Bridge Buzz
ACBL District 17 / Region 10

The District 17 Bridge Buzz focuses on district and national news and provides you with the links to access the details. The Buzz is published every other month. Catch the next Buzz May 2025.
Send feedback and content suggestions to bridgebuzzeditor@gmail.com.
President's Perspective
by Liz Hamilton
Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.
John Lennon, 1940 –1980
Who was your favorite Beatle? Most of us can answer this question quickly. Lennon, as you know, was a singer, songwriter, and peace activist. His music is incredible but his observations about life are very compelling too. Most of us have life experiences that were not planned. The quote can apply to many aspects of our lives but it also describes the world of bridge.
The pandemic certainly can be described by the quote above and every bridge event seems to be measured against the pre-pandemic numbers. Will we ever get back to those levels of participation? Who knows, but it is important to keep introducing people to this amazing game and hope that new players will join us. In 2025 both our online play and our face-to-face play bring unique challenges and both need to be nurtured so that our game can thrive in the future.
In January 2025, the Albuquerque Regional attracted lots of players. The local volunteer team was incredibly hospitable and the new location was really welcoming. Changing venues was not in the original plan for this tournament but when it happened, the local committee embraced the challenge and the end result was amazing!
Congratulations Albuquerque! (This article was written before Tucson.) Looking forward to the next one!
This was the first of four Regionals that will be offered in D17 in 2025. The others are Tucson (late February), Denver (May), and Phoenix (August). All of these tournaments have talented Tournament Chairs and great volunteer committees. As the quote above reminds us, life can pull us in many directions but making time to attend a tournament and meet up with old and new friends really does enrich our journey.
There is a lot happening in D17. In January we had STaC events in our clubs and qualifying games for the GNTs (Grand National Teams). The district GNT finals will be held at the Denver Regional in May. It really is fun to watch players at all levels compete. Placing in this competition entitles players to participate in the National finals at the next summer NABC. If you have done that, you have shared in the excitement. If you have not, don’t miss the opportunity to experience this fun competition no matter your playing level. There is a place for everyone and more detailed information can be found in this BUZZ and on the D17 website (www.d17acbl.org)
The D17 board met at the Albuquerque Regional. The minutes of the meeting are posted on the D17 website if you want more details about our programs and tournaments. At the board meeting, the board appointed a tournament chair for the 2027 Summer Las Vegas NABC. That honor is going to Jack Shoemaker, the president of the Tucson Unit and a very experienced chair of Regionals and Sectionals in D17. Congratulations Jack!
The next board meeting will be at the Denver Regional in May. That is an opportunity to interact with all board members and share your thoughts with your district representatives. New ideas and perspectives are always welcome and worth discussing.
Life for most of us is busy and circumstances can change rapidly. Play bridge to keep your mind sharp and keep building those friendships and partnerships that will sustain us as life throws us some curve balls now and then. It helps us cope and makes us stronger.
Stay healthy and hopefully our paths will cross at the bridge table! Safe travels wherever your journey takes you.
Liz Hamilton
The Changing of the Guard
Cindy Shoemaker, who has been editing the Bridge Buzz and maintaining the D17 website for a number of years, has resigned from those jobs in order to focus on her national board responsibilities. (Cindy is the Region 10 representative to the national ACBL board.) We will still get Cindy's reports from the national board. Thank you, Cindy, for your work for D17. (That's Cindy over to your right.)
Taking over for Cindy on the D17 website is Sharon Smith from Steamboat Springs, who is the Colorado-at-large member of the D17 board. And I am taking over for Cindy on the Bridge Buzz. I'm Margaret Devere, a bridge player from Unit 361 in Denver. Please send me comments, corrections, or suggestions as you see the need or feel the urge. You can reach me at BridgeBuzzEditor@gmail.com.
D17 Board News
The D17 board welcomes two new board members: Kay Brock (Eastern Colorado) and Perry Van Hook (Phoenix). They are replacing Bill Curtis and JoAnne Lowe, whose terms ended in 2024.
Highlights from the January board meeting at the Albuquerque regional:
- 2025 regionals: Albuquerque and Tucson regionals have already occurred. Two more regionals are in the works: Denver (May) and Phoenix (August). Due to issues with sites and resources, there will not be a Taos regional in 2025. For 2026 and beyond, the D17 board is considering moving one of the earlier tournaments to a date later in the year.
- D17 has grant funds available for projects focusing on beginner education and membership building. Click here for more information.
- The license for Learn Bridge in a Day courseware has been renewed. If you would like to offer this course in your area, click here for more information.
Spotlight on Education
by Sharon Smith
Jump Start Bridge hosted a booth at the Arizona Gifted Conference. Thirty teachers across Arizona signed up to teach bridge in the classroom! Many thanks to the fabulous volunteers who joined me at the event: Linda Thieken (organizer), Julie Bosserman, Mari Reddin, Debbie Reichow, Marianne Victor, and Mary Beth Volderding. The booth featured two bridge tables and many games of Bridge War were played over the two days. It you have not tried Bridge War to introduce new players, give it a try!
Nationwide, Jump Start Bridge success continues to grow as booths are hosted at conferences where teachers are looking for enrichment curriculum. Donations are welcomed and needed! More information is available on the Jump Start Bridge website.
Attention Bridge Teachers: As the spring approaches, please send me your class information to add to the Find a Class calendar on the D17 website. Colorado Springs is hosting a Bridge in a Day event on March 22nd.
Sharon Smith
D17 Education Chair
ACBL Charity Awards 2024
Every two years, the ACBL provides $10,000 to each district to be awarded to local charities. In 2024, D17 made donations in the amount of $2,000 to:
Above, D17 board member Bill Curtis (left) presents the check to Bob, from Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center (center). On the right is Bob Wagstaff, president of Unit 360 (Eastern Colorado). (I don't know who the dog is.)
(Just in case you're wondering about the dates: Bill Curtis retired from the D17 board at the end of 2024 but this charity was selected during his tenure.)
2024 Goodwill Appointees and Charitable Recognition Award
by Cindy Shoemaker and Liz Hamilton
District 17 President, Liz Hamilton and Region 10 Director, Cindy Shoemaker, appointed D17 members to the Aileen Osofsky ACBL Goodwill Committee and selected a D17 member to receive the ACBL Charitable Recognition Award.
Recipients will receive local and national recognition and pins to wear with pride and distinction.
Goodwill Awards
Toby McEvoy, Las Vegas Unit 373, and Marion Brum de Barros, Denver Unit 361, have been appointed to the Aileen Osofsky ACBL Goodwill Committee.
Toby McEvoy served as a member of the LVNABC Committee in 2019 and 2024. He Co-Chaired the I/N program on both occasions. This required him to take time off from his primary employment. He did an outstanding job at both NABCs.
Toby is a strong supporter of newer players and he runs a club in Las Vegas one day a week with his partner Chris Hahn. He also teaches classes in his home and he always has time to coach and assist his students as they seek to increase their Masterpoints. Congratulations Toby!
Marion Brum de Barros is an outstanding volunteer. She has been a key member of the Denver Regional Team and she has chaired the Prize Desk at the LVNABC in fall 2024. After Covid, she was in charge of verifying vaccinations at the Denver regional and put together a team to make the process as easy as possible for the players. She is an amazing project manager and an excellent team player. Congratulations Marion!
ACBL Charitable Recognition Award
Gary Howell, Tucson Unit 356, will receive the ACBL Charitable Recognition Award.
Gary Howell is a dedicated member of the Adobe Bridge Center. He fosters a positive and welcoming environment, and uses his passion for bridge to give back to the wider Tucson community. Gary is the Treasurer of the Rincon Optimists Club, a 70-year-old organization focused on serving youth. As Treasurer, he plays a vital role in ensuring the financial stability and sustainability of the club's numerous programs. He is actively involved in "Shoe Day," which provides new shoes and socks to underprivileged children.
District and Unit Races 2024
Want to know who won the 2024 Mini-McKenney or Helen Shambron Ace of Clubs for District 17 or for your unit? Here's a link to the final standings.
Do You Know ARCH?
ARCH stands for
- Analyze the lead
- Review the bidding
- Count your winners and losers
- How to use this information
Apparently this has been around for years but I'd never heard of it.
(BTW, this is Delicate Arch in beautiful Arches National Park, Utah.)
Meet the D17 Board
Over the next several issues, we'll be publishing profiles of the D17 board members. This month, it's the new members Kay Brock (Units 360 and 363, Eastern Colorado) and Perry Van Hook (Unit 354, Phoenix).
Kay Brock
I am the 2025–2027 ACBL District 17 representative for eastern Colorado Units 360 and 363. I joined ACBL in Austin, Texas in 2016 where I took several bridge classes. I joined Unit 360 in 2019 after I retired from my job as an attorney and moved to Colorado Springs. I took more bridge classes in Colorado and began to play more often. My current ACBL ranking is Advanced NABC Master; I expect to complete the requirements for Life Master in 2025.
I have served the ACBL in many capacities. I helped run multiple Unit 360 sectional tournaments and have served as a local tournament co-chair, reservations chair, and partnership chair. I edited the Kibitzer, the Unit 360 newsletter, for three years, from January 2021 through January 2024, and I served on the Unit 360 Board of Directors in 2023 and 2024. My background as an attorney was helpful in this regard, and I advised the Unit 360 Board on various legal matters including game directors’ leases, insurance policies, and possible revisions to Unit 360’s Bylaws. Unit 360 was in need of more game directors because we lost several long-time directors to moves and illness. To help with this problem, I obtained my ACBL game director’s certification in November 2023 and have served as a substitute director for Unit 360 games since then as needed.
I am excited to join the District 17 Board and am already serving on the Regional Tournament Committee. ACBL is very important to me. Bridge is so much more than a game. It gives me mental challenges, fun competition, a feeling of accomplishment, and continued opportunities to learn and practice tact, patience, and tolerance. The members of ACBL are my extended family. Wherever I go, I know I can find a welcoming group of intelligent and interesting people with whom I will become friends. I look forward to continuing my bridge journey with ACBL for many years.
Perry Van Hook
I started playing bridge in a game that college friends had at lunch in Kirchhoff Hall (UCLA). That quickly led to finding the Westwood Bridge Club where most of the top players in Los Angeles played at least once or twice a month. From there I was hooked.
That was probably in 1966. My first tournament of any kind was the Seattle Nationals where I ingratiated myself to Hermine Baron by offering to take here for a walk in her wheelchair outside the hotel, and promptly scared her to death when I almost turned the chair over on the hilly street. I met a lot of the great older players in the game. It was a great time for the game.
I was a life master by 1969 and my first wife and our friends played almost every weekend in some local sectional in the area. I continued playing as work would allow into the late 90s when I met my third wife online. She was not a bridge player, and in deference to her wishes I stopped playing for twenty-three years. She was right to the degree that it would be one more thing that one of us was doing without the other. When she passed in 2022, bridge was still there waiting for me and I love playing and seeing friends I have known at the tournaments for over fifty years.
The 2025–2026 NAPs (North American Pairs)
by Julie Clark
NAP and GNT Coordinator
National NAP Finalists from D17
Congratulations to the players representing District 17 in this year’s spring NABC NAP finals.
Flight A:
Gayle Covey and Steven Devico
Cindy Harris and Joe Harris
Douglas Fjare and Josh Donn
Flight B:
Chris Dorton and Shari Dorton
Ronald Mahoney and William Kenney
Kevin Stansbury and Wilt Cooper
Eric Heinrich and Stan Weinstein
Flight C:
Joe Hildebrand and Tim Hurley
John Farbarik and Allen Ettinger
Rosy Agrawal and Pawan Agrawal
Good luck to you all!
What Are NAPs Anyway?
No, not this type of NAP, although many of us enjoy these too! The North American Pairs qualifying period starts soon, and it is open to you.
What are the North American Pairs (NAPs)?
The North American Pairs event begins at your local clubs. If you qualify at a club, you can play in the District 17 NAP finals, which will be held after the qualifying period ends (site TBD). The top pairs at the district finals qualify to represent District 17 at the Spring NABC in 2026.
Why should I play in the NAPs?
It is a prestigious event open only to ACBL members. You have the opportunity to play against your peers and participate in a national event. Also, a stipend to attend the NABC is awarded by the ACBL to the top finishers.
As a C player, would I be in over my head playing in the NAPs?
No. At the club level you may play against all levels of players, or you may play in a limited event – it depends on the game your club runs. However, you will be flighted if you play in an open event. The District Finals and the NABC Finals are all flighted. The flights are based on the player with the most masterpoints – the flights are not averaged. Here are the flights:
- Championship Flight: open to all players
- Flight A: 0–6000 masterpoints
- Flight B: 0–3000 masterpoints
- Flight C: 0–750 masterpoints
What happens if I move from one flight to the next before the District 17 finals?
Your masterpoint total as of June 1, 2025 is used to determine your qualifying flight. Since masterpoints are calculated on the 6th of each month, this means the masterpoint total you have on May 7th, 2025 will be used. Any points you acquire between May 7 and the end of the qualification period will not count in your qualifying flight.
When is the qualifying period?
Qualifying takes place from June 1, 2025 to August 31, 2025.
The 2024–2025 GNTs (Grand National Teams)
Did You Qualify?
by Julie Clark
NAP and GNT Coordinator
Come and join us at the Rocky Mountain Regional if you are Flight A, B, or C and qualified to play in the District 17 GNT Finals. What a great opportunity to win gold and red points! The district finals will be held May 24th and 25th at the Rocky Mountain Regional in Denver. Win your flight and you can represent District 17 at the NABC in Philadelphia this summer.
The Championship Flight will hold the District 17 finals online (using BBO) on April 4th and 5th. Last year’s District 17 Championship team – Billy Miller, Brad Moss, Bobby Levin, Geoff Hampson and Roger Lee, captained by Alan Schreiber – won the NABC Finals. Let’s see if we can repeat that impressive feat!
To see if you qualified, click this link: Grand National Teams - ACBL District 17
If you think you qualified and are not listed, or if you have any other questions, please contact Julie Clark at jclark9811@comcast.net or 303-981-5230.
Fun in Phoenix
by Kandi Osborne
Experience the excitement of bridge at Fountain Hills Community Center, where competition and camaraderie come together in a stunning setting! Join fellow enthusiasts at the Phoenix Spring Tournaments (yes, that’s plural!) for a thrilling combination of events, including the Non-Life Master Regional running alongside our annual Spring Sectional.
For Non-Life Master Players (Under 750 MP): Don't miss your chance to win gold points in the two-session Non-Life Master Regional Gold Rush Pairs on Friday and Saturday, and the NLM Teams on Sunday. If single-session events are more your style, you can still compete for silver points in our exciting pair events on Friday and Saturday.
Open Events: Take on the challenge of our double-session team games daily, and our single-session pair games on Friday and Saturday. Silver points are awarded to the top performers.
For Everyone: Recharge between sessions with a delicious artisan lunch, available for pre-order at the venue — the perfect way to fuel up and socialize with fellow players.
Location: 13001 N La Montana Drive, Fountain Hills, AZ
Schedule: Join us for games at 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM from April 11th to 13th. Don't miss out on an exciting weekend filled with thrilling bridge, friendly competition, and unforgettable moments!
Flyer: Click here for the NLM flyer and here for the Open flyer, with hotel information and everything else you need.
Don't Miss Denver
by Don Boyarsky and Julie Clark
It's that time of year again – the Denver Rocky Mountain Regional from May 20th through May 26th (Memorial Day) at the Renaissance Hotel, 3801 Quebec Street in Denver. Click here for the flyer.
If you need a room, the bridge rate of $135 is available at the host hotel until April 28. Here's the link for reservations: https://tinyurl.com/DenverRegionalHotel.
Play in the Pro/Am Pairs Event
The regional kicks off with a Pro/Am pairs event on Tuesday the 20th at 1:00 PM – the largest Pro/Am in the country! Ams with 20–499 MPs who wish to play with an advanced player (pro) may participate. Pros play for free. The Pro/Am sign-up deadline is May 6 – go to the Unit 361 website (www.denverbridge.org) to sign up. At this game, the Jan Janitschke Award is presented. The Jan Janitschke Award recognizes an individual displaying outstanding teaching or mentoring contributions to the membership of Denver Bridge Unit 361. The game will be followed by a reception where overall Am winners will receive prizes.
Tournament Highlights
Gold Rush games are offered each day Wednesday through Sunday. Friday's premier event is the Board-a-Match Pairs. KOs: we've got a regular KO going from Tuesday night through Wednesday, and Soloway KOs on Thursday/Friday and Saturday/Sunday. Other options include pair and team events every day.
There's always something to learn – expert players will offer presentations at 2:15 Wednesday through Sunday. And if you want a break from bridge, the playing site is close to the mountains, museums, and Rockies games. (That's the Denver baseball team, in case you were wondering.)
Don't forget that the Monday team game starts at 9:30. It features an A/X/Y Swiss Team event for players 3000+ and bracketed teams for players with fewer than 3000 points.
A Few Details
Money: The Denver Regional is a cashless tournament. Be prepared to pay with a credit or debit card.
Food: Lunch will be available for purchase at the playing site in the bar area, and there are several lunch options within walking distance. And for dinner, there are many wonderful choices that are not far from the hotel.
Partnership: Click here to send an email to the Partnership chair. Click here to check the online partnership desk.
See you in May!
Rank Advancements January–February 2025
ACBL members receive masterpoints for winning and placing in club games and tournaments as they strive to advance through the ranks. There are 16 ranks, from Junior Master (5 masterpoints) to Grand Life Master (10,000 masterpoints plus a victory in an eligible North American Bridge Championship). Learn rank qualifications.
New Life Masters January–February 2025
Upcoming Tournaments in D17
This data comes from the ACBL tournament schedule for D17, through May 2025. To see tournaments farther out in time or more distant in space, click here, set your filters, and click Search.
Mar 7-9, 2025 – Denver – CO – Info – Sectional – Open
Mar 21-23, 2025 – Los Alamos – NM – Info – Sectional – Local
Apr 5-6, 2025 – BBO – Info – GNT/NAP – GNT District Finals, Open
Apr 11-13, 2025 – Fountain Hills – AZ – Info – Regional – I/N
Apr 11-13, 2025 – Fountain Hills – AZ – Info – Sectional – Restricted
Apr 12-13, 2025 – Denver – CO – Info – Sectional – I/N
Apr 12-13, 2025 – Las Vegas – NV – Info – Sectional – I/N
Apr 14-20, 2025 – STaC U381 (D17) – Info – Sectional – STaC
Apr 21-27, 2025 – STaC U356 (D17) – Info – Sectional – STaC
Apr 25-27, 2025 – Boulder – CO – Info – Sectional – Open
Apr 25-27, 2025 – Santa Fe – NM – Info – Sectional – Open
May 1-4, 2025 – Colorado Springs – CO – Info – Sectional – Open
May 3-4, 2025 – Las Cruces – NM – Info – Sectional – Open
May 5-11, 2025 – STaC U381 (D17) – Info – Sectional – STaC
May 20-26, 2025 – Denver – CO – Info – Regional – Open
May 24-25, 2025 – Denver – CO – Info – GNT/NAP – GNT District Finals, Flights A/B/C
The Bridge Buzz is a bi-monthly publication of ACBL District 17. It is sent automatically to all members of D17 who have current emails registered with the ACBL, and whose privacy settings allow. It is also sent to individuals outside D17 who have asked to be on the mailing list. You can see previous issues of the Buzz on the D17 website at d17acbl.org.
To join the Buzz mailing list, send an email to bridgebuzzeditor@gmail.com. For more information about District 17, go to the D17 website at d17acbl.org.