Panther Press of Wild Rose
May 17, 2024
A note from Mrs. Solomon
I am overjoyed at the renovated prairie area. Now our Kindness Garden. This week it was leveled, weed barrier fabric and a new mulch layer. Also a magnolia tree and crabapple tree were planted. All of the labor and materials were donated due to our partnership with Kendall’s Kindness by Winter’s Landscape. We moved the tables onto the mulch that now can be used for classrooms and staff have an outdoor work space or place to eat lunch. This Saturday three planter boxes purchased by the PTO will be delivered and placed for students to use next year. Winter's Landscape will be back to fill the planter boxes with the soil for plantings. Our kindness rocks will be at the front of the area, retirement rocks will be back by the crabapple tree. We have a parent donating a couple of bird feeders for the area and the 5th grade gift will be added soon. I hope everyone can find joy in this space for many years to come.
I am incredibly thankful for the generosity of Winter's Landscape and the support of Kendall's Kindness. Thank you to our PTO for purchase of the kindness rocks and the planter boxes to enhance learning for our students and allow our students to leave a legacy here at Wild Rose.
With appreciation,
Mrs. Solomon
Mrs. Solomon
Today we hosted a volunteer breakfast. We are incredibly grateful to all of our volunteers that help out in many different ways: ALC, PTO events, PAWS Program, Alternative Recess, Classroom Parties, Field Trips, Panther Printing, etc. Whatever the capacity, we are so thankful for all of your help. A special thanks to Carley Alcorn, Amanda Herman-DeSilva & Megan Watson for their time on the Wild Rose PTO board. These women will be passing the torch on and helping in other ways. We have had many additions to our Wild Rose Community due to their leadership! Many thanks!
This Week at a Glance
Rose-a-Palooza Lunch
Last Day of School
Lost and Found Slide Show
Intra-District Transfer Information
Returning Student Registration
Rose-A-Palooza Volunteer Sign-Up
Kinder Mixer
Pick up Your Student's Medication From the Office
Dental Forms Due
Message from the Health Office
Attendance Line
Prearranged Absence Form
Orchestra Registration
4th Grade Get Ready to Join the Band
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Lunch and Recess Schedule
PTO Info
Summer Reading Challenge
Happenings in D303
Important Dates
If you are unable to access the google form above, then please look for a form coming home in your child's backpack!
Please take a peek at the slide show below to see if any of the items belong to your child. Email your child's teacher to help aid in recovering your child's items before the end of the year!
Intra-District Transfer Requests
The elementary school intra-district transfer request window opens on May 15, 2024.
The application form will be available on the Intra-District Transfer web page.
Dear Parents:
It’s hard to believe another school year is almost over! This is a reminder if your child has medication in the health office that you will need to come to school to pick up your child’s medication by May 30, 2024 by 3:00 PM. Those medications that are not picked up at the end of the year will be disposed of. Per D303 policy, we are not able to keep medication here over the summer for reuse in the fall. Students may not transport any daily medications, over-the-counter medications, or medicine in liquid form. All other medications would have to be picked up by a parent or adult designee with the parent’s permission unless they have signed a Self Carry form for inhalers and Epi/Auvi Q pens.
Please call the health office at (331) 228-3004 with any questions.
Thank you and have a wonderful summer!
Amy Julien & Brittany Jensen
Wild Rose Health Nurses
Dental forms are due May 15. If you have not turned in your child's form, please do so. It is an Illinois requirement. Attached is the dental form for your convenience.
Incoming Kindergarteners
Dear Incoming Kindergarten Parents:
The health office is excited to welcome your incoming kindergartener to Wild Rose. A part of the required paperwork for kindergarten includes: proof of required immunizations, up to date physical examination, eye examination, and dental examination. Immunizations and physical examinations are due by the first day of school (8/14/2024), the vision exam is due by 10/15/2024, and the dental exam is due by 5/15/2025. The forms for these requirements can be found:
Physical and Immunization Form
If needed the religious exemption form - Religious Exemption Form
More details regarding requirements please see Health Requirements by Grade
Please call the health office with any questions (331-228-3004). Forms can be emailed to amy.julien@d303.org or brittany.jensen@d303.org , faxed (331-228-3001), or dropped off to the main office.
Forms for Medication and Health Conditions at School
Dear Parents:
Thinking ahead to next school year, if your child had medication or physician orders or action plans in the health office, your child will need a new form completed for the 2024-25 school year. If you are in need of any of the asthma, allergy, seizure, or medication authorization forms, the forms can be found at:
Please call the health office (331-228-3004) with any questions. Forms can be emailed to amy.julien@d303.org or brittany.jensen@d303.org, faxed (331-228-3001), or dropped off to the main office.
PTO Information
Attention Orchestra Families!
We are in the home stretch--summer is right around the corner! As you begin to fill up your summer with activities and vacations, you should consider our very own D303 Summer Strings Camp!
This camp will be for orchestra students who are currently in grades 3 - 8. Camp will be June 17,18, 20 and June 24, 25, 26 and 27 in the evenings at Thompson Middle School.
Please visit the link in Pushcoin for more details! Questions? Ask your orchestra teacher or email the Director, Angie Wifler at angela.wifler@d303.org
Wild Rose Dates to Remember
May 22nd - 2nd Grade to Peck Farm Park 9:00am-1:00pm
May 24th - Rose-A-Palooza All Day
May 28th - 5th Grade to Pottowatomie Park 9:00am-1:15am
May 29th - 5th Grade Celebration Playground Blacktop 1:30pm
May 29th - 1st Grade End of Year Morning
May 30th - Last Day of School
Wild Rose Elementary School
Email: Theresa.solomon@d303.org
Website: wildrose.d303.org
Location: 36W730 Red Haw Lane, St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: (331)228-3000