The J-List
January 17, 2025
Greetings JES Family!
Well, we made it through the first full week of school for 2025! It has been nice to have our little Dragons back on campus on our regular schedule. The weather even cooperated with us and we were able to get our students outside for recess most of the week! However, it looks like we will start off next week with some very cold weather.
The 89th Texas Legislative Session kicked off earlier this week. This is a very important time for our schools, especially related to funding. As you most likely know, Texas ranks 42nd nationally in public school funding, with CISD among the lowest in Texas using the current state funding formula. In fact, the formula provides CISD with approximately $1000 less funding per student than all other districts in Tarrant County! The current formula also requires CISD to send back approximately 20%, or $25 million, of your school tax dollars to the state this year! These are local tax dollars that could be kept in our community to support our students.
I will do my best to keep you updated as the session progresses, but you may be wondering how you can help now. Please be sure to visit TakeActionDragons.com to sign the pledge and support Carroll ISD’s mission for increased school funding!
Thank you for your support! I'm so proud to be a part of this amazing school and community. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns or celebrations you would like to share with me and...GO DRAGONS!!!!!
Patrick Holladay, Principal
No School Monday
CISD will be closed for the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday on Monday, January 20, 2025. We look forward to seeing all of our little Dragons back on campus Tuesday morning.
Reminder: Smart Watch and Phone Policy
Just as a reminder, according to Carroll ISD policy, students are not permitted to wear smart watches or have personal communication devices here at school. We know smart watches make a great Christmas present, but they aren't allowed to be on your child during the school day, even if the device is in school mode. It is okay for these devices to remain in backpacks until the child exits the building.
Cowtown Kids 5K
Team registration ends Saturday night at 11:59 pm.
We would like to invite our JES families to join us again this year at The Cowtown Kids 5K on Saturday, February 22, 2025. The campus Principals and other staff from our five CISD elementary schools are planning to participate in this event with families from across our district. Whether you are a runner, a jogger, or a walker, we would love to have you and your family join us for this fun family event.
Birthday Treats Reminder
We love celebrating birthdays! Families may bring in birthday treats for their students, but they must adhere to district policy and be approved by front office staff.
Treats must be store-bought with an ingredients label that says "Made in a Nut-Free Facility" and can be verified by our office staff. All treats have to be approved. Please call if you aren't sure if something will be allowed so we can avoid an issue! We do have a list of some approved treats in the office if you need a suggestion.
Parents can also request birthday ice cream through the cafeteria for birthday celebrations. The treat will be mini ice cream sandwiches at $2.00 each (must purchase enough for each child in the class). Funds will be deducted from the My School Bucks lunch account. Please fill out the Birthday Dragon form here to purchase birthday ice cream treats.
Yearbook Deadline Approaching Fast!
There has been a tremendous response to the sales of our 2024-2025 edition of the JES Yearbook. We have to finalize our order soon and don't want anyone to miss out on the opportunity to purchase one. However, all sales will end on January 31st!
CLICK HERE to secure your yearbook today!!
Not sure if you purchased a yearbook already? That's OK, just email Rachel Coley and she will check for you.
Safety Matters Presentations
Alliance for Children will be on campus again this year on Thursday, January 30th providing prevention education for our students on Child Safety Matters. These grade level and age-appropriate lessons educate and empower students with information and strategies to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to the four types of child abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect), exploitation/trafficking, bullying, cyberbullying, and digital dangers.
Parents must opt-in for their child to be included in the presentation. To opt-in your child, please click on the link JES Alliance for Children Opt-in Form. You may also preview the curriculum at this link (Senate Bill 9 Lessons).
Please reach out to our Counselor, Mrs. Bailey, at 817-949-4504 or by email with any questions.
Valentine's Parties
Valentine's Day Parties will take place on Friday, February 14th according to the times listed below. Parents are welcome and encouraged to use this link to RSVP so that we can have your visitor badge printed and waiting for you!
Kinder 8:00 parade, followed by party
1st 10:00 - 10:45
2nd 10:45 - 11:30
3rd 11:00 - 11:45
4th 10:20 - 11:05
Attendance Matters
Attendance dropped off significantly in December to 93.64%, but we rebounded this week! Thank you for getting our students to back to school. Every School Day Counts!!!
Attendance by the Numbers...
Mon Jan 13 - 97.09%
Tue Jan 14 - 97.41%
Wed Jan 15 - 97.74%
Thu Jan 16 - 97.90%
Fri Jan 17 - %
Weekly Average - 97.54%
Morning Drop Off
As a reminder, the entrance to the drop off line closes at 7:38 am. If you arrive after that time, please park in the front of the building and walk your student in to the front office. For safety reasons, we don't want students walking through the parking lot without adult supervision. Remember that students are tardy if they are not in the building at 7:40 am.
Dr. Glenn's 3-Pointers
CLICK HERE to read CISD Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Glenn's 3-Pointers, a monthly newsletter for parents and guardians of Carroll ISD students. This month includes a look at the proposed calendar for the next school year!
JES Family Date Night
This event is for CURRENT JES students and their parents/guardians only. Only 500 tickets are available, and based on the last two years, they will go fast! One ticket needed per person and an adult must attend with children.
Come dressed in animal prints or neon and enjoy a night full of activities, food, and games! Hot dogs, soft pretzels, popcorn and cotton candy will be served. Enjoy our DJ, balloon artists, face painters, 360 Photo Booth and LED Glow Games.
JES Multicultural Event!
The JES PTO is excited to host our fourth annual multicultural event, JES Airways Flight 76092 - Around the World in 90 Minutes, on Monday, February 24th.
We want to give our kids a chance to explore the world right here within the walls of our school. Please sign up by Friday, January 31st to help sponsor a table and share food, decor and fun facts of a country or culture. You don't need to be from a particular country to be a table representative - this can be a fun and engaging project for you and your children to learn about countries from around the world! We encourage anyone who is interested to register.
Click HERE to register for a table.
We are hoping to have tables represented from all over the world, whether near or far; north, south, east, or west. This is your passport to see it all!
Community Corner
Around the Corner
School Board Appreciation Month
20 - Student/Staff Holiday
30 - Alliance for Children
31 - Dragons & Donuts, 6:40am
3-7 School Counseling Week
8 - PTO Family Date Night, 5-7pm
13 - Spring Pictures (Individual & Class), 8am
14 - Valentine's Day Parties
17 - Student Holiday/Staff Professional Development
20 - PTO General Mtg, 9:15am
24 - Multicultural Event, 5:30pm