leaders in Learning
Email: ask103@d103.org
Website: www.d103.org
Location: 111 Barclay Blvd, Lincolnshire, IL 60069, USA
Phone: 847-295-4030
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