MMS Update 9-30-24
(Preparation, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Effort)
MMS Update 10-14-24
Preparation, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Effort
How Parents Can Help in Promoting High Order Thinking at Home
A main goal of teachers today is to teach students the skills they need to be critical thinkers. Instead of simply memorizing facts and ideas, children need to engage in higher levels of thinking to reach their fullest potential. Practicing Higher Order Thinking (HOT) skills outside of school will give children and teens the tools that they need to understand, infer, connect, categorize, synthesis (create), evaluate, and apply the information they know to find solutions to new and existing problems.
Simple but important things you can do as a parent/caregiver:
Families/Caregivers can play a significant role in encouraging higher order thinking with their children and teens, even when having a casual conversation. Asking open-ended questions that don’t have one “right” answer gives children confidence to respond in creative ways without being afraid of being “wrong.” After a child has read a book, a parent might ask their child a question such as: “If you were that character, how would you have persuaded Timothy to turn himself in?” rather than something like “What was the main character’s name in the book?”
Below are examples of questions to ask your child to spark discussion, make them think critically, and encourage higher order thinking.
- When reading a book:
- “What do you think might happen next?” “Does this remind you of anything from your life?” “Can you tell me about what you read today?” “Why did he/she act that way?”
- When visiting an unfamiliar place: “How is __________ similar to/different from __________?” “Can you explain/show me that in another way?” “What if _________? (you can ask anything here to promote interesting discussion) e.g. every town looked exactly the same, same shops, same type of houses etc.
- When making an important decision: “How would you prioritize __________?” “How do you imagine __________ would look?” “What do you think a solution might be?” “Why did you decide to choose __________ over __________?”
Games played with your child that will encourage High Order Thinking – These can be any games which require thinking: logical, lateral or creative, problem solving. Games that require communication and participation.
MMS Picture Retakes
Go to:
Enter Code: EVT78NQDG
*Any student who wishes to re-take their photo on re-take day, must have their original photo packet to be able to have a new one taken. Students who were absent on photo day will be called to the cafeteria to take their picture.
MMS Student ID Cards
Each and every MMS student is expected to carry their student ID card on their school issued lanyard during school hours. Students who have not been issued a student ID card will get their ID photograph taken on Tuesday, October 22, 2024. If a student loses their ID card there will be a $5.00 fee for a replacement card.
Why is attendance a must?
Every day a student is absent is a lost opportunity for learning. Too many absences not only can affect achievement for the absent student but also can disrupt learning for the entire class. Because attendance is so important, and in response to increased accountability measures under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the Kalamazoo Public School District is launching a strong Attendance push to improve student attendance in all of its schools.
MMS Cell Phone Procedures
If your phone is taken for being out in class. You will follow these steps.
Phone is taken to student center and you will receive a bracelet with coordinating number.
At 2:20 you may go to the student center to get your phone back by turning in your bracelet.
On the third time your phone is taken you will be required to hand it in for 5 straight days.
This increase every 3rd time.
Handing in fake phones/Caught with 2 phones in a day will result in increased discipline.
Bracelet with coordinating number.
Phone storage case in the Student Center.
No Cell Phones During School Hours!
Food Deliveries Are Not Allowed At MMS
Grub Hub, Uber Eats and other food delivery services are not allowed to deliver food to students. This is a safety issue, allowing multiple people access to the building and it is a disruption to the office and to the learning environment.
MMS Honors National Hispanic Heritage Month
In our country, Latino leaders are striving for the American Dream and helping those around them reach it too. From those who have been here for generations to those who have recently arrived, Latinos have pushed our great American experiment forward. They are the community, faith, and union leaders who advocate and stand up for all of us. They are the first responders, who put themselves in harm’s way to keep the rest of us safe. And they represent the best of who we are as a Nation — the teachers and doctors, athletes and artists, business leaders, public servants, and so much more. They embody the possibilities of our Nation and the dreams of those who work every day to build a better future for their children, grandchildren, and beyond.
Click on a name to find out about each individuals' contributions to America!
- Cesar Chavez (Labor Leader & Social Reformer)
- Dolores Huerta (Activist & Labor Leader)
- Emma González (Activist & Gun Control Advocate)
- Ralph Lazo (Voluntary Prisoner)
- Sylvia Mendez (Child Advocate for School Desegregation)
- Sylvia Rivera (Activist)
- Anaïs Nin (20th Century Diarist)
- Chanel Cleeton (Best selling Author)
- Gabriela Mistral (Poet, Educator, Diplomat)
- Gary Soto (Poet)
- Geraldo Rivera (Journalist)
- Gwen Ifill (Journalist)
- Isabel Allende (Novelist)
- Jorge Ramos (Journalist & Writer)
- Juan Felipe Herrera (Poet)
- Julia Alvarez (Poet, Novelist & Essayist)
- Maria Hinojosa (Journalist, Anchor & Editor)
- Paulo Coelho (Novelist, Lyricist, Writer)
- Richard Blanco (Poet, Public speaker, Author and Civil Engineer.
- Rodolfo Gonzalez (Poet, Boxer, & Activist)
- Ruben Salazar (Journalist & Activist)
- Sandra Cisneros (Poet, Novelist, & Activist)
- Soledad O'Brien (Journalist)
- Antonia Novello (U.S. Surgeon General)
- Carlos Noriega (Astronaut)
- Ellen Ochoa (Astronaut)
- France Cordova (Astrophysicist)
- Franklin Chang-Diaz (Astronaut)
- Helen Rodriguez-Trias (Physician & Activist)
- Luis Walter Alvarez (Physicist)
- Mario Molina (Scientist, Chemist)
- Severo Ochoa (Biochemist)
Trailblazers Focus On Hispanic Contributions In America
The 8th grade Trailblazers are working on a research project focused on Hispanic contributions in the United States of America. These individuals included famous authors, scientists, athletes and musicians.
