From the Counseling Dept
November 2024

Counseling Dept Contacts
Need a quick answer to a simple question? The Counseling Support Staff is here to help! They are ready to answer any questions you may have regarding enrollments, concurrent course registrations, credit recovery options, Infinite Campus & Canvas support, and so much more. If we don't know the answer, we'll find it for you!
Counseling Support Staff
Christina Gandy - Counseling Secretary: cgandy@tvusd.us
Laura Ruelas - Guidance Technician (A-L): lruelas@tvusd.us
Jamie Serrano - Guidance Technician (M-Z): jserrano@tvusd.us
Amy Cleary - Registrar: acleary@tvusd.us
Linda May - Clerk: lmay@tvusd.us
Ashley French (A-Cam): afrench@tvusd.us
Inna Peart (Can-E): ipeart@tvusd.us
Nicole Wolff (F-H): nstatewolff@tvusd.us
Paula Riesenbeck (I-Mas): priesenbeck@tvusd.us
Clarissa Fernandez (Mat-Pe): cfernandez@tvusd.us
Jaclyn Smith (Ph-Stee): jsmith7@tvusd.us
Mary Campo (Stef-Z): mcampo@tvusd.us
Michael Perales (LCAP/A-L): mperales@tvusd.us
Linda Zimel (LCAP/M-Z): lzimel@tvusd.us
Hello, Puma families! 🐾
First semester is off to a great start!
We are here to support your students in any way we can. At the bottom of the newsletter are some helpful tips and resources to make the most of the second half of first semester.
11/1: Staff Development Day
11/25 - 11/30: Thanksgiving Break
Focus Area: Academics 📚✏️
AP Readiness is in-person this month!
Saturday, Nov 2, 2024, 07:30 AM
PE Exemption Needed for Juniors and Seniors
The state of California requires four years of PE for all high school student, but two years may be waived.
The form linked below is used to formally request & process the permanent exemption of physical education units per TVUSD BP 6142.7. Per ed code, 51241 the following must be true for the student to qualify for this permanent exemption:
- Requesting student must be age 16 or older.
- Requesting student must have been enrolled in Grade 10 for one or more academic years.
- Requesting student must have already satisfied the TVUSD graduation requirement for PE credits (20 Credits).
- Requesting student must be on track to earn a TVUSD Diploma.
Click here to fill out the Google Form. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student's counselor.
AP Testing Registration is now open!
Scan the QR code to access the two-step registration instructions and registration link.
Focus Area: College & Career
College Application Assistance
Personality Lesson
11/7: Counselors will visit all US History classes to administer this lesson. Personality Assessment is based on the Myer's Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI) . Results will list careers that match student's personality type with the theory that choosing a career that matches your personality will be what makes a person happiest.
Intelligence Lesson
11/14: Counselors will visit all World History classes to administer this lesson. The theory of Multiple Intelligences was developed by Howard Gardner. This AchieveWORKS assessment will help students identify which of the 9 distinct intelligences are strengths for students and list careers that align with the results.
Interest Profiler Lesson
11/18: Counselors will visit all English 9 classes to administer this lesson.The "Interest Profiler" was created by O*Net and results are compatible with Holland's Codes (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional). The results will list careers in each category, but the category with the highest score for the student will be listed first.
SAT Tutoring from Schoolhouse
Registration is officially open the free, virtual SAT Bootcamps and College Admissions workshops.
In addition to SAT prep and college app programs, they also offer academic, subject-specific tutoring for math, science, and other classes. Click here to learn more and get workshop dates.
Focus Area: Social & Emotional Learning 😄
Practicing gratitude on a regular basis has been associated with enhanced optimism, better sleep, fewer physical ailments, and lower levels of anxiety and depression. Try the following challenge for the month of November.