Saint Exclusive
Volume III September 16, 2024

Mr. Mayen's Message
Greetings, San Dimas High School Community!
As we enter the 3rd week of September and our 5th week of school, I want to take a moment to recognize some important observances this month. September is Suicide Awareness Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and Attendance Awareness Month, all of which are critical to the well-being, cultural appreciation, and academic success of our students.
1. Please keep in mind our ongoing efforts to achieve 96% attendance throughout the year yes! we have increased our goal by 1% because I believe in our capacity to meet this lofty goal. Every day counts students, and your presence plays a significant role in your success and the success of our school community.
2. Parents- If you haven't done so already, remember to submit the Education Benefit Form—this small task makes a big difference by ensuring we receive essential Title 1 funding for programs, materials, and personnel that benefit our students. Click here to access the form.
3. In recognition of Suicide Awareness Month, we encourage everyone to stay connected and check in with friends, family, and classmates. Mental health is vital, and our school community is here to provide support. If you or someone you know needs help, don't hesitate to reach out to our counseling team or a trusted adult on campus.
4. We’re also proud to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! During this time, we honor the rich history, diverse cultures, and significant contributions of the Hispanic and Latinx communities. September 15 is the Independence Day for five (5) Central America countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. This commemorates the start of the Mexican War for independence, which led to the independence of these countries from Spanish colonization in 1821. September 16 is Mexican Independence Day. National Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15 to October 15. President Lyndon B. Johnson started the observance as Hispanic Heritage week in 1968 and President Ronald Reagan expanded it to a 30-day period in 1988.
Parents/guardians: we need your help to serve on our Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), School Site Council (SSC) and English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) groups.
- Please contact Jacqueline Ford for PTSA jfordj@gmail.com
- Please contact Mr. Mayen for SSC mayen@bonita.k12.ca.us
- Please contact Mr. Ravelo for ELAC ravelo@bonita.k12.ca.us
1. Our first SSC meeting is on Tuesday September 17th @ 3:45pm on zoom.
2. Our first ELAC meeting is on Thursday September 19th @ 6:00pm on zoom.
3. We will be holding a Title 1 parent information meeting on Wednesday September 18, 2024 on zoom. Please click here for the zoom invite. Meeting ID: 720 1673 9299 - Passcode: 8bWpXH
As always, let’s continue to embrace our theme for the year, "The Future Looks Bright!" and our motto, "Excel Through Continuous Growth." Together, we’re building a bright future for every student at SDHS.
Have a wonderful week ahead!
Go Saints!
School and Academic Events
Tuesday 17 - Collaboration Day ( Release at 2:25 pm)
Eat at Yogurtland
Wednesday 18 - Club Rush
Dine Out at Panda Express
Thursday 19 - English Learners Advisory Committee Meeting 6 pm
Wednesday 25 - Make Up School Photo Day
Field Trip Class of 2025-26
Field Trip Culinary Arts
Thursday 26 - Kona Ice on Campus - 5th and Lunch
Friday 27 - Fall Academic Celebration - 5th and Lunch
Field Trip Choir
Boys Waterpolo
Wed. 18 - VAR/JV Home
Thu. 19 - VAR/JV Away
Fri. 20 - JV Away
Sat. 21 - JV Away
Fri. 27 - VAR Away
Sat. 28 - VAR Away
Cross Country
Flag Football
Mon. 23 - Away
Tue. 24 - Away
Thu. 19 - JV Home | F Away
Fri. 20 - VAR Away
Thu. 26 - JV Home | F Away
Fri. 27 - VAR Away
Girls Tennis
Tue. 17 - VAR Away
Thu. 19 - VAR Home | JV Away
Mon. 23 - VAR/JV Home
Tue. 24 - VAR Away
Thu. 26 - VAR/JV Away
Girls Volleyball
Fri. 20 - VR /JV/F Home
Sat. 21 - F Away
Wed. 25 - VAR/JV/F HomeThu. 26 - JV/F Away
Fri. 27 - VAR Away
Sat. 28 - VAR Away
You must be cleared on Athleticclearance.com and have a physical on file dated after May 1st, 2024 and signed and stamped by an MD, DO, NP or PA only. This is for tryouts, practice and regular season.
For more info about athletic clearance, go HERE
Fall Season Coach List
Cross Country Coach Mundo emundo0418@msn.com
Flag Football Coach Jaime tikiusc@gmail.com
Football Coach Holman m.holman@bonita.12.ca.us
Girls Tennis Coach Al alnoel5@gmail.com
Girls Volleyball Coach Hanson h.hanson@bonita.12.ca.us
Boys Water Polo Coach Feola d.feola@bonita.k12.ca.us
WIFI - Bring Your Own Device
If you are on your device and need to access the wi-fi you need to be sure to use the BYOD option.