Look At Us...
MMS Students Discover Careers
KRESA’s Discovery Lab visited Milwood Magnet School. The Discovery Lab is a mobile, vehicle-based facility that is equipped to provide accessible, hands-on career awareness and exploration experiences, especially for younger learners. The Lab features advanced industry equipment, multimedia tools and interactive exhibits to create a rich learning environment. It is designed to be flexible and can travel to schools, communities and events to bring specialized educational resources directly to learners.
MMS 8th Grade Field Trip
MiCareerQuest 2024
(Wednesday, October 23, 2024 from 9:30 - 11:45)
MiCareerQuest Southwest is a fun and exciting career investigation event designed for 8th-grade students across southwest Michigan. Over 4,500 students experience this interactive, informational and inspiring career exploration event each year. MiCareerQuest SW is hosted by a collaboration of educators and business who have been bringing this experience to southwest Michigan for over 10 years.
Look At Us!
Look At us!
Look At Us...
The Vanguard 7th Graders Study Static Electricity
Static electricity is the result of an imbalance between negative and positive charges in an object. These charges can build up on the surface of an object until they find a way to be released or discharged.
MMS Creativity On Display!
Please join us in celebrating the following MMS students whose artwork is currently on display at the administration building until December.
Sumayah Awad, Jovani Cooper, Lavelle Crawford, Spencer Duguay, Ben Freeman, Tristian Garcez, DeAnthony Hooper, Leonard Jonaitis, Jerriona Joyce, Alia Khalil, Henry Kneen, Jonathan Lopez Sarat, Antonio Lowe, Hannah Lozano Fernandez, Joshua McClean, Maggie Nash, Jasirah Nichols, Scarlett Patton, Jefranny Perez Gonzalez, James Rial, Matti Richards Barnhill, Jose Sanchez Salazar, Ismael Vasquez-Hernandez, Karleigh Werner, Sierra Webb, and Darenzo Witcher.
The 8th grade Trailblazers Marshmallow Tower STEM Challenge
These teams had the highest towers and fit the criteria and constraints of the engineering challenge.
Alluvial Griffin, Emerson Nardi-Palmer, Yamilet Bello-Tomas, Spencer Duguay
Tatum Decker, Matti Richard’s, Luca Mesch- Carinci, Ty Iocca
Climate & Culture
Important Information
- Students have 4 minutes to transition from one class to another. They must be on time for each of their classes. They should be in their seats ready to learn when the bell rings.
No Cell phones/headphones/earbuds/ Air pods
No Hats or Hoods on heads
No Backpacks/winter coats
No sunglasses/bandanas
No Food/drinks (other than water in clear water bottles) in classrooms
- Parents, remember to use PowerSchool to monitor your child's grades and attendance. It is important for all students to arrive to school and class on time every day.
Be Proactive and Safe!
- If you or your child becomes aware of a situation that may create a problem at school, please contact an administrator at the school (269-337-0670). We want to be proactive and maintain the best possible learning environment for our students.
Academic Achievement, Safety and Order are Milwood Magnet School Priorities!
Middle School Bowling League Registration
HOW TO REGISTER- Registration is OPEN!
Go to and look for the box that says “Create an account. That
will take you to a step by step set of instructions.
Fill in all the information that is asked for each box.
When that’s completed, you will be able to go find the Middle School Bowling League link
o You will either have to go back to the page and look for the
Bowling League tab.
o OR it will be listed below the step-by-step instructions, and you will click that
link to get in and register.
Call 337-8521 for help with registering.
MMS Athletics...Please come join us and cheer for the LANCERS!
*We have changed our Volleyball games against Maple Street from Tuesday Oct. 8th to Wednesday Oct. 9th. (Same Time, Same Locations)
Look At Us...
8th Grade Trailblazers Answering The Question:
What does wave energy affect?
Sound is a type of energy made by vibrations. These vibrations create sound waves which move through mediums such as air, water and wood. When an object vibrates, it causes movement in the particles of the medium. This movement is called sound waves, and it keeps going until the particles run out of energy.
Light always travels in a straight line. It does not bend while travelling. It follows the shortest path between the starting point and the endpoint, which is a straight line.
PowerSchool Parent Portal
PowerSchool Parent Portal is an online resource that gives parents/guardians access to their student’s:
- Grades and attendance
- Test results
- Report Cards
- Attendance history
- Email notifications that can include your child's grades and school announcements
- Teacher comments
- Calendars
How do I access the PowerSchool Parent Portal?
Click this link.
Staying in the know...
Parents, remember to use PowerSchool to monitor your child's grades and attendance. If you have any questions or concerns please give us a call at 269-337-0670.
It is important for all students to arrive to school and class on time every day. Remind students to bring their charged Chromebook every day.
We are committed to ensuring that the students are provided with a safe and orderly academic environment, where learning is the primary focus of our students.
Principal, William Hawkins -
Assistant Principal, Aaron Sauter –
Counselor, Joshua Kruger -
Counselor, Rashonda Wiggins -
MMS Mission and Vision
Mission of Milwood Magnet School
Milwood Magnet School will engage all students in rigorous learning experiences that promote academic excellence, while fostering a positive inclusive environment that demonstrates our school’s core values: preparation, respect, integrity, determination, and effort.
Vision of Milwood Magnet School
At Milwood Magnet School, our vision is to educate and empower the whole child academically, socially, and emotionally, so they have the skills to be a positive influence in our community.