Weekly Newsletter
Friday 10th January 2025
Headteacher - Mrs K Adams
Associate Assistant Headteacher - Mrs E Penty
Associate Assistant Headteacher - Mr K Reynolds
Dear Parents/Carers,
I would like to begin by extending a very warm welcome back to you after the Christmas holiday and wish you well for the New Year! I hope that you had a lovely break with your families.
All pupils have settled back into school extremely well following the holidays and have begun their learning for the Spring Term. Please see curriculum phase overviews below which can also be found on the school website.
As we are experiencing extremely cold weather at the moment, please do ensure that children are sent to school wrapped up well and have appropriate footwear. As the playground remains too icy, it is proving impossible to take the whole school out at lunchtimes but for those children dressed for the conditions, we are taking them out for breaks throughout the day. We are hopeful that this may change as temperatures rise next week.
This Week
EYFS Ice Sculptures
This week, our EYFS pupils have been taking advantage of the weather and have made some beautiful ice sculptures using Winter foliage. We think these are a fabulous idea.
Stars of the Week
EYFS - Charles
Year 1 - Rory
Year 2 - Arlo
Year 3 - Lochlan
Year 4 - Evelyn
Year 5 - Dan
Year 6 - Sam J
Head Teacher Awards
Harry S Y3 – For his enthusiasm in reading books from Mrs Adams’s recommended book selection. Well done Harry!
Freddie G Y4 – For achieving his pen licence! This is so well-deserved, handwriting and overall presentation in all lessons is outstanding! Well done Freddie!
Weekly Maths Challenges
On a final note, communication has been sent out today regarding Parents Evening on Wednesday 29th January. Please do ensure that you book your appointments as soon as possible.
Please stay safe over the weekend as this cold spell continues,
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Adams
Diary Dates
Please note, these dates are not exhaustive and may be subject to change