All About ACE
News from the Spring ISD Advisory Committee on Education
2024-2025 Issue 1
Advisory Committee on Education Convened to Discuss Critical Topics
The district's Advisory Committee on Education (ACE) met on Wednesday, September 25th to discuss important agenda items, including the Voter Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE) Consideration and a Spring ISD Bond Update. Dr. Lupita Hinojosa, Superintendent of Schools, began the meeting with introductions. Each member was able to state their name, which campus/department they represented, and one interesting thing about themselves. The audience included members that are new to the committee, returners, and alternate members. Among the interesting facts shared, the committee consists of published authors, multilingual individuals, long-time Spring ISD employees with over 20 years of service, rookie teachers of the year, teachers of the month, trilingual members, award winners, and those entering education as a second career. Dr. Hinojosa continued the meeting by letting the committee know that their feedback and information provided as a member of the committee helps the school district tremendously. Every year the ACE committee proposes the calendar to the board of trustees, provides feedback regarding the budget, and gives input related to training. Dr. Hinojosa encouraged each member to ask their principal or chief for a few minutes via a meeting to go over the information covered throughout the meeting. This will allow for the information to get back to the campuses and central office members.
Dr. Hinojosa went on to let the committee know that Spring ISD would be prioritizing student achievement, enrollment and attendance, and financial stability. She continued to remind the committee that as a district, they must get students into school. If the district has less students than what was budgeted for, then the district will be subject to more cuts. School districts in Texas have been receiving the same funding amounts per student since 2019, despite inflation and costs going up. State representatives will be meeting in January and Spring ISD staff will continue to try to explain why the need to increase the funding allotment is important. She continued by letting the committee know that Spring ISD has to do what is needed to take care of their kids and community. If there is not a strong educational program, the district will not produce graduates that are entering the workforce.
Voter Approved Tax Rate Election (VATRE) Consideration
Mrs. Ann Westbrooks, Chief Financial Officer, joined the meeting to provide information regarding the Voter Approved Tax Rate Election (VATRE) Consideration. A VATRE allows a school district to seek voter approval to increase its Maintenance and Operations (M&O) tax rate, generating additional revenue for day-to-day expenses like salaries and programs. Mrs. Westbrooks continued by informing the committee that Spring ISD is requesting a VATRE for the following reasons:
Lack of State Funding
- No new funding since 2019
- Lower enrollment
- Lower average daily attendance
- 17% inflation
- Property insurance costs
- Diesel fuel costs
Financial Stability
- Assist with addressing $12 million budget deficit
- Generate recurring revenue
- Provide teacher/staff raises
- Return to financial stability
If approved, the VATRE would provide $20.1 million more per year in recurring revenue, eliminate the district's $12 million deficit, and fund teacher/staff raises. If the VATRE is unsuccessful, the board of trustees must convene to adopt a new tax rate and amend the budget. Mrs. Westbrooks informed the committee about a useful calculator now available on the Spring ISD VATRE website (www.springisd.org/vatre). This tool allows families to enter their home’s value and receive personalized information on how the approved VATRE could impact them. The committee was reminded that as employees, they can inform and provide facts, however, they are unable to advocate, unless it is on their personal time. The committee was informed that Spring ISD has yard signs, stickers, posters, and videos, all produced in an effort to provide information.
Ms. Dajauneke Minor, Civic Engagement Coordinator, also attended the meeting and provided the committee with some important dates, which can be found below.
Oct. 7th - 11th: Voter Education Week
Oct. 7th: Last Day to Register to Vote
Oct. 21st - Nov. 1st: Early Voting
Oct. 25th - Last Day to Apply to Vote-By-Mail
Nov. 5: Election Day
Bond Update
Mr. Hutton ended by showing the committee where the Spring ISD Bond Website can be found.
The website allows visitors to scroll by campus to see what projects Spring ISD is working on. He also mentioned the Education, Performance, and Instructional Center (EPIC), which can be used for training, choirs competitions, arena for 5,000, graduations, full serving kitchen, and more. This facility will be focused on educational performance and instruction. EPIC is set to open in 2027.
To learn more about the Spring ISD Bond, please visit the Bond Website found HERE.
Make Your Voice Heard! Talk to Your ACE Representative
Every campus in the district has at least one ACE representative elected by the staff to serve in an advisory role to the Superintendent. Central office representatives are also elected to serve, as well as community members who are appointed by the Superintendent to serve on the ACE as another integral voice.
Over the next month, your ACE representatives will share meeting highlights such as those found in this newsletter. Be on the lookout for updates to be shared at your next faculty meeting (campuses) and or staff special call-meeting (district office). If you want to ensure your views are heard, reach out to your ACE representative. Click HERE to learn who represents you.
2024-2025 ACE Meeting Dates
Contact your representative and look for updates on key district decisions over the coming months.
The next ACE meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 30th @ 5:00 p.m.