Heritage Elementary
August/September 2024 Newsletter
Principal's Welcome
We are excited about the great start to the Year of Resilience! You are a vital part in your child's education, and we are excited to partner with you this year to make this year great. Heritage Elementary is a special place. Our staff is committed to meeting all of our student's basic needs in order to help them reach their maximum potential.
I encourage you to join us to ensure our actions make all the difference in the lives of our kids.
Drop Off & Pick-Up Procedures
As a reminder, our school day runs from 7:50 - 3:30
Drop Off Procedures
Students can be dropped off beginning at 7:30 each morning. Please pull up to the furthest available cone in our front drive. We will have multiple adults there to welcome you and help with opening and closing vehicle doors as needed. If your child is able, they are free to hop out of the vehicle on their own if you feel comfortable doing so.
Pick Up Procedures
Each family will receive 2 pick-up passes for each student enrolled at Heritage. Please destroy any passes you have from last year. New numbers have been assigned to each student. The number on your pass will match the number on your child’s card. You must display this pass to the staff member who comes to your vehicle in order to pick up your child each day. If someone other than the parent/guardian is picking up your child on a specific day, for example a grandparent or babysitter, the parent/guardian must make sure they have the pass to pick up your child. Pictures of the pass on your phone will not be allowed. Anyone without a pass will need to park his or her car and come to the main office to show proof of identification.
All pick-up vehicles will enter campus on Henderson Rd. and double stack in 2 rows beginning at the columns next to the parking lot. Please follow the order given by the staff member taking numbers as you transition from double stacked to a single file lane. We like to call this the "zipper effect." Please remain in your vehicle. Proceed along the drive and pull to the farthest available cone where your child will be with a staff member who will help them get in the vehicle.
From the Nurse's Office
If your child has a medication that needs to be taken at school, please do not send it with the child. We ask that you come into the office and meet with one of our nursing staff to check in so we have all the necessary information.
For your students' safety, please send them to school in closed-toed shoes. No sandals or flip flops.
Breakfast & Lunch
Students may start arriving as early as 7:30. Breakfast will once again be FREE for all students!
Lunches will be $2.25 for students eating at school.
Positive Behavior
Heritage Elementary is an SW-PBS school, which stands for School-Wide Positive Behavior Support. All members of our staff have been trained in common language and ways to be supportive of children as they learn behaviors that meet our expectations for school. Your student will have many opportunities to show our expectations of SAFE, RESPECTFUL, and RESPONSIBLE.
Beginning in September, we will have a monthly character trait that we will highlight. This first character trait will be HONESTY. Please help us in promoting this at home. We will acknowledge a "Good Citizen" from each class at our quarterly assembly.
Our students will be taking a beginning of year reading and math assessment known as an iReady Diagnostic. iReady is our district-approved method of determining a students' present level in both math & reading. This is one metric we use to meet our student's individual needs. The diagnostic is given 3 times throughout the school year and will be beneficial for our teachers to plan instruction and provide interventions and enrichment opportunities.
Your student will also have lessons that they will complete on their level based on their diagnostic results. Please reach out to your child's teacher or myself if you have any questions.
Osage Family Partnership
Please join us on Tuesday, September 3rd in the Archive Room @ Heritage.
Extended Learning
As a reminder, students will not have school on Mondays. The district is offering an extended learning program on Mondays for students, Kindergarten through 6th grade. There will also be extended learning opportunities after school until 6:00.
For more information please contact Kim Edwards at 573.365.5341.
Picture Day
Friday, Sep 20, 2024, 08:30 AM
Heritage Elementary, School Road, Lake Ozark, MO, USA
Homecoming Week
Contact Info
Email: sperlingd@osageschools.org
Website: https://osageschools.org/heritage
Location: 1501 School Rd, Lake Ozark, MO, USA
Phone: 573-365-5341
Facebook: facebook.com/SOTOHeritageElementary
Twitter: @SOTO_Heritage