Monroe Elementary News
March 17, 2023
From the Principal
Good Afternoon Monroe Families!
This week at Monroe Elementary, we had a tornado drill. We will continue practicing for a tornado drill several times in the next couple of months. Our students did an amazing job quietly and quickly getting into the tornado positions.
Ms. Allen held a Career Cafe this week, Allie Depoy came into school to talk to our fourth grade students about her career in the mental health field. I have added some pictures below of the Career Cafe for this week.
Our kindergarten students spent some time on Thursday building leprechaun traps for St. Patrick's Day on Friday. Their traps were creative. I have added pictures of their traps below as well.
Lastly, our first grade students were working on learning a new math game in our Bridges math curriculum. The students learned a doubles math fact game that they played with a partner. The students loved being able to roll the dice and mark on their sheet what number that they rolled to make a math fact. From a building leader perspective, I love what I am seeing in the classroom with the implementation of Bridges. Our teachers have been working so hard to learn the structure of the program and preparing their daily lessons. Our students' math knowledge and number sense has increased. My favorite part of the program is the amount of math tools students are using to enhance their learning.
Just a reminder that next week there is no school. We will be on Spring Break. I hope you and your family get to enjoy time with family and friends.
Have a great weekend and great week off!
Julie Paige
Phone: (614)873-8503 OR (740)857-1711
Twitter: @MonroeElem2
Facebook: Monroe Elementary School
March lunch and breakfast menus
Last Call for PTO flowers
Important Dates
March 17- End of 3rd Quarter
March 20-24: Spring Break-No school for students
March 30- 2nd Grade to Franklin Park Conservatory
March 31- 3rd Quarter grade cards come home
April 6- April PTO Meeting
April 7- No School
April 10- Board Meeting at Monroe Elementary- 5:00 PM
April 11 and 12- 4th grade ELA state testing
April 17- Math/Literacy/Stem Event- 6:30 PM
April 17-21 Monroe Elementary Book Fair
April 18 and 19- 3rd grade ELA state testing
April 25 and 26- 4th grade Math state testing
April 25- Kindergarten to Columbus Zoo
May 1- PTO flower sale delivery
May 2 and 3- 3rd grade Math state testing
May 2- 4th Grade Music Performance- 6:00 PM
May 4- May PTO Meeting
May 8-12- Spring Map Testing- grades K-4
May 9- 1st Grade to Olentangy Caverns
May 9- 4th Grade to Tolles
May 10- 4th grade to Canaan Middle School
May 11- Chris Cakes Pancakes for 3rd and 4th grade- post state testing celebration
May 16 and 17- Panorama for 3rd and 4th grade students
May 19- Field Day( Lil E's ice cream truck at lunch)
May 23- Field Day( Rain Date)
May 23- Career Vehicle Day- 9-11 am
May 25- Last Day of School
May 25- Grade Cards come home
About Us
Location: 5000 State Route 38 Northwest, London, OH, USA
Phone: (614)873-8503
Twitter: @MonroeElem